Monthly Archives: February 2016

And so it begins…

Greetings! The following blog entry is my first, in what is to be expected, a great many more. Let us get started…
This week has consisted mainly of getting all the details done before the Alpha testing of our game project. The working title of the game is ”Desolate Echo” and it is adapted from the concept ”Colossus Core”. As my role in the group is Lead QA, there hasn’t been that many chances for me to take on my role yet. So until […]

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Program: Graphics

And so it begins…

Greetings! The following blog entry is my first, in what is to be expected, a great many more. Let us get started…
This week has consisted mainly of getting all the details done before the Alpha testing of our game project. The working title of the game is ”Desolate Echo” and it is adapted from the concept ”Colossus Core”. As my role in the group is Lead QA, there hasn’t been that many chances for me to take on my role yet. So until […]

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Program: Graphics

First GameDesign Blog Post

I have just finished doing a projectile to the player, in our case the giraffe. The projectile fires from the antlers of the giraff and works almost perfectly of what I estimated it would be, and look like.
After I was done with that I started doing a power-up which was kind of hard to do when it comes to my programming experience. I started by doing pick up files because we needed something to control everything that you can pick […]

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Program: Programming

First GameDesign Blog Post

I have just finished doing a projectile to the player, in our case the giraffe. The projectile fires from the antlers of the giraff and works almost perfectly of what I estimated it would be, and look like.
After I was done with that I started doing a power-up which was kind of hard to do when it comes to my programming experience. I started by doing pick up files because we needed something to control everything that you can pick […]

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Program: Programming

Desolate Echo – Week 3

This week I’ve been working on some art and animation for our game, Desolate Echo (subject to change). We’re going to have a giant crystal-encrusted, spider-like boss that can perform various types of attacks, the most common being swipes and stabs with its front legs.
One of the artifacts that I’ve been working on this week is an animation for one of the stabs. So far it looks like this:

This is the “praparation-for-attack” animation that will give the player some time […]

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Program: Graphics

Desolate Echo – Week 3

This week I’ve been working on some art and animation for our game, Desolate Echo (subject to change). We’re going to have a giant crystal-encrusted, spider-like boss that can perform various types of attacks, the most common being swipes and stabs with its front legs.
One of the artifacts that I’ve been working on this week is an animation for one of the stabs. So far it looks like this:

This is the “praparation-for-attack” animation that will give the player some time […]

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Program: Graphics

Moving in circles

If you want to move around a 2D planet while still being able to loop around, you have a few options. You could have the ground be flat like any other 2D game and loop one edge to the other, having your characters move just like any other 2D game. Or you could make the ground an actual circle and make your characters orbit around it using basic trigonometrics. We (or, well, I) decided to do the latter.

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Program: Programming

Moving in circles

If you want to move around a 2D planet while still being able to loop around, you have a few options. You could have the ground be flat like any other 2D game and loop one edge to the other, having your characters move just like any other 2D game. Or you could make the ground an actual circle and make your characters orbit around it using basic trigonometrics. We (or, well, I) decided to do the latter.

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Program: Programming

Moving in circles

If you want to move around a 2D planet while still being able to loop around, you have a few options. You could have the ground be flat like any other 2D game and loop one edge to the other, having your characters move just like any other 2D game. Or you could make the ground an actual circle and make your characters orbit around it using basic trigonometrics. We (or, well, I) decided to do the latter.

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Program: Programming

Moving in circles

If you want to move around a 2D planet while still being able to loop around, you have a few options. You could have the ground be flat like any other 2D game and loop one edge to the other, having your characters move just like any other 2D game. Or you could make the ground an actual circle and make your characters orbit around it using basic trigonometrics. We (or, well, I) decided to do the latter.

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Program: Programming

Moving in circles

If you want to move around a 2D planet while still being able to loop around, you have a few options. You could have the ground be flat like any other 2D game and loop one edge to the other, having your characters move just like any other 2D game. Or you could make the ground an actual circle and make your characters orbit around it using basic trigonometrics. We (or, well, I) decided to do the latter.

The reasoning behind […]

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Program: Programming

Moving in circles

If you want to move around a 2D planet while still being able to loop around, you have a few options. You could have the ground be flat like any other 2D game and loop one edge to the other, having your characters move just like any other 2D game. Or you could make the ground an actual circle and make your characters orbit around it using basic trigonometrics. We (or, well, I) decided to do the latter.

The reasoning behind […]

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Program: Programming

Spelutveckling Blogg 1

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Program: Graphics

Spelutveckling Blogg 1

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Program: Graphics

Blogginlägg nr 1

Hittills den här veckan har jag jobbat med att få färdigt de sista prototyperna, ”turrets” och ”power-up EMP” dvs. Utöver det har jag även implementerat lite olika texturer här och där som grafikerna ändrat eller blivit klara med och justerat en del saker rent allmänt. I detta blogginlägget tänkte jag endast skriva om turrets:en dock.
När jag började och skulle koda turrets:en så hade jag gjort sen innan en klass som heter ”TurretSlot” så jag hade redan positionerna för var man skulle kunna […]

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Program: Programming

Blogginlägg nr 1

Hittills den här veckan har jag jobbat med att få färdigt de sista prototyperna, ”turrets” och ”power-up EMP” dvs. Utöver det har jag även implementerat lite olika texturer här och där som grafikerna ändrat eller blivit klara med och justerat en del saker rent allmänt. I detta blogginlägget tänkte jag endast skriva om turrets:en dock.
När jag började och skulle koda turrets:en så hade jag gjort sen innan en klass som heter ”TurretSlot” så jag hade redan positionerna för var man skulle kunna […]

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Program: Programming

Group 4 – Mermaid River Blog Post #1

Hello there!
I am Maximilian Bergström of Space Shooter game project Group 4. I am currently the group’s main animator. Our group is made up of three programmers and tree graphics designers.
As for the set up that we have going right now we have chosen to divide the graphics into the categories animation, lineart and coloring. We have decided to do things this way to make sure that everyone always have something to work on and to make sure that the […]

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Program: Graphics

Group 4 – Mermaid River Blog Post #1

Hello there!
I am Maximilian Bergström of Space Shooter game project Group 4. I am currently the group’s main animator. Our group is made up of three programmers and tree graphics designers.
As for the set up that we have going right now we have chosen to divide the graphics into the categories animation, lineart and coloring. We have decided to do things this way to make sure that everyone always have something to work on and to make sure that the […]

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Program: Graphics

Commander Victoria Brevitt

Det här med bloggande var tydligen helt min grej, ett inlägg på fyra månader! I will do better, oh great one…
Jag tillhör grupp 17; (long live the Anteater-Dragons!) Vi har, pecis som ett par andra grupper, valt att arbeta med konceptet för Planet Suburbia. Under vår första vecka tog jag djärvt på mig uppgiften att designa befälhavaren till vår tolkning av spelet: Commander Victoria Brevitt dyker upp som en av tre ospelbara karaktärer i spelet, hon står för en stor […]

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Program: Graphics

Commander Victoria Brevitt

Det här med bloggande var tydligen helt min grej, ett inlägg på fyra månader! I will do better, oh great one…
Jag tillhör grupp 17; (long live the Anteater-Dragons!) Vi har, pecis som ett par andra grupper, valt att arbeta med konceptet för Planet Suburbia. Under vår första vecka tog jag djärvt på mig uppgiften att designa befälhavaren till vår tolkning av spelet: Commander Victoria Brevitt dyker upp som en av tre ospelbara karaktärer i spelet, hon står för en stor […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog week 1 – Asteroid animations

My name is Malin Runsten Fredriksson and I’m currently working on a 2D space shooter project called ”Space Giraffa”. To summarize the game; it’s about a giraffe called ”Giraffa” who is kidnapped by aliens along with its family to outer space and is heavily experimented on. Luckily she manages to escape and flies towards the enormous army of aliens to find her missing family members. The game is an auto-sidescroller with enemies and obstacles coming in from the right side […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog week 1 – Asteroid animations

My name is Malin Runsten Fredriksson and I’m currently working on a 2D space shooter project called ”Space Giraffa”. To summarize the game; it’s about a giraffe called ”Giraffa” who is kidnapped by aliens along with its family to outer space and is heavily experimented on. Luckily she manages to escape and flies towards the enormous army of aliens to find her missing family members. The game is an auto-sidescroller with enemies and obstacles coming in from the right side […]

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Program: Graphics

Spelutveckling Vecka 3

Föregående vecka påbörjade jag att skissa på sprites till huvudkaraktären, en där han springer och en där han simmar. Jag påbörjade även att färglägga/sätta ut ett färgschema för att få en helhet på karaktären. Jag blev dock ombedd av vår Lead Artist att vänta med att färgläggningen då han skulle rita upp en style guide och vilken färg pallett spelets bakgrund skulle ha. Genom den kan man sedan se vilka färger som är mest lämpliga att välja för huvudkaraktären, som […]

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Program: Graphics

Spelutveckling Vecka 3

Föregående vecka påbörjade jag att skissa på sprites till huvudkaraktären, en där han springer och en där han simmar. Jag påbörjade även att färglägga/sätta ut ett färgschema för att få en helhet på karaktären. Jag blev dock ombedd av vår Lead Artist att vänta med att färgläggningen då han skulle rita upp en style guide och vilken färg pallett spelets bakgrund skulle ha. Genom den kan man sedan se vilka färger som är mest lämpliga att välja för huvudkaraktären, som […]

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Program: Graphics