Daily Archives: February 25, 2016

5SD033 Screenclearing and EMP effect

This week, one of my assignments was to create an EMP effect, to give our game a Smartbomb variant (as can be found described in this book, https://books.google.se/books?id=UT5jAwAAQBAJ&lpg=PA384&ots=Jxfj-f8x9K&dq=Smartbomb%20game%20powerup&pg=PR1#v=onepage&q=Smartbomb%20game%20powerup&f=false) . The effect would not only need to clear the entire game screen of enemies, but also have a negative effect, that of disabling all turrets on the game’s planet. This was done to have a power up that would give the player breathing room, but not be used lightly […]

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Program: Programming

5SD033 Screenclearing and EMP effect

This week, one of my assignments was to create an EMP effect, to give our game a Smartbomb variant (as can be found described in this book, https://books.google.se/books?id=UT5jAwAAQBAJ&lpg=PA384&ots=Jxfj-f8x9K&dq=Smartbomb%20game%20powerup&pg=PR1#v=onepage&q=Smartbomb%20game%20powerup&f=false) . The effect would not only need to clear the entire game screen of enemies, but also have a negative effect, that of disabling all turrets on the game’s planet. This was done to have a power up that would give the player breathing room, but not be used lightly […]

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Program: Programming


Eftersom vi grafiker inte har så mycket att göra, mer än att finputsa på allt och vänta på att våra programmerare tar in dem i spelet, så har jag arbetat med ett hinder vi pratade om nån gång som vi skulle ta in ifall vi hade tid. Då vårt spel utspelar sig i rymden kommer det ju vara massa asteroider och sånt som flyger omkring, men vi tänkte också att det kunde vara kul med en gigantiskt sådan som man […]

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Program: Graphics


Eftersom vi grafiker inte har så mycket att göra, mer än att finputsa på allt och vänta på att våra programmerare tar in dem i spelet, så har jag arbetat med ett hinder vi pratade om nån gång som vi skulle ta in ifall vi hade tid. Då vårt spel utspelar sig i rymden kommer det ju vara massa asteroider och sånt som flyger omkring, men vi tänkte också att det kunde vara kul med en gigantiskt sådan som man […]

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Program: Graphics

Creating a multifunctional minimap

I am back once again with another week of game development! This week I would like to show you the mini-map I created for our game.
Firstly I started to concept some simple ideas and most of the concepts were taken from real world objects such as compasses, weather vanes and more. Unfortunately I have no concept images to show as they were never saved. My mistake. It also needed gameplay functionality.
Important things the minimap needs to do for the player […]

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Program: Graphics

Creating a multifunctional minimap

I am back once again with another week of game development! This week I would like to show you the mini-map I created for our game.
Firstly I started to concept some simple ideas and most of the concepts were taken from real world objects such as compasses, weather vanes and more. Unfortunately I have no concept images to show as they were never saved. My mistake. It also needed gameplay functionality.
Important things the minimap needs to do for the player […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog 3 Torsdag 25/2

Blog 3
Options menu
David Isaksson Grp 9.
This week has been one of screens and explosions, i have made explosions for about 13 hours, but since i have only been covering explosions in my other blog posts, i thought it would be a change of pace to show something new.
So therefore this week i have been working on our options screen which will be found under the main menu screen.
The options menu will allow the player to manage sound settings and the controls.
Under […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog 3 Torsdag 25/2

Blog 3
Options menu
David Isaksson Grp 9.
This week has been one of screens and explosions, i have made explosions for about 13 hours, but since i have only been covering explosions in my other blog posts, i thought it would be a change of pace to show something new.
So therefore this week i have been working on our options screen which will be found under the main menu screen.
The options menu will allow the player to manage sound settings and the controls.
Under […]

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Program: Graphics

Game Design Post #3

What I did last week was the power up fire projectile, and how it worked. This was not that well explained.The collision between the player and the power up was done, the thing I needed to do was to set it to be activated, else it would not do any function. So I set an statement in the collision check of the playerpower up and made and activation variable. So when I collide it will set to be activated and […]

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Program: Programming

Game Design Post #3

What I did last week was the power up fire projectile, and how it worked. This was not that well explained.The collision between the player and the power up was done, the thing I needed to do was to set it to be activated, else it would not do any function. So I set an statement in the collision check of the playerpower up and made and activation variable. So when I collide it will set to be activated and […]

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Program: Programming

Power Up Animations

This week I have been working on the animations for our game Trowl. We have three different power ups and we have chosen to animate them. I have learned that making things pop out from the environment and make them actually look like power ups is crucial for the player and the game.
I have been working in photoshop with the “frame animation” function. This allows me to animate the icon I have worked on previously. The animation itself works by […]

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Program: Graphics

Power Up Animations

This week I have been working on the animations for our game Trowl. We have three different power ups and we have chosen to animate them. I have learned that making things pop out from the environment and make them actually look like power ups is crucial for the player and the game.
I have been working in photoshop with the “frame animation” function. This allows me to animate the icon I have worked on previously. The animation itself works by […]

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Program: Graphics

Vecka fem: Power-up shield

Denna veckas artefakt har varit våran power up shield. Skölden är en utav de tre power ups som finns i vårt spel Space Giraffa. Skölden fungerar som en stjärna i spelet mario world, man plockar upp den och tar ingen skada ifrån fiender eller deras projektiler.
Jag började det hela med att skapa klassen PowerupShield, vars objekt spelaren ser och kan plocka upp i spelet. Det enda dessa objekt behöver är en x och y position, hastighet i X led, en […]

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Program: Programming

Vecka fem: Power-up shield

Denna veckas artefakt har varit våran power up shield. Skölden är en utav de tre power ups som finns i vårt spel Space Giraffa. Skölden fungerar som en stjärna i spelet mario world, man plockar upp den och tar ingen skada ifrån fiender eller deras projektiler.
Jag började det hela med att skapa klassen PowerupShield, vars objekt spelaren ser och kan plocka upp i spelet. Det enda dessa objekt behöver är en x och y position, hastighet i X led, en […]

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Program: Programming