Daily Archives: February 18, 2016

Programming our Heads up display
I began our fifth week by fixing a few problems I had with my missile movement by taking the values from inside the window so now they work properly.
I had an exciting task ahead of me this week I had to program our Heads up display and what my group wanted was something different from what you would normally see in a game. Where in games you have numbers and health bars everywhere but not to different and it ended […]

Programming our Heads up display
I began our fifth week by fixing a few problems I had with my missile movement by taking the values from inside the window so now they work properly.
I had an exciting task ahead of me this week I had to program our Heads up display and what my group wanted was something different from what you would normally see in a game. Where in games you have numbers and health bars everywhere but not to different and it ended […]

Week 2 (The sprites for the fighter plane are completed)
Hello! My name is Martin Månsson, the sound director for the game ”Potato Pirates” who is helping out with the graphics for the time being. I can report that all of the animations for the fighter plane I talked about last week are done. But it was somewhat challenging, to the point that I had to stay up all night to complete the rest of the sprites. The animations that were left to do for the fighter plane this week were the […]

Week 2 (The sprites for the fighter plane are completed)
Hello! My name is Martin Månsson, the sound director for the game ”Potato Pirates” who is helping out with the graphics for the time being. I can report that all of the animations for the fighter plane I talked about last week are done. But it was somewhat challenging, to the point that I had to stay up all night to complete the rest of the sprites. The animations that were left to do for the fighter plane this week were the […]
Group 4 – Mermaid River Blog Post #2
Hello again!
So moving along from last week’s post, have an updated Skip Swimming Animation!
Here’s some additional images for this week’s post:
Following the standard that we have set up for ourselves, as expected we are making sure that every thing looks like it belongs with the others!
As I was working with the animations the others were creating some other stuff in the meantime and as soon as I was done with an animation […]
Group 4 – Mermaid River Blog Post #2
Hello again!
So moving along from last week’s post, have an updated Skip Swimming Animation!
Here’s some additional images for this week’s post:
Following the standard that we have set up for ourselves, as expected we are making sure that every thing looks like it belongs with the others!
As I was working with the animations the others were creating some other stuff in the meantime and as soon as I was done with an animation […]

Blog Week 2: Avatar fire-animation
This week, one of the things that I have worked on is the fire-animation for our avatar from Flight of the Giraffa. I’m not very comfortable with animation so taking on this task was interesting. Animating is new unexplored ground for me, I’ve done some small sprite animations but haven’t really got the hang of it.
Animating in photoshop using high-resolution pictures isn’t very easy either. Much more complicated than using programs like adobe flash. You have to use separate layers […]

Blog Week 2: Avatar fire-animation
This week, one of the things that I have worked on is the fire-animation for our avatar from Flight of the Giraffa. I’m not very comfortable with animation so taking on this task was interesting. Animating is new unexplored ground for me, I’ve done some small sprite animations but haven’t really got the hang of it.
Animating in photoshop using high-resolution pictures isn’t very easy either. Much more complicated than using programs like adobe flash. You have to use separate layers […]

Continued work on the GUI and HUD
This is the week of the alpha, which also means the week of small fixes on everything from enemy projectiles to the background and while this takes up a lot of time I did continue my work on the GUI and even started working more on the HUD. I used the work I did the previos week with the menu concept regarding papers, love letters and things like that. Due to the fact that we are currently deciding what kind […]

Continued work on the GUI and HUD
This is the week of the alpha, which also means the week of small fixes on everything from enemy projectiles to the background and while this takes up a lot of time I did continue my work on the GUI and even started working more on the HUD. I used the work I did the previos week with the menu concept regarding papers, love letters and things like that. Due to the fact that we are currently deciding what kind […]

Blog 2 18/2
Inför Alpha presentationen
Tim Rojo, Grupp 5
Denna vecka har jag jobbat med det det mesta efter som vi hade mycket som behövde programmeras inför alpha presentationen på fredag. Men den mesta tiden har jag själv spenderat på att göra kollisioner mellan våra olika gameobjects i spelet. Jag fick ett tips från en av kommentarerna på min förra bloggpost om en guide på youtube för programmering i SFML som jag fann väldig hjälpsam när jag arbetade med kollisionerna i spelet. Den visade […]

Blog 2 18/2
Inför Alpha presentationen
Tim Rojo, Grupp 5
Denna vecka har jag jobbat med det det mesta efter som vi hade mycket som behövde programmeras inför alpha presentationen på fredag. Men den mesta tiden har jag själv spenderat på att göra kollisioner mellan våra olika gameobjects i spelet. Jag fick ett tips från en av kommentarerna på min förra bloggpost om en guide på youtube för programmering i SFML som jag fann väldig hjälpsam när jag arbetade med kollisionerna i spelet. Den visade […]

vecka 4 – Potatopirates
Hallå där!
Eftersom jag glömde presentera mig och berätta vilket spel vi utvecklar på förra inlägget så tänkte jag skriva några rader om det nu. Jag heter Ricardo Aranda och är lead artist för grupp 18. Vi sitter just nu och utvecklar en space shooter som heter Potatopirates of the prohibition. Där får du som spelare styra ett flygplan som är lastad med potatis som du ska smuggla till olika städer i USA. Problemet är att polisen är efter dig och […]

vecka 4 – Potatopirates
Hallå där!
Eftersom jag glömde presentera mig och berätta vilket spel vi utvecklar på förra inlägget så tänkte jag skriva några rader om det nu. Jag heter Ricardo Aranda och är lead artist för grupp 18. Vi sitter just nu och utvecklar en space shooter som heter Potatopirates of the prohibition. Där får du som spelare styra ett flygplan som är lastad med potatis som du ska smuggla till olika städer i USA. Problemet är att polisen är efter dig och […]

PowerUps And Hud continuation
In my last blog post i talked about when i worked on the Stressmeter in our game. which i now have succesfully completed. With the help of my fellow programmers we got it to work using
hud->getSprite(0)->setScale(player->getStress() / 2.18, 1.02f);
This code does so that the width of the the red square that i made in paint is changed to be represent the amount of stress you currently have if it is maxed out you lose, and this red sqaure is fitted […]

PowerUps And Hud continuation
In my last blog post i talked about when i worked on the Stressmeter in our game. which i now have succesfully completed. With the help of my fellow programmers we got it to work using
hud->getSprite(0)->setScale(player->getStress() / 2.18, 1.02f);
This code does so that the width of the the red square that i made in paint is changed to be represent the amount of stress you currently have if it is maxed out you lose, and this red sqaure is fitted […]

Blog week 2 – Alot
So this last week has been really busy with programming, especially this thursday. Everything that should have been done for the alpha has been done, and not only that. All the code has been improved, I myself has learned the SFML library better, and now its a bit more object oriented in the code so its not just a big cluster of code.
However, the most interesting thing I’ve done this week is probably the diffrent arrays of each entity, so i […]

Blog week 2 – Alot
So this last week has been really busy with programming, especially this thursday. Everything that should have been done for the alpha has been done, and not only that. All the code has been improved, I myself has learned the SFML library better, and now its a bit more object oriented in the code so its not just a big cluster of code.
However, the most interesting thing I’ve done this week is probably the diffrent arrays of each entity, so i […]

Vecka fyra: Level layout
Denna vecka har jag jobbat på vårt spel Level layout. Den är långt ifrån optimal men det funkar iallafall.
Det första jag gjorde var att skappa en sf::texture samt en sf::sprite så att jag kunde lägga in själva bilden för bakgrunden, detta är ingen smart idé egentligen. En stor bild kräver mer plats och gör så att allt går långsammare. Det vore smartare och bättre om jag hade delat bilden i mindre delar. På så sätt hade jag även kunnat göra så […]

Vecka fyra: Level layout
Denna vecka har jag jobbat på vårt spel Level layout. Den är långt ifrån optimal men det funkar iallafall.
Det första jag gjorde var att skappa en sf::texture samt en sf::sprite så att jag kunde lägga in själva bilden för bakgrunden, detta är ingen smart idé egentligen. En stor bild kräver mer plats och gör så att allt går långsammare. Det vore smartare och bättre om jag hade delat bilden i mindre delar. På så sätt hade jag även kunnat göra så […]

Falcon Animation
Hi guys!
So this week has been a really unproductive one for me. Mainly due to personal reasons but also due to some really bad planning and prioritizing. My tasks this week was to animate four different assets. Unfortunately, I have only finished one assets animation and started on another one.
In this post I will talk about the one I have started, but not finished. This is the falcon. The falcon is an enemy which enters the screen from the left, flies […]

Falcon Animation
Hi guys!
So this week has been a really unproductive one for me. Mainly due to personal reasons but also due to some really bad planning and prioritizing. My tasks this week was to animate four different assets. Unfortunately, I have only finished one assets animation and started on another one.
In this post I will talk about the one I have started, but not finished. This is the falcon. The falcon is an enemy which enters the screen from the left, flies […]
Aimbotting for turrets
It’s pretty hard to defend a planet if you’re alone. I mean, you’re just this tiny guy on this huge planet and aliens are attacking from all over the place. You simply won’t be able to defend the entire planet at once. The solution? Turrets!
These wasn’t that hard to implement since we’re placing the turret at the players position that we’ve already calculated and reuse the aiming and shooting code that we have for the player! But alright, let’s […]
Aimbotting for turrets
It’s pretty hard to defend a planet if you’re alone. I mean, you’re just this tiny guy on this huge planet and aliens are attacking from all over the place. You simply won’t be able to defend the entire planet at once. The solution? Turrets!
These wasn’t that hard to implement since we’re placing the turret at the players position that we’ve already calculated and reuse the aiming and shooting code that we have for the player! But alright, let’s […]