Daily Archives: February 11, 2016

Basic “Coin Collection”

So, we got tasked to make blog posts during our course and since I’ve never made a propper blog post before here goes nothing.
I’m going to be honest and say that I haven’t gotten much done this week due to the fact that I’ve been laying in bed with a fever, however this doesn’t mean I haven’t gotten something done.
The artefact I’ve created and decided to write about this week is what I’d like to call “Basic Coin Collection”, a […]

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Program: Programming

Basic “Coin Collection”

So, we got tasked to make blog posts during our course and since I’ve never made a propper blog post before here goes nothing.
I’m going to be honest and say that I haven’t gotten much done this week due to the fact that I’ve been laying in bed with a fever, however this doesn’t mean I haven’t gotten something done.
The artefact I’ve created and decided to write about this week is what I’d like to call “Basic Coin Collection”, a […]

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Program: Programming

Itsy Bitsy Spider

Our current assignment is to create a game based on another group’s concept, in our case we are working on Colussus Core, originally put together by Group 15.
This particular week I’ve been working on animation of enemies (of which a still can be seen at the top of this post.) Seeing how animation is really not my forte and I haven’t actually worked with it in depth for years, it was, or perhaps I should say is since I have yet to […]

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Program: Graphics

Itsy Bitsy Spider

Our current assignment is to create a game based on another group’s concept, in our case we are working on Colussus Core, originally put together by Group 15.
This particular week I’ve been working on animation of enemies (of which a still can be seen at the top of this post.) Seeing how animation is really not my forte and I haven’t actually worked with it in depth for years, it was, or perhaps I should say is since I have yet to […]

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Program: Graphics

Love2D Lighting Demo

This week I have worked on a playable demo of our game as to test efficient and good looking methods for lighting in out game. The demo is written by me ground up in the Love2D framework. I chose Love2D because of how many of the modules it shared with SFML and the similarities of the features provided in the framework.
The first problem I wanted to solve was “how can we make lighting without mask shaders” as I have had […]

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Program: Graphics

Love2D Lighting Demo

This week I have worked on a playable demo of our game as to test efficient and good looking methods for lighting in out game. The demo is written by me ground up in the Love2D framework. I chose Love2D because of how many of the modules it shared with SFML and the similarities of the features provided in the framework.
The first problem I wanted to solve was “how can we make lighting without mask shaders” as I have had […]

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Program: Graphics

First Post!

Gustav here, with my first post about the Potato Pirates project!
I’m part of team 7 and we’re studying game design, first year, on Gotland. We are currently doing a game called Potato Pirates, a topdown spaceshooter about smuggling potatoes!
Early in the making of our game, we felt like we needed a clear visual representation of when you lose or “game over”, if you will. The alpha needs only the bare essential visuals and we felt that the death animation of […]

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Program: Graphics

First Post!

Gustav here, with my first post about the Potato Pirates project!
I’m part of team 7 and we’re studying game design, first year, on Gotland. We are currently doing a game called Potato Pirates, a topdown spaceshooter about smuggling potatoes!
Early in the making of our game, we felt like we needed a clear visual representation of when you lose or “game over”, if you will. The alpha needs only the bare essential visuals and we felt that the death animation of […]

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Program: Graphics

Geneva Lost Weekly Reflection – Week 6, 2016

Artifact: Camera
In our game we wanted the camera to be more than just a static viewport. For us, the camera is an important element to convey information to the player.
Firstly, we wanted the camera to gravitate towards the reticle, giving more vision towards the direction you’re looking at. This in itself is simple enough to implement. A simple mathematical formula for the camera position would be
a + b × f
where a is the position of the player, b is the position of the […]

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Program: Programming

Geneva Lost Weekly Reflection – Week 6, 2016

Artifact: Camera
In our game we wanted the camera to be more than just a static viewport. For us, the camera is an important element to convey information to the player.
Firstly, we wanted the camera to gravitate towards the reticle, giving more vision towards the direction you’re looking at. This in itself is simple enough to implement. A simple mathematical formula for the camera position would be
a + b × f
where a is the position of the player, b is the position of the […]

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Program: Programming

Week 1 – Running Animation

My chosen artifact for this week is the earth enemy animation idle. Our art style which we chose for the game was pixel art so I knew I was going to have a problem or two. Our game is a top-view autoscroller where you meet a countless number of enemies until you arrive at the end, and finally, face the boss. We have three different types of enemies which we have to make for each level, but for the Alpha, […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 1 – Running Animation

My chosen artifact for this week is the earth enemy animation idle. Our art style which we chose for the game was pixel art so I knew I was going to have a problem or two. Our game is a top-view autoscroller where you meet a countless number of enemies until you arrive at the end, and finally, face the boss. We have three different types of enemies which we have to make for each level, but for the Alpha, […]

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Program: Graphics

Vecka 3 – Projektil

Den här veckan har jag fokuserat mestadels av min tid på att få projektilen till spelet att fungera korrekt, det är dock några saker som fortfarande måste poleras upp, den har just ingen riktig bild utan en temporär som syns på bilden längst ner. Projektilen skall ritas ut och skjutas iväg framför spelarens avatar när denne trycker på en knapp, just nu har vi satt det till musknapp ett.
När projektilen skjuts iväg så ska den gå i den bana mot […]

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Program: Programming

Vecka 3 – Projektil

Den här veckan har jag fokuserat mestadels av min tid på att få projektilen till spelet att fungera korrekt, det är dock några saker som fortfarande måste poleras upp, den har just ingen riktig bild utan en temporär som syns på bilden längst ner. Projektilen skall ritas ut och skjutas iväg framför spelarens avatar när denne trycker på en knapp, just nu har vi satt det till musknapp ett.
När projektilen skjuts iväg så ska den gå i den bana mot […]

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Program: Programming


Hej jag heter Linus Bjernhagen och är från grupp 17.
Spelet som vår grupp skapar heter Planet Suburbia. I spelet skjuter man på utomjordingar som vill ta sig till jorden. Man kan förflytta sig runt jorden igenom fyra olika sektorer.
På måndagen så programmerade jag så att fienderna kommer i ett antal olika ‘waves’. Det gör att alla fienderna inte kommer på en gång, och då kan spelaren ta en kort paus i spelandet så det inte blir för hektiskt. När en […]

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Program: Programming


Hej jag heter Linus Bjernhagen och är från grupp 17.
Spelet som vår grupp skapar heter Planet Suburbia. I spelet skjuter man på utomjordingar som vill ta sig till jorden. Man kan förflytta sig runt jorden igenom fyra olika sektorer.
På måndagen så programmerade jag så att fienderna kommer i ett antal olika ‘waves’. Det gör att alla fienderna inte kommer på en gång, och då kan spelaren ta en kort paus i spelandet så det inte blir för hektiskt. När en […]

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Program: Programming

First post

The artifact that i have focused on this week is the AnimatedTexture. This artifact is a class that makes it possible to add an animation to an object instead of just a static image. Animated images is something that will be used heavily in the game and this is how i did it.
When creating an AnimatedTexture I pass one argument which is the image file location to the constructor. Then I call the AddFrame function in the created AnimatedTexture and […]

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Program: Programming

First post

The artifact that i have focused on this week is the AnimatedTexture. This artifact is a class that makes it possible to add an animation to an object instead of just a static image. Animated images is something that will be used heavily in the game and this is how i did it.
When creating an AnimatedTexture I pass one argument which is the image file location to the constructor. Then I call the AddFrame function in the created AnimatedTexture and […]

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Program: Programming

Week one first post

Hi, my name is Måns Möller. I’m a first year student at campus Gotland, studying game design graphics, and this is my blog, dedicated to following and documenting some of the process of creating the game that me and my team are working on. The game is based on a design document created by another team during a previous course last year who named this game: Mermaid river.
This week I’ve been working on a few of the enemies for the […]

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Program: Graphics

Week one first post

Hi, my name is Måns Möller. I’m a first year student at campus Gotland, studying game design graphics, and this is my blog, dedicated to following and documenting some of the process of creating the game that me and my team are working on. The game is based on a design document created by another team during a previous course last year who named this game: Mermaid river.
This week I’ve been working on a few of the enemies for the […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog week #1

Herro! My name is Lukas Graff and I’m a 22 year old guy who studies Game design and graphics at Uppsala University – Campus Gotland. As a part of this course we are supposed to write a weekly post where we talk about our progress covering one artifact we’ve been working on during the week.
My project group is working on a concept called ”Mermaid River”, which is a 2D side scrolling space shooter.
Mermaid River is a game where you play […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog week #1

Herro! My name is Lukas Graff and I’m a 22 year old guy who studies Game design and graphics at Uppsala University – Campus Gotland. As a part of this course we are supposed to write a weekly post where we talk about our progress covering one artifact we’ve been working on during the week.
My project group is working on a concept called ”Mermaid River”, which is a 2D side scrolling space shooter.
Mermaid River is a game where you play […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog week 1 – Damage animation

This is an animation for our game Trowl, a game that is about an owlmother who has built a nest on a train that one day starts rushing. With all of her children scattered around the train, she quickly has to start trying to find them. On the way, everything from predatory birds to dangers in her environment will try to make life harder for her.
Two of the obstacles she’ll have to face are thunderclouds on the top of the […]

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Program: Graphics

Blog week 1 – Damage animation

This is an animation for our game Trowl, a game that is about an owlmother who has built a nest on a train that one day starts rushing. With all of her children scattered around the train, she quickly has to start trying to find them. On the way, everything from predatory birds to dangers in her environment will try to make life harder for her.
Two of the obstacles she’ll have to face are thunderclouds on the top of the […]

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Program: Graphics