Yearly Archives: 2015

It’s actually fine

Good news. We have a game after all.
We finally managed to get help on drawing our 3d models as well as our 2d models. With this done we were able to create working HUD and draw 3d objects on the screen. Tomorrow we will use this to create actual 3d models to assign to the existing game objects and make sure the game logic works properly and we’ll be all done.
As it turns out, there were several issues with our […]

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Program: Programming

It’s actually fine

Good news. We have a game after all.
We finally managed to get help on drawing our 3d models as well as our 2d models. With this done we were able to create working HUD and draw 3d objects on the screen. Tomorrow we will use this to create actual 3d models to assign to the existing game objects and make sure the game logic works properly and we’ll be all done.
As it turns out, there were several issues with our […]

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Program: Programming

Week 6 – Bomberman level

In this week of Game Programming 1 we started working on our map for our bomberman level. The original bomberman level is built up by three different types of blocks, solid blocks, background blocks and breakable blocks. So we decided to create a class for each one of these blocks. To more easily edit the level, we wanted to load in the level from a txt file. We had alot of problems with getting this to work, but by looking […]

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Program: Programming

Week 6 – Bomberman level

In this week of Game Programming 1 we started working on our map for our bomberman level. The original bomberman level is built up by three different types of blocks, solid blocks, background blocks and breakable blocks. So we decided to create a class for each one of these blocks. To more easily edit the level, we wanted to load in the level from a txt file. We had alot of problems with getting this to work, but by looking […]

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Program: Programming

Starting on My First Mod Pack – A Quick Post

Ok, so I have had plans for starting my modding “career” with GTA V when it launches later this January and I have already started to do some minor research on what I want to do. Well, I guess I’ll have to wait a bit longer since the game got pushed back to March 24 (instead of January 27).
I would have wanted to get the game before starting to design the models and what not, to get an understanding of […]

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Program: Graphics

Starting on My First Mod Pack – A Quick Post

Ok, so I have had plans for starting my modding “career” with GTA V when it launches later this January and I have already started to do some minor research on what I want to do. Well, I guess I’ll have to wait a bit longer since the game got pushed back to March 24 (instead of January 27).
I would have wanted to get the game before starting to design the models and what not, to get an understanding of […]

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Program: Graphics

Still More Dev Diary ~ Last Stand

Huff puff. Last night of work on our final assignment for Game Programming I. Spears were shaken, shields were splintered, a sore night, a red night, and the sun rises.

14/1 17:00-23:00
To do:

COMMENTING! ai in skeleton. -done

Made hearts drop “randomly” – rather than mess with srand and seeding, partner came up with the idea to have the hearts drop if the skeleton is killed while the player is on an even tile. If the skeleton is killed while the player is […]

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Program: Programming

Still More Dev Diary ~ Last Stand

Huff puff. Last night of work on our final assignment for Game Programming I. Spears were shaken, shields were splintered, a sore night, a red night, and the sun rises.

14/1 17:00-23:00
To do:

COMMENTING! ai in skeleton. -done

Made hearts drop “randomly” – rather than mess with srand and seeding, partner came up with the idea to have the hearts drop if the skeleton is killed while the player is on an even tile. If the skeleton is killed while the player is […]

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Program: Programming

Is it fine? Magic 8-ball doubtful.

Today we worked together as the entire group for the first time in several weeks. It felt good, too bad the time for the project is basically out and we still couldn’t solve the drawing issues.
Before lunch I pretty much finished as much of the project report i could write before having finished the project. In the afternoon when the rest of the group arrived we all started working on our individual parts of rendering, I worked on drawing out […]

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Program: Programming

Is it fine? Magic 8-ball doubtful.

Today we worked together as the entire group for the first time in several weeks. It felt good, too bad the time for the project is basically out and we still couldn’t solve the drawing issues.
Before lunch I pretty much finished as much of the project report i could write before having finished the project. In the afternoon when the rest of the group arrived we all started working on our individual parts of rendering, I worked on drawing out […]

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Program: Programming

Mario Clone Update 3

This week I’ve added enemies and powerups. I’ve also implemented animations for the enemies and the player. I have some bugs regarding how the animation changes when you hit an enemy or when you pick up a powerup, hpoefully i can fix it.
Next on my list of things to implement are states, a menustate and a deadstate.

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Program: Programming

Mario Clone Update 3

This week I’ve added enemies and powerups. I’ve also implemented animations for the enemies and the player. I have some bugs regarding how the animation changes when you hit an enemy or when you pick up a powerup, hpoefully i can fix it.
Next on my list of things to implement are states, a menustate and a deadstate.

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Program: Programming

Space Invaders – Making the enemies shoot

One of my task was to make the space invaders shot at the player. We used block code in the Arcanoid engine as our enemies and the ball code for the projectiles the player can shoot. I thought the code in the ball could be reused for the enemy’s projectile so I created Bullet.cpp and Bullet.h using largely the same structure as the Ball.cpp and Ball.h.
I then used the code in the GameState for making the ball (or projectile) follow […]

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Program: Programming

Space Invaders – Making the enemies shoot

One of my task was to make the space invaders shot at the player. We used block code in the Arcanoid engine as our enemies and the ball code for the projectiles the player can shoot. I thought the code in the ball could be reused for the enemy’s projectile so I created Bullet.cpp and Bullet.h using largely the same structure as the Ball.cpp and Ball.h.
I then used the code in the GameState for making the ball (or projectile) follow […]

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Program: Programming

Helping programmers

During the winter break, I didn’t get much drawing done. I did some small work on the assignment we were given, but didn’t finish it until I got back to the island. However, I did help some programmers with their art in the game they are making; to program a game is their final assignment. I was asked to draw two different blocks; one solid and one that could be destroyed, a background, two players, an enemy, a bomb and an explosion. […]

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Program: Graphics

Helping programmers

During the winter break, I didn’t get much drawing done. I did some small work on the assignment we were given, but didn’t finish it until I got back to the island. However, I did help some programmers with their art in the game they are making; to program a game is their final assignment. I was asked to draw two different blocks; one solid and one that could be destroyed, a background, two players, an enemy, a bomb and an explosion. […]

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Program: Graphics

Still More Dev Diary

13/1 18:00-22:00
Addressed an animation bug that was locking directional movement on a single frame (animations were being set to a null value if the player was standing still, in order to preserve the directional the player was last moving in. This was addressed by setting the last direction check after the player stops moving to a nonsense value. This prevents smooth animation (frame continues where it last left off if you stop moving) but also removes the movement bug.
Fixed sound […]

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Program: Programming

Still More Dev Diary

13/1 18:00-22:00
Addressed an animation bug that was locking directional movement on a single frame (animations were being set to a null value if the player was standing still, in order to preserve the directional the player was last moving in. This was addressed by setting the last direction check after the player stops moving to a nonsense value. This prevents smooth animation (frame continues where it last left off if you stop moving) but also removes the movement bug.
Fixed sound […]

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Program: Programming

Might as well make a post

I have been doing no programming worth mentioning since the last blog post as there isn’t that much to be done until we actually have something on the screen.
Instead i have been writing on my report during the days, it started slow but today i got started properly and wrote a couple of thousand words, mostly about the code i made. I hope it won’t be any mayor changes to it before the hand in so that any rewriting in […]

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Program: Programming

Might as well make a post

I have been doing no programming worth mentioning since the last blog post as there isn’t that much to be done until we actually have something on the screen.
Instead i have been writing on my report during the days, it started slow but today i got started properly and wrote a couple of thousand words, mostly about the code i made. I hope it won’t be any mayor changes to it before the hand in so that any rewriting in […]

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Program: Programming

The eight week of programming.

This is the week we started with our project for real. We got a sort of late start since both of us fell in sick at the beginning of this week. But now we’re working full time on our game.
I’ve so far added a few different classes such as Bomb, Bomberman, Wall, BrickWall and Fire. Meanwhile Emil has been working on a EntityManager.
There’s nothing special to be said about my code It’s pretty standard. I’m using our Fire class as […]

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Program: Programming

The eight week of programming.

This is the week we started with our project for real. We got a sort of late start since both of us fell in sick at the beginning of this week. But now we’re working full time on our game.
I’ve so far added a few different classes such as Bomb, Bomberman, Wall, BrickWall and Fire. Meanwhile Emil has been working on a EntityManager.
There’s nothing special to be said about my code It’s pretty standard. I’m using our Fire class as […]

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Program: Programming

The seventh week of programming.

Emil and I decided that we wouldn’t work on the project until we came back to Gotland from our ”Christmas break” so we didn’t work at all this or the coming week.

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Program: Programming

The seventh week of programming.

Emil and I decided that we wouldn’t work on the project until we came back to Gotland from our ”Christmas break” so we didn’t work at all this or the coming week.

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Program: Programming