Yearly Archives: 2015

Achievement unlocked!
The last couple of months I’ve been working on an achievement system. The goal is to sell the asset on the Unity store. There are already a few of them out there, but what we offer, we consider unique. But no development goes without a hitch and right now I’m in the middle of the biggest one. Ok, that’s a lie, it’s a big structural change in the code, that’s all, but biggest hitch sounds better 😛 .
The system itself […]

Achievement unlocked!
The last couple of months I’ve been working on an achievement system. The goal is to sell the asset on the Unity store. There are already a few of them out there, but what we offer, we consider unique. But no development goes without a hitch and right now I’m in the middle of the biggest one. Ok, that’s a lie, it’s a big structural change in the code, that’s all, but biggest hitch sounds better 😛 .
The system itself […]

Spelprog v.3-4
Vi har jobbat en hel del med kamera och textureringar.
Först om kameran. Det man kan göra med kameran nu är att gå fram och bak och åt sidorna. När man gör det så blir blocket som man ritar ut större och mindre beroende på hur nära man är.
Saker att tänka på när man håller på med kamera:
Man vill inte rita ut saker man inte ser. Scenen ska ta referens till kamera, så man tar bort saker man INTE ser. Ekvationen […]

Spelprog v.3-4
Vi har jobbat en hel del med kamera och textureringar.
Först om kameran. Det man kan göra med kameran nu är att gå fram och bak och åt sidorna. När man gör det så blir blocket som man ritar ut större och mindre beroende på hur nära man är.
Saker att tänka på när man håller på med kamera:
Man vill inte rita ut saker man inte ser. Scenen ska ta referens till kamera, så man tar bort saker man INTE ser. Ekvationen […]

MoCap shoot & Georgian house
I feel like I’m suddenly much worse at updating this blog. Let’s fix that!
In the past two weeks I have been working with MoCap and 3DII, which has been interesting.
In our MoCap class our assignment has been to shoot some takes involving a staff, and later to clean those takes. I did the shoot with two other guys, and I got to be the actor!
It was a lot of fun 🙂 I’ve never done any acting before, but I like to […]

MoCap shoot & Georgian house
I feel like I’m suddenly much worse at updating this blog. Let’s fix that!
In the past two weeks I have been working with MoCap and 3DII, which has been interesting.
In our MoCap class our assignment has been to shoot some takes involving a staff, and later to clean those takes. I did the shoot with two other guys, and I got to be the actor!
It was a lot of fun 🙂 I’ve never done any acting before, but I like to […]
Hey, look over there! Week 3, Perspective
This week my assignment were to draw an air plane and a car in a two-point perspective scene. For me, this was a really challenging assignment to draw. I did have some basic knowledge of perspective from when I was younger. But I’ve always been really bad at it. And it didn’t help either that I often remake things over and over again, because I feel its not good enough (can drag out the time). But when drawing this assignment, […]
Hey, look over there! Week 3, Perspective
This week my assignment were to draw an air plane and a car in a two-point perspective scene. For me, this was a really challenging assignment to draw. I did have some basic knowledge of perspective from when I was younger. But I’ve always been really bad at it. And it didn’t help either that I often remake things over and over again, because I feel its not good enough (can drag out the time). But when drawing this assignment, […]

Working Arena Mode
This week have been good. I got plenty of work on the second enemy and it is all but implemented now. I also implemented a system for spawning enemies in a wave form with the order and types of enemies dictated by a pre-determined list of variables. Sadly a somewhat crude way.
The second enemy works similarly to the first which finds a player and runs towards it to attack. If no player can be spotted, it instead finds an instance […]

Working Arena Mode
This week have been good. I got plenty of work on the second enemy and it is all but implemented now. I also implemented a system for spawning enemies in a wave form with the order and types of enemies dictated by a pre-determined list of variables. Sadly a somewhat crude way.
The second enemy works similarly to the first which finds a player and runs towards it to attack. If no player can be spotted, it instead finds an instance […]

Landlord´s Quest
Landlord´s QuestBoardgameAdvanced Game Design Course
The last assignment of my course Advanced Game Design was to together with a team of five classmates in two weeks time analyse six boardgames gain inspiration and then create a own board game within the time period of two weeks. Within this time period team Ghoul created a boardgame called Landlord’s Quest.
About the boardgame Landlord´s QuestLandlord´s Quest is a world building game where 2-6 players have to build a world with tiles […]

Landlord´s Quest
Landlord´s QuestBoardgameAdvanced Game Design Course
The last assignment of my course Advanced Game Design was to together with a team of five classmates in two weeks time analyse six boardgames gain inspiration and then create a own board game within the time period of two weeks. Within this time period team Ghoul created a boardgame called Landlord’s Quest.
About the boardgame Landlord´s QuestLandlord´s Quest is a world building game where 2-6 players have to build a world with tiles […]

Spelprog v.2
Denna vecka har vi fått lära oss att rita ut 3D objekt! Vi har fått lära oss saker som ”Vertex, shader, buffer”.
Vertex – Vertriser, är punkter i ett objekt som har koordinater. Med vertriserna ritar vi ut trianglar och med flera trianglar får vi ut olika 3D objekt.
Shader – När det gäller datorgrafik, är en Shader ett datorprogram som används för att göra shading: produktion av lämpliga nivåer av färg i en bild, eller, i modern tid, också att skapa specialeffekter eller […]

Spelprog v.2
Denna vecka har vi fått lära oss att rita ut 3D objekt! Vi har fått lära oss saker som ”Vertex, shader, buffer”.
Vertex – Vertriser, är punkter i ett objekt som har koordinater. Med vertriserna ritar vi ut trianglar och med flera trianglar får vi ut olika 3D objekt.
Shader – När det gäller datorgrafik, är en Shader ett datorprogram som används för att göra shading: produktion av lämpliga nivåer av färg i en bild, eller, i modern tid, också att skapa specialeffekter eller […]
Week 2, Constructing a character
This week I had to choose one thumbnail out of my twenty, that I made last week. I had to choose one, because our assignment this week was to construct a character out of it. This, for me was really hard. It took almost the whole week to settle on one idea. But I finally did it, and I think I’ve made a good choice.
I chose the androgynous Asian child. I did this because I felt it was the most […]
Week 2, Constructing a character
This week I had to choose one thumbnail out of my twenty, that I made last week. I had to choose one, because our assignment this week was to construct a character out of it. This, for me was really hard. It took almost the whole week to settle on one idea. But I finally did it, and I think I’ve made a good choice.
I chose the androgynous Asian child. I did this because I felt it was the most […]
Effective day.
Been really efficient today, i got plenty of tasks done. Smaller tasks than the ones on Asana but still got them done.
First i worked on implementing the aiming system i worked on yesterday to all the spells, turns out you need to add the original position to the directional vector(times the travel distance of course) in order to find the end location for the spell. Anyways all spells now uses the object reference found in the player class as their […]
Effective day.
Been really efficient today, i got plenty of tasks done. Smaller tasks than the ones on Asana but still got them done.
First i worked on implementing the aiming system i worked on yesterday to all the spells, turns out you need to add the original position to the directional vector(times the travel distance of course) in order to find the end location for the spell. Anyways all spells now uses the object reference found in the player class as their […]
Making Enemies Appear
Today i did two things, spent 30 minutes activating the functionality for spells to use the player’s target object as goal and also move in the direction of the camera rather than the direction the player character is facing. Second i started implementing functionality for making classes which spawn enemies onto the level.
From the ground up there is first the Enemy itself which is an instance which looks for and attacks the player, this class is simply the blueprint class […]
Making Enemies Appear
Today i did two things, spent 30 minutes activating the functionality for spells to use the player’s target object as goal and also move in the direction of the camera rather than the direction the player character is facing. Second i started implementing functionality for making classes which spawn enemies onto the level.
From the ground up there is first the Enemy itself which is an instance which looks for and attacks the player, this class is simply the blueprint class […]

Fenris Character Model in 3D
Fenris Character Model3DI course
Long time no see! I have been very busy with the last assignment in my first 3D course.For the last assignment I had to model a character for a video game. However I was not supposed to create the character from my own concept, I was given a character by one of my classmates. The character was Fenris.
The Modelling ProcessFenris is an elven warrior. Molded by his time as slave he is extremely distrutful of mages, and […]

Fenris Character Model in 3D
Fenris Character Model3DI course
Long time no see! I have been very busy with the last assignment in my first 3D course.For the last assignment I had to model a character for a video game. However I was not supposed to create the character from my own concept, I was given a character by one of my classmates. The character was Fenris.
The Modelling ProcessFenris is an elven warrior. Molded by his time as slave he is extremely distrutful of mages, and […]