Daily Archives: December 14, 2015
Using maps and iterators instead of for-loops
These coming blogs will detail my coding efforts and my work to create a working clone of the Legend of Zelda for the NES, using SDL and C++.
To start off with , I needed some way of inputting information and managing that input. We had been offered a template for the general setup of this inputmanager in our Arkanoid clone project, but as I both wanted to try to learn new things and try different approaches, some changes have been […]
Using maps and iterators instead of for-loops
These coming blogs will detail my coding efforts and my work to create a working clone of the Legend of Zelda for the NES, using SDL and C++.
To start off with , I needed some way of inputting information and managing that input. We had been offered a template for the general setup of this inputmanager in our Arkanoid clone project, but as I both wanted to try to learn new things and try different approaches, some changes have been […]

Hallway lightmaps & Medieval swordfighting
The past week I’ve been working on the hallway for my Georgian house. I’ve created lightmaps, which allows the lighting in a scene to be pre-calculated. This is a relatively ”cheap” way of lighting a scene, as it doesn’t require too much from the computer. I’ve also started making textures for everything. This is what the hallway is looking like now:
Dark and moody, just the way I wanted it to be! Pretty much all of the textures are still works in progress, […]

Hallway lightmaps & Medieval swordfighting
The past week I’ve been working on the hallway for my Georgian house. I’ve created lightmaps, which allows the lighting in a scene to be pre-calculated. This is a relatively ”cheap” way of lighting a scene, as it doesn’t require too much from the computer. I’ve also started making textures for everything. This is what the hallway is looking like now:
Dark and moody, just the way I wanted it to be! Pretty much all of the textures are still works in progress, […]

GameDev Xmas Challenge – Hour 10: Draw your own marker!
Small but important progress today as the drawing functionality from the last session now is used to create the players’ own markers instead of those boring X’s and O’s. Since the drawing directly draws to a Texture2D object it’s trivial to expose it and use for another arbitrary component such as a PaperSpriteComponent. It seems however wasteful to use a full sprite component only to display one texture as that could’ve easily been replaced by a simple quad plane, but […]

GameDev Xmas Challenge – Hour 10: Draw your own marker!
Small but important progress today as the drawing functionality from the last session now is used to create the players’ own markers instead of those boring X’s and O’s. Since the drawing directly draws to a Texture2D object it’s trivial to expose it and use for another arbitrary component such as a PaperSpriteComponent. It seems however wasteful to use a full sprite component only to display one texture as that could’ve easily been replaced by a simple quad plane, but […]