Daily Archives: June 21, 2015

3D Challenge – Day 4
Today I have learned about Sub Object Modes.
By converting an object to an “Editable Poly”, I can manipulate the position of single vertexes, edges or polygons in an object. This gives me more freedom to sculpture the object to look more as I want it to look.
First, I created a cube and converted it to an Editable Poly:
After that, I selected the Vertex tool in the Modifier List and adjusted the position of two vertexes:
Then I chose the Edge tool […]

3D Challenge – Day 4
Today I have learned about Sub Object Modes.
By converting an object to an “Editable Poly”, I can manipulate the position of single vertexes, edges or polygons in an object. This gives me more freedom to sculpture the object to look more as I want it to look.
First, I created a cube and converted it to an Editable Poly:
After that, I selected the Vertex tool in the Modifier List and adjusted the position of two vertexes:
Then I chose the Edge tool […]