Daily Archives: June 17, 2015
Big Game Project – Post 3
The course is over and this blog was ignored in favor of production so I will be writing three blog posts summarizing the third, fourth and then the final weeks or the project.
First is the third week.
This week I finished our gravitational system with the simplest solution: using the previously mentioned raycast that finds the normal of the mesh below the ship and then move the ship to a predetermined distance away from the mesh along the normal, pseudocode:
newPosition = […]
Big Game Project – Post 3
The course is over and this blog was ignored in favor of production so I will be writing three blog posts summarizing the third, fourth and then the final weeks or the project.
First is the third week.
This week I finished our gravitational system with the simplest solution: using the previously mentioned raycast that finds the normal of the mesh below the ship and then move the ship to a predetermined distance away from the mesh along the normal, pseudocode:
newPosition = […]
Summer project 2015 programming
This is the first blog post for the project I will work on during this summer.
Here are my project plan: Project plan
The document is written in swedish, but the rest of the blog will be written in english.
Summer project 2015 programming
This is the first blog post for the project I will work on during this summer.
Here are my project plan: Project plan
The document is written in swedish, but the rest of the blog will be written in english.

Summer project 2015
If you know me personally you probably have heard about Mysnos, my leopard gecko, and you know how much I love that little animal. For a really long time I’ve wanted to make a simple point and click game with her in focus. This summer my two programmer teachers are giving us the chance to get better and to fix our grades in Game programming I and II by making a game during a 10 week period of time! So […]

Summer project 2015
If you know me personally you probably have heard about Mysnos, my leopard gecko, and you know how much I love that little animal. For a really long time I’ve wanted to make a simple point and click game with her in focus. This summer my two programmer teachers are giving us the chance to get better and to fix our grades in Game programming I and II by making a game during a 10 week period of time! So […]