Daily Archives: June 12, 2015

GodFire Forge
GodFire Forge is a game that takes place within the setting of Norse mythology. The mighty gods of Valhalla are fighting the never ending hordes of giants on the battlefields. To their aid they have you, the player, as a smith to forge their legendary weapons. As you smith their weaponry, you will have an overview of how the battle is waging. If you are slow in your smithing, the giants will over-run the Asagods and they will loose the […]

GodFire Forge
GodFire Forge is a game that takes place within the setting of Norse mythology. The mighty gods of Valhalla are fighting the never ending hordes of giants on the battlefields. To their aid they have you, the player, as a smith to forge their legendary weapons. As you smith their weaponry, you will have an overview of how the battle is waging. If you are slow in your smithing, the giants will over-run the Asagods and they will loose the […]

Ballistic Balloon Battle
Ballistic Balloon Battle is a 2D, two player, balloon fighting, versus game. Players use our unique input device to control the balloons on a variety of maps in a round based skirmish. The input is built using bicycle pumps and microphones, the more you pump, the higher your balloon will fly. The game is made in Unity 5, with graphics made in Photoshop.
Nisse Lindblom – Producer,
Kim Teroni Borg – Lead Art,
Johannes Westberg – Lead Tech,
Olle Staffas – Lead Code,
Oscar […]

Ballistic Balloon Battle
Ballistic Balloon Battle is a 2D, two player, balloon fighting, versus game. Players use our unique input device to control the balloons on a variety of maps in a round based skirmish. The input is built using bicycle pumps and microphones, the more you pump, the higher your balloon will fly. The game is made in Unity 5, with graphics made in Photoshop.
Nisse Lindblom – Producer,
Kim Teroni Borg – Lead Art,
Johannes Westberg – Lead Tech,
Olle Staffas – Lead Code,
Oscar […]