Monthly Archives: March 2015

Animating all the objects!

Hello again all Magic Writer fans!
So this week I have been working on animating the remaining objects that the wizard will throw. All the alive, dead and hot items as well as some polish on the cold items. I got some feedback on them during our graphic presentation so I might go in and tweak them a bit. It is however hard to check if your animations look good without testing them in the game. The objects moves pretty fast on […]

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Program: Graphics

Animating all the objects!

Hello again all Magic Writer fans!
So this week I have been working on animating the remaining objects that the wizard will throw. All the alive, dead and hot items as well as some polish on the cold items. I got some feedback on them during our graphic presentation so I might go in and tweak them a bit. It is however hard to check if your animations look good without testing them in the game. The objects moves pretty fast on […]

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Program: Graphics

Mole Munch – Dev log 5

I det här inlägget ska jag skriva om hur jag har lagt in feedback till spelaren i form av Ui.
På bilden nedan kan man se hur vårat Ui ser ut när man spelar. Längst ner till vänster av Ui’t finns det två mätare. Ena mätaren räknar antal ”Speed Powerups” som spelaren har tagit, och den andra räknar antal ”Vision Powerups” som spelaren har tagit. Mätaren går sedan upp och ner beroende på hur många som är tagna. Till höger om […]

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Program: Programming

Mole Munch – Dev log 5

I det här inlägget ska jag skriva om hur jag har lagt in feedback till spelaren i form av Ui.
På bilden nedan kan man se hur vårat Ui ser ut när man spelar. Längst ner till vänster av Ui’t finns det två mätare. Ena mätaren räknar antal ”Speed Powerups” som spelaren har tagit, och den andra räknar antal ”Vision Powerups” som spelaren har tagit. Mätaren går sedan upp och ner beroende på hur många som är tagna. Till höger om […]

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Program: Programming

Ambient pressure, the flare gun

This week I have mostly been working on adjusting all the sounds that I have made during this course. Much time was spent on adjusting the sound for the Flare gun audio. Today I will describe how I constructed its sound.
So a short description of our game: One plays as a diver who is supposed to explore shipwrecks deep down into the ocean. The goal is to find a specific amount of mutated algae in order to complete the game. […]

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Program: Graphics

Ambient pressure, the flare gun

This week I have mostly been working on adjusting all the sounds that I have made during this course. Much time was spent on adjusting the sound for the Flare gun audio. Today I will describe how I constructed its sound.
So a short description of our game: One plays as a diver who is supposed to explore shipwrecks deep down into the ocean. The goal is to find a specific amount of mutated algae in order to complete the game. […]

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Program: Graphics

”Final touch”

My work this week has consisted of tweaking our current work. Balancing it and giving it a more final look. This had to be done due to the beta deadline and since all of our planned objects to the game already has been implemented we figured we’d put all of our time just tweaking our work and get it ready for beta.
So, I have reworked the eagles behavior a bit.  The arrow shows the eagles movement while it’s still just […]

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Program: Programming

”Final touch”

My work this week has consisted of tweaking our current work. Balancing it and giving it a more final look. This had to be done due to the beta deadline and since all of our planned objects to the game already has been implemented we figured we’d put all of our time just tweaking our work and get it ready for beta.
So, I have reworked the eagles behavior a bit.  The arrow shows the eagles movement while it’s still just […]

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Program: Programming

Speldesign #5

Hej, här kommer lite uppdatering om vad jag hållit på med.
Som jag nämnde förra blogg-posten så hade jag gjort en meny. För att använda menyn så tryckte man ner ‘W’ för att gå uppåt och ‘S’ för att gå neråt. Detta var tydligen på tok för oklart om hur man gjorde. Så under speltestning, så när spelaren satte sig ner så frågade han eller hon direkt: ”Hur använder man menyn?”.  Så jag lade till en kort förklaring under alternativen om […]

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Program: Programming

Speldesign #5

Hej, här kommer lite uppdatering om vad jag hållit på med.
Som jag nämnde förra blogg-posten så hade jag gjort en meny. För att använda menyn så tryckte man ner ‘W’ för att gå uppåt och ‘S’ för att gå neråt. Detta var tydligen på tok för oklart om hur man gjorde. Så under speltestning, så när spelaren satte sig ner så frågade han eller hon direkt: ”Hur använder man menyn?”.  Så jag lade till en kort förklaring under alternativen om […]

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Program: Programming

Week 8, Game Design

Another week has passed by really quickly. I am still working on creating and finding sounds for our game. This week my sprint plan is fixing a sound effect for the dryads walk animation, for planting a seed, plant unit 1 skill effect, plant unit one death, enemy unit 1 skill effect, enemy unit 1 death. The sound effects are way easier to find than making the level 1 soundtrack which I am still working with as well. Al tho […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 8, Game Design

Another week has passed by really quickly. I am still working on creating and finding sounds for our game. This week my sprint plan is fixing a sound effect for the dryads walk animation, for planting a seed, plant unit 1 skill effect, plant unit one death, enemy unit 1 skill effect, enemy unit 1 death. The sound effects are way easier to find than making the level 1 soundtrack which I am still working with as well. Al tho […]

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Program: Graphics

Weekly assignment #5 – Finishing up the animations!

Good day people!
So I am finally done with my animations. Or as finished as I can be. This week I have finished the walk animation, flood animation, pumping water animations and kicking animation. It has been a hard week with lots of work, but I have finally caught up, one day before our BETA deadline and presentation! I am not 100 % happy with my flooding and pumping water animation, and I will have to take the feedback I get […]

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Program: Graphics

Weekly assignment #5 – Finishing up the animations!

Good day people!
So I am finally done with my animations. Or as finished as I can be. This week I have finished the walk animation, flood animation, pumping water animations and kicking animation. It has been a hard week with lots of work, but I have finally caught up, one day before our BETA deadline and presentation! I am not 100 % happy with my flooding and pumping water animation, and I will have to take the feedback I get […]

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Program: Graphics

Weekly assignment #5 – Finishing up the animations!

Good day people!
So I am finally done with my animations. Or as finished as I can be. This week I have finished the walk animation, flood animation, pumping water animations and kicking animation. It has been a hard week with lots of work, but I have finally caught up, one day before our BETA deadline and presentation! I am not 100 % happy with my flooding and pumping water animation, and I will have to take the feedback I get […]

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Program: Graphics

Weekly assignment #5 – Finishing up the animations!

Good day people!
So I am finally done with my animations. Or as finished as I can be. This week I have finished the walk animation, flood animation, pumping water animations and kicking animation. It has been a hard week with lots of work, but I have finally caught up, one day before our BETA deadline and presentation! I am not 100 % happy with my flooding and pumping water animation, and I will have to take the feedback I get […]

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Program: Graphics

Hello and welcome back to my journey in game design and game development!
This week I will cover the creation of the graphics for our parallax effects!
In our game we are navigating on a spaceship and in order to create some sort of depth on our game (considering it is strictly top-down), we needed some sort of backdrop or similar in order to make it more visually pleasing to play.
So we decided to design our map in a similar fashion to […]

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Program: Graphics

Hello and welcome back to my journey in game design and game development!
This week I will cover the creation of the graphics for our parallax effects!
In our game we are navigating on a spaceship and in order to create some sort of depth on our game (considering it is strictly top-down), we needed some sort of backdrop or similar in order to make it more visually pleasing to play.
So we decided to design our map in a similar fashion to […]

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Program: Graphics

Weekly assignment #5 – Finishing up the animations!

Good day people!
So I am finally done with my animations. Or as finished as I can be. This week I have finished the walk animation, flood animation, pumping water animations and kicking animation. It has been a hard week with lots of work, but I have finally caught up, one day before our BETA deadline and presentation! I am not 100 % happy with my flooding and pumping water animation, and I will have to take the feedback I get […]

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Program: Graphics

Weekly assignment #5 – Finishing up the animations!

Good day people!
So I am finally done with my animations. Or as finished as I can be. This week I have finished the walk animation, flood animation, pumping water animations and kicking animation. It has been a hard week with lots of work, but I have finally caught up, one day before our BETA deadline and presentation! I am not 100 % happy with my flooding and pumping water animation, and I will have to take the feedback I get […]

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Program: Graphics

Preparation for Beta-presentation

In this week, I made some miscellaneous stuff before the beta-presentation tomorrow morning. We also had a artwork presentation for our game in wednesday, during the 2D-course where the class and the 2D-teachers watched every teams’ works of arts. The teachers asked if any team needed art-support and extra tutoring.
The teachers liked our work, especially the mole, which they found very cute. They also appreciated the mole animations, though we did not show all of them, just the death- and […]

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Program: Graphics

Preparation for Beta-presentation

In this week, I made some miscellaneous stuff before the beta-presentation tomorrow morning. We also had a artwork presentation for our game in wednesday, during the 2D-course where the class and the 2D-teachers watched every teams’ works of arts. The teachers asked if any team needed art-support and extra tutoring.
The teachers liked our work, especially the mole, which they found very cute. They also appreciated the mole animations, though we did not show all of them, just the death- and […]

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Program: Graphics

Space Shooter Project. Blog 5. GUI

So this week I have been working on the overall GUI for our game Mole Munch. This includes all the different menus and screens as well as the final HUD for the game. It has been a bit more work than I expected, probably because I made it slightly more extensive than it would actually have to be. Just as a quick example I made a level select screen because we planned some additional smaller levels as well as a […]

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Program: Graphics

Space Shooter Project. Blog 5. GUI

So this week I have been working on the overall GUI for our game Mole Munch. This includes all the different menus and screens as well as the final HUD for the game. It has been a bit more work than I expected, probably because I made it slightly more extensive than it would actually have to be. Just as a quick example I made a level select screen because we planned some additional smaller levels as well as a […]

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Program: Graphics