Daily Archives: March 20, 2015

Blogpost VI – Fancy Mansion
The Story of the Beginning of the HUD and the GUI
In almost one week this course and my biggest project here is ending and I and my group still has lot of assets to work on. It has been fun thou and even if there has been stress it has been worth it!
So this week I have been working on giving our game a nice looking HUD and GUI. In the beginning of the project we came up with the […]

Blogpost VI – Fancy Mansion
The Story of the Beginning of the HUD and the GUI
In almost one week this course and my biggest project here is ending and I and my group still has lot of assets to work on. It has been fun thou and even if there has been stress it has been worth it!
So this week I have been working on giving our game a nice looking HUD and GUI. In the beginning of the project we came up with the […]

Polishing for Final. Animations and such.
Hey there!
After a couple of days in bed after a cold I am now back on my feet and are currently working on polishing and fixing current bugs and problems with our animation and trying to get them in order so the right ones play as they should. The ones I am currently working on are when the player grows or shrinks in size as they get more or losses candy. I have worked on this since it was one […]

Polishing for Final. Animations and such.
Hey there!
After a couple of days in bed after a cold I am now back on my feet and are currently working on polishing and fixing current bugs and problems with our animation and trying to get them in order so the right ones play as they should. The ones I am currently working on are when the player grows or shrinks in size as they get more or losses candy. I have worked on this since it was one […]
Creating the sounds of crystalline entities dying
Ever since the start of this project we were talking about a death sound effect for our enemies. However, as the original design used player attack FX as additions to the soundtrack it wasn’t feasible to have the enemies make any sounds when hit. Because of the recent redesign into a more traditional shooter however, the time was now ripe for some crystal shattering FX.
To imagine how sentient, murderous crystalline invaders hit by a burst of sonic waves and shattering […]
Creating the sounds of crystalline entities dying
Ever since the start of this project we were talking about a death sound effect for our enemies. However, as the original design used player attack FX as additions to the soundtrack it wasn’t feasible to have the enemies make any sounds when hit. Because of the recent redesign into a more traditional shooter however, the time was now ripe for some crystal shattering FX.
To imagine how sentient, murderous crystalline invaders hit by a burst of sonic waves and shattering […]
Creating the sounds of crystalline entities dying
Ever since the start of this project we were talking about a death sound effect for our enemies. However, as the original design used player attack FX as additions to the soundtrack it wasn’t feasible to have the enemies make any sounds when hit. Because of the recent redesign into a more traditional shooter however, the time was now ripe for some crystal shattering FX.
To imagine how sentient, murderous crystalline invaders hit by a burst of sonic waves and shattering […]
Creating the sounds of crystalline entities dying
Ever since the start of this project we were talking about a death sound effect for our enemies. However, as the original design used player attack FX as additions to the soundtrack it wasn’t feasible to have the enemies make any sounds when hit. Because of the recent redesign into a more traditional shooter however, the time was now ripe for some crystal shattering FX.
To imagine how sentient, murderous crystalline invaders hit by a burst of sonic waves and shattering […]

Coding a main menu
This week has been a bit hectic. Lots to do and little time to do it. We’ve had some big features that feel absolutely necessary to implement for the final version of the game. One of those was a main menu from where the player can start the game and look at highscores, credits, and the control scheme. (And quit the application of course. This was a bit of a hassle to achieve, and the solution isn’t even very pretty. […]

Coding a main menu
This week has been a bit hectic. Lots to do and little time to do it. We’ve had some big features that feel absolutely necessary to implement for the final version of the game. One of those was a main menu from where the player can start the game and look at highscores, credits, and the control scheme. (And quit the application of course. This was a bit of a hassle to achieve, and the solution isn’t even very pretty. […]

Weekly blog assignment #6
Hello people!
As it is getting closer to the final, we have worked on more tuning and polishing. We had a couple of meetings talking about all the things in the game that we had yet not decided. For example there was the defeat screen and the victory screen that we had not decided on how it would look like. What information that the victory screen should show and the same for the defeat screen.
I also worked on making the items […]

Weekly blog assignment #6
Hello people!
As it is getting closer to the final, we have worked on more tuning and polishing. We had a couple of meetings talking about all the things in the game that we had yet not decided. For example there was the defeat screen and the victory screen that we had not decided on how it would look like. What information that the victory screen should show and the same for the defeat screen.
I also worked on making the items […]

The Last Signal – Astronaut “Animation” & More
Jag jobbar på spelkonceptet The Last Signal och är nu inne på den åttonde veckan av projektet. Den här veckan har jag fokuserat på enkla animationer för astronauten då vi fick kritik för att den var alldeles för statisk och att en animation/hållningsförändring skulle göra astronauten mer levande.
Hur har arbetet gått?
Jag tycker att arbetet har gått sådär, inte lika bra som jag hade väntat mig. Jag är hyfsat nöjd med mina resultat hitintills men jag fastnade mycket i tankegångar kring […]

The Last Signal – Astronaut “Animation” & More
Jag jobbar på spelkonceptet The Last Signal och är nu inne på den åttonde veckan av projektet. Den här veckan har jag fokuserat på enkla animationer för astronauten då vi fick kritik för att den var alldeles för statisk och att en animation/hållningsförändring skulle göra astronauten mer levande.
Hur har arbetet gått?
Jag tycker att arbetet har gått sådär, inte lika bra som jag hade väntat mig. Jag är hyfsat nöjd med mina resultat hitintills men jag fastnade mycket i tankegångar kring […]

Artifact 6
Artifact 6
So our game project is coming to an end and most of the graphical part is finished for our final version. Even though it feels like we could have done so much more if we would have the time, I feel happy and very proud about of own and first made game for the game designer education.
So this week I am going to write about my work on the menu screen. For the beta I did a menu […]

Artifact 6
Artifact 6
So our game project is coming to an end and most of the graphical part is finished for our final version. Even though it feels like we could have done so much more if we would have the time, I feel happy and very proud about of own and first made game for the game designer education.
So this week I am going to write about my work on the menu screen. For the beta I did a menu […]

Coding a main menu
This week has been a bit hectic. Lots to do and little time to do it. We’ve had some big features that feel absolutely necessary to implement for the final version of the game. One of those was a main menu from where the player can start the game and look at highscores, credits, and the control scheme. (And quit the application of course. This was a bit of a hassle to achieve, and the solution isn’t even very pretty. […]

Coding a main menu
This week has been a bit hectic. Lots to do and little time to do it. We’ve had some big features that feel absolutely necessary to implement for the final version of the game. One of those was a main menu from where the player can start the game and look at highscores, credits, and the control scheme. (And quit the application of course. This was a bit of a hassle to achieve, and the solution isn’t even very pretty. […]

Weekly blog assignment #6
Hello people!
As it is getting closer to the final, we have worked on more tuning and polishing. We had a couple of meetings talking about all the things in the game that we had yet not decided. For example there was the defeat screen and the victory screen that we had not decided on how it would look like. What information that the victory screen should show and the same for the defeat screen.
I also worked on making the items […]

Weekly blog assignment #6
Hello people!
As it is getting closer to the final, we have worked on more tuning and polishing. We had a couple of meetings talking about all the things in the game that we had yet not decided. For example there was the defeat screen and the victory screen that we had not decided on how it would look like. What information that the victory screen should show and the same for the defeat screen.
I also worked on making the items […]