Daily Archives: March 19, 2015

Last Signal – Asset Implementation
This week I have been working on implementing the assets that are not taken care of in the Room System, such as music, sounds, menus and animations.
The music and sounds are handled through a soundmanager that was used during a previous project and is simply being reused with some tweaking. Since we are using the SFML library for this project we have to rewrite some of the earlier code since in the previous project it was made to be used […]

Last Signal – Asset Implementation
This week I have been working on implementing the assets that are not taken care of in the Room System, such as music, sounds, menus and animations.
The music and sounds are handled through a soundmanager that was used during a previous project and is simply being reused with some tweaking. Since we are using the SFML library for this project we have to rewrite some of the earlier code since in the previous project it was made to be used […]

The Green Warden – Report 6
Image looks weird because it is too big
This week I have been trying to do the final work on the main menu to prepare for bug fixes and such next week.
Since the post last week I have been able to load into the main menu state, I can now play music in the main menu and the background is being successfully loaded.
Changing states works in theory, but only in theory and I have yet to find where the problem […]

The Green Warden – Report 6
Image looks weird because it is too big
This week I have been trying to do the final work on the main menu to prepare for bug fixes and such next week.
Since the post last week I have been able to load into the main menu state, I can now play music in the main menu and the background is being successfully loaded.
Changing states works in theory, but only in theory and I have yet to find where the problem […]

Week 9 of the Piñata – Sprite monkey
The final week of the project is almost here and the game Night of the Piñata is in its final stage of polish. The graphics for the game is just about done and the few things that get a new finish are the objects I made over the weeks.
The objects in the game have all been designed to fit with the theme of the festival Dia de los Muertos. They are colorful and festive, but have been mostly static up […]

Week 9 of the Piñata – Sprite monkey
The final week of the project is almost here and the game Night of the Piñata is in its final stage of polish. The graphics for the game is just about done and the few things that get a new finish are the objects I made over the weeks.
The objects in the game have all been designed to fit with the theme of the festival Dia de los Muertos. They are colorful and festive, but have been mostly static up […]

Memory – the abundance of memory an Illusion
Memory a subject approached with caution.
Without fixing memory leaks your program will continue to use more and more memory. DANGER!
Sometimes you do not have a real choice though and have to approach it, unfortunately I had to approach the subj
ect and try and find all the memory leaks in a project I and five others are making. This is because the program needs to be optimized in this way and as an assignment we need to […]

Memory – the abundance of memory an Illusion
Memory a subject approached with caution.
Without fixing memory leaks your program will continue to use more and more memory. DANGER!
Sometimes you do not have a real choice though and have to approach it, unfortunately I had to approach the subj
ect and try and find all the memory leaks in a project I and five others are making. This is because the program needs to be optimized in this way and as an assignment we need to […]

Ambient pressure the final map
The project is coming to an end. Now the main area of work consists of polishing the implemented features and artefacts in our game Ambient pressure.
The specific artefact that i’ve been working on, implementing this week is actually a melodic track. And “actually” is because we have made no music for our game so far. Apart from the menu track that contains melody, I have not made any music tracks that plays during gameplay.
So what I’m working on now is […]

Ambient pressure the final map
The project is coming to an end. Now the main area of work consists of polishing the implemented features and artefacts in our game Ambient pressure.
The specific artefact that i’ve been working on, implementing this week is actually a melodic track. And “actually” is because we have made no music for our game so far. Apart from the menu track that contains melody, I have not made any music tracks that plays during gameplay.
So what I’m working on now is […]

Fancy Mansion: Aesthetic Goals
This week has been spent polishing our game design document before the deadline. Since we’ve prioritized the document, I won’t be programming until friday – so this week I’ll take you through how I wrote the aesthetic goals document! Disappointing, huh? I bet you couldn’t wait to hear vague descriptions of vectors and pointers and recursive functions!
Our defining aesthetic goals for Fancy Mansion (release title: Trespawsser) are discovery of the unknown, and the challenge of going undetected while groping around […]

Fancy Mansion: Aesthetic Goals
This week has been spent polishing our game design document before the deadline. Since we’ve prioritized the document, I won’t be programming until friday – so this week I’ll take you through how I wrote the aesthetic goals document! Disappointing, huh? I bet you couldn’t wait to hear vague descriptions of vectors and pointers and recursive functions!
Our defining aesthetic goals for Fancy Mansion (release title: Trespawsser) are discovery of the unknown, and the challenge of going undetected while groping around […]

Green Warden: Week 9 – Iterating HUD
Last blog post for this project! Well, maybe I will make one after the final presentation to look back on the things that have happened and what I have learned.
Anyway, this week I have started to run out of things to do. Almost all art assets are done or are currently being made by someone else on the team, so there was not a lot for me to chose from when picking tasks during the sprint planning meeting this Monday.
One […]

Green Warden: Week 9 – Iterating HUD
Last blog post for this project! Well, maybe I will make one after the final presentation to look back on the things that have happened and what I have learned.
Anyway, this week I have started to run out of things to do. Almost all art assets are done or are currently being made by someone else on the team, so there was not a lot for me to chose from when picking tasks during the sprint planning meeting this Monday.
One […]

projektets ”sista”?
Välkommen till min blogg
Ja nu börjar det dra ihop sig till den slutgiltiga versionen av spelet och slutet av kursen.
Jag har lärt mig en hel del under den här tiden som jag kommer att ta med mig till nästa kurs.
Mycket har varit en stor uppförsbacke och många långa kvällar med problem som uppstår då jag inte riktigt har förstått kodstrukturen eller att jag testat mig fram till det som funkar. Det är tur att man har många runtomkring sig som […]

projektets ”sista”?
Välkommen till min blogg
Ja nu börjar det dra ihop sig till den slutgiltiga versionen av spelet och slutet av kursen.
Jag har lärt mig en hel del under den här tiden som jag kommer att ta med mig till nästa kurs.
Mycket har varit en stor uppförsbacke och många långa kvällar med problem som uppstår då jag inte riktigt har förstått kodstrukturen eller att jag testat mig fram till det som funkar. Det är tur att man har många runtomkring sig som […]

Things not appearing in this game
A bunch of graphic was made for Mole Munch, that for one reason or another will not make it into the finale game. Some of this un necessary work was because of us jumping in to the project without enough planning, but most of it stems from unexpected turns of events.
Among things not appearing are the tiles. At first we had intended to have the grass above ground and dirt below ground be composed of tiles, but a few weeks into the project […]

Things not appearing in this game
A bunch of graphic was made for Mole Munch, that for one reason or another will not make it into the finale game. Some of this un necessary work was because of us jumping in to the project without enough planning, but most of it stems from unexpected turns of events.
Among things not appearing are the tiles. At first we had intended to have the grass above ground and dirt below ground be composed of tiles, but a few weeks into the project […]

Dragon Song Blogpost 6
It has been a stressful week. Courses are coming to an end and there is a lot of things that I need to finish. Due to this lack of time, the new dragon design and animation for our game did not end up looking the way I had hoped it would, but I am still moderately satisfied with the result.
The first version of the dragon was created in a hurry. I did not have that many thoughts about how […]

Dragon Song Blogpost 6
It has been a stressful week. Courses are coming to an end and there is a lot of things that I need to finish. Due to this lack of time, the new dragon design and animation for our game did not end up looking the way I had hoped it would, but I am still moderately satisfied with the result.
The first version of the dragon was created in a hurry. I did not have that many thoughts about how […]

Final thoughts before game turn in. Game Designers perspective.
Hello again!
At last, we are the final mandatory blog post for this course, I must say, it has been a great ride with many ups and downs. In the end, I believe everyone in our team comes out as both better prepared and stronger individuals with a much broader skillset. Creating interactive entertainment is now a greater part of our lives.
This week I will sort of give a short post-mortem on how our development process have been, what could have […]

Final thoughts before game turn in. Game Designers perspective.
Hello again!
At last, we are the final mandatory blog post for this course, I must say, it has been a great ride with many ups and downs. In the end, I believe everyone in our team comes out as both better prepared and stronger individuals with a much broader skillset. Creating interactive entertainment is now a greater part of our lives.
This week I will sort of give a short post-mortem on how our development process have been, what could have […]

Update #6 On Project Mole Munch
This week I’ve been continuing on putting the last touches on the game. Bug fixing and cleaning the code. I would have preferred to put all my effort into the music but I am more needed in programming. The music and sound works as it is, even though I’m not a hundred percent satisfied with it. But I had to prioritize making the game playable.
Me and the producer took some time this week to try and break the game. Button […]

Update #6 On Project Mole Munch
This week I’ve been continuing on putting the last touches on the game. Bug fixing and cleaning the code. I would have preferred to put all my effort into the music but I am more needed in programming. The music and sound works as it is, even though I’m not a hundred percent satisfied with it. But I had to prioritize making the game playable.
Me and the producer took some time this week to try and break the game. Button […]