Daily Archives: March 5, 2015

Game Dev: Implementing graphics and animating characters
This week, I started implementing the graphics of Mole Munch. After all, a game about different colored squares gets old in the long run (sorry, Thomas was alone!).
This process was not too painful, and I was mostly done after a sunday and monday’s worth of work. Sadly my body decided to shut down on me monday evening and I lost two days being sick. Today I am back on track, but have mostly been squaching bugs, implementing small features, and merging code with […]

Game Dev: Implementing graphics and animating characters
This week, I started implementing the graphics of Mole Munch. After all, a game about different colored squares gets old in the long run (sorry, Thomas was alone!).
This process was not too painful, and I was mostly done after a sunday and monday’s worth of work. Sadly my body decided to shut down on me monday evening and I lost two days being sick. Today I am back on track, but have mostly been squaching bugs, implementing small features, and merging code with […]

Dragon Animation version 2.
Continuing the animation of the dragon.
I wrote about the animation of the dragon in a post 2 weeks ago, this week I will continue to write about the animation and the alterations I made to the wing design.
The last wing design I had was just something that I threw together to have some large wing but I eventually grew to dislike the way the way how the wings looked. So it was a very simple choice to alter the visual […]

Dragon Animation version 2.
Continuing the animation of the dragon.
I wrote about the animation of the dragon in a post 2 weeks ago, this week I will continue to write about the animation and the alterations I made to the wing design.
The last wing design I had was just something that I threw together to have some large wing but I eventually grew to dislike the way the way how the wings looked. So it was a very simple choice to alter the visual […]

Alien two has entered the game.
So we are carefully approaching the creeping doom that is the beta. The zombie model for our game. Maybe doom would be a bit harsh but it is an end we are working towards.
Anyway this week I have been working on implementing our second enemy for our game. The tongue enemy. This enemy is supposed to stay stationary on the map and when a player is within a certain distance it will shoot out its tongue. This tongue will then […]

Alien two has entered the game.
So we are carefully approaching the creeping doom that is the beta. The zombie model for our game. Maybe doom would be a bit harsh but it is an end we are working towards.
Anyway this week I have been working on implementing our second enemy for our game. The tongue enemy. This enemy is supposed to stay stationary on the map and when a player is within a certain distance it will shoot out its tongue. This tongue will then […]

Creating a score multiplier
Score is an important part of our space shooter-game. To make the player want to come back and play our levels, we have implemented high score. When you hit enemies close to the beat, you will start to build up a score multiplier which gives you a higher score. Therefore you will get a higher score when you practice the different levels over and over again.
To show the player how well he or she is doing, I have created a score multiplier […]

Creating a score multiplier
Score is an important part of our space shooter-game. To make the player want to come back and play our levels, we have implemented high score. When you hit enemies close to the beat, you will start to build up a score multiplier which gives you a higher score. Therefore you will get a higher score when you practice the different levels over and over again.
To show the player how well he or she is doing, I have created a score multiplier […]

Level/Room transitions!
Hello again!
This week I will cover an interesting problem I encountered this week. The solution to the issue is probably obvious, but…Hopefully some good suggestions will come out of the comments! 🙂
So, in order to get some clarity on the issue, I need to explain how our game will handle levels/rooms.
We will render out ONE room at a time, when we go into a new room, the old room we was in will basically be deleted, flushed out of the system […]

Level/Room transitions!
Hello again!
This week I will cover an interesting problem I encountered this week. The solution to the issue is probably obvious, but…Hopefully some good suggestions will come out of the comments! 🙂
So, in order to get some clarity on the issue, I need to explain how our game will handle levels/rooms.
We will render out ONE room at a time, when we go into a new room, the old room we was in will basically be deleted, flushed out of the system […]

Player Avatar Animations
Alright! Another Thursday, another game development post. A quick recap:
The game my group and I are working on is called The Fancy Mansion Heist, and it’s about a burglar breaking into the luxurious mansion of Mr. Otto von Fancy, a trigger happy elderly man. Your objective is to steal as many valuables as you can in the shortest amount of time possible, without being discovered by Otto, who will shoot you upon sight.
Now, my main task have been to animate the […]

Player Avatar Animations
Alright! Another Thursday, another game development post. A quick recap:
The game my group and I are working on is called The Fancy Mansion Heist, and it’s about a burglar breaking into the luxurious mansion of Mr. Otto von Fancy, a trigger happy elderly man. Your objective is to steal as many valuables as you can in the shortest amount of time possible, without being discovered by Otto, who will shoot you upon sight.
Now, my main task have been to animate the […]

Game Development –Introduction: Week 6
This week as my major task I’ve continued working on the melee enemy animations, this time the skill animation. It’s still not quite finished in color with all layers so I can’t present the finalized, perspective-corrected version.
So what I did first, was make a quick 6-frame sketch, like the one for the walk-animation. Most of the animations I’ve made for this game are confined to 6 frames. It looks well enough in-game and balances fluidity with time and effort spent. […]

Game Development –Introduction: Week 6
This week as my major task I’ve continued working on the melee enemy animations, this time the skill animation. It’s still not quite finished in color with all layers so I can’t present the finalized, perspective-corrected version.
So what I did first, was make a quick 6-frame sketch, like the one for the walk-animation. Most of the animations I’ve made for this game are confined to 6 frames. It looks well enough in-game and balances fluidity with time and effort spent. […]

Week 7: More animating!
I’m finding it more difficult ever time I do this. I can’t really find anything to write about that I haven’t already written about, so this time I’ll be less technical about my animations, and just explain why I did them the way I did. If you’re interested in a more technical approach to how I animate, then I recommend checking out my previous post “Week 6: Animating in photoshop.”
This week I set out to animate the attack animations for […]

Week 7: More animating!
I’m finding it more difficult ever time I do this. I can’t really find anything to write about that I haven’t already written about, so this time I’ll be less technical about my animations, and just explain why I did them the way I did. If you’re interested in a more technical approach to how I animate, then I recommend checking out my previous post “Week 6: Animating in photoshop.”
This week I set out to animate the attack animations for […]

Artifact 4
Artifact 4- Heartbeat Bat
Our game project is slowly coming to an end and most of our assignments are getting finished. This week I am going to write about my work on the dash effect that our bat is going to use in the game to get to different places faster. The dash effect will be available to use downwards, upwards and forward by double clicking the keyboard buttons “d”, “w” and “s”. Our group got inspiration from the game […]

Artifact 4
Artifact 4- Heartbeat Bat
Our game project is slowly coming to an end and most of our assignments are getting finished. This week I am going to write about my work on the dash effect that our bat is going to use in the game to get to different places faster. The dash effect will be available to use downwards, upwards and forward by double clicking the keyboard buttons “d”, “w” and “s”. Our group got inspiration from the game […]

Game Development – Nr.4 | Magic Writer
This week i have been working on updating a previous version of our high score system. The first version of the system worked in three steps. The first step was to load a .txt file and read different scores such as ”1000” etc. The second step was to sort all of the scores with the highest score first. The third step was to add a new high score and check if the new score mad e it to the high […]

Game Development – Nr.4 | Magic Writer
This week i have been working on updating a previous version of our high score system. The first version of the system worked in three steps. The first step was to load a .txt file and read different scores such as ”1000” etc. The second step was to sort all of the scores with the highest score first. The third step was to add a new high score and check if the new score mad e it to the high […]

Blogpost IV – Fancy Mansion
This week on animating the equipped armor
Last week I only animated the sideways walk cycles for the armor worn by the player. The task want better than I had expected and did not take as many hours as anticipated. Because of that I decided to make both the front and the back animation. At first, the only actual knowledge I had of making these kinds of walk cycles were that the legs had to be smaller when further away and […]

Blogpost IV – Fancy Mansion
This week on animating the equipped armor
Last week I only animated the sideways walk cycles for the armor worn by the player. The task want better than I had expected and did not take as many hours as anticipated. Because of that I decided to make both the front and the back animation. At first, the only actual knowledge I had of making these kinds of walk cycles were that the legs had to be smaller when further away and […]

Week 7 of Spelutveckling, introduktion. Cleaning up.
This week, I have been working on cleaning up, changing and fixing the different things I’ve worked on earlier.
So let’s start with the changes. The logger that I’ve been working on has gone having a green hood to a red hood. The green hood he had before blended in with the environment, and made the game harder to read. Me and the lead artist came to the solution to make the enemies in the game instead have a primarily red […]

Week 7 of Spelutveckling, introduktion. Cleaning up.
This week, I have been working on cleaning up, changing and fixing the different things I’ve worked on earlier.
So let’s start with the changes. The logger that I’ve been working on has gone having a green hood to a red hood. The green hood he had before blended in with the environment, and made the game harder to read. Me and the lead artist came to the solution to make the enemies in the game instead have a primarily red […]