Daily Archives: March 5, 2015

Spelutveckling – Introduktion – projektarbetet / vecka 7
Jag har jobbat jag med vår huvudkaraktär. Vi kände behov efter alpha presentationen att byta avataren då den verkade inte så populär. Den är väldigt simpel men största problemet är nog att den inte är så unik. Trollkarlens kast animation tyckte jag behövde överdrivas också. Såhär såg den ut innan:
Mitt mål var att göra en trollkarl ingen förr har sätt så jag försökte tänka lite i motsatsen till vad som är typiskt en trollkarl. En trollkarl illustreras ofta […]

Spelutveckling – Introduktion – projektarbetet / vecka 7
Jag har jobbat jag med vår huvudkaraktär. Vi kände behov efter alpha presentationen att byta avataren då den verkade inte så populär. Den är väldigt simpel men största problemet är nog att den inte är så unik. Trollkarlens kast animation tyckte jag behövde överdrivas också. Såhär såg den ut innan:
Mitt mål var att göra en trollkarl ingen förr har sätt så jag försökte tänka lite i motsatsen till vad som är typiskt en trollkarl. En trollkarl illustreras ofta […]

Design for Magic Writer. Blog post 4, Controls
Of course I can control my character, it’s something unimportant to fix for later. Or is it? Magic Writer’s control scheme has went through several changes during development all for users better enjoyment of the game.
Hello there and welcome to another Design blog post for Magic Writer.
During the development of Magic Writer, we’ve had discussion regarding the control scheme for the game several times. Both teachers and members as well as playtesters have voiced their opinion on the matter loudly. […]

Design for Magic Writer. Blog post 4, Controls
Of course I can control my character, it’s something unimportant to fix for later. Or is it? Magic Writer’s control scheme has went through several changes during development all for users better enjoyment of the game.
Hello there and welcome to another Design blog post for Magic Writer.
During the development of Magic Writer, we’ve had discussion regarding the control scheme for the game several times. Both teachers and members as well as playtesters have voiced their opinion on the matter loudly. […]

Game Production: Feature 4
This week I am working on some different things, but the feature I will be talking about in this blog post is the menu screen. It is a background painting that I have put a lot more hours in than I had initially planned, but I think it’s important that the artwork is good enough to give the player a nice first impression. It also serves as a way to set the theme for the game and introduce the main […]

Game Production: Feature 4
This week I am working on some different things, but the feature I will be talking about in this blog post is the menu screen. It is a background painting that I have put a lot more hours in than I had initially planned, but I think it’s important that the artwork is good enough to give the player a nice first impression. It also serves as a way to set the theme for the game and introduce the main […]
New swarm enemy
This week we have continued our journey towards the beta-version of “Dash Bat” (originally “Heartbeat Bat”). My main objective for this week has been to include the mosquito swarm -enemy into the code. These are tightly packed clouds of super aggressive mosquitoes that will slow down the bat.
These enemies will be very useful in our levels since without them we only have obstacles originating from the ceiling or the floor. These swarms will give us the ability to place extra […]
New swarm enemy
This week we have continued our journey towards the beta-version of “Dash Bat” (originally “Heartbeat Bat”). My main objective for this week has been to include the mosquito swarm -enemy into the code. These are tightly packed clouds of super aggressive mosquitoes that will slow down the bat.
These enemies will be very useful in our levels since without them we only have obstacles originating from the ceiling or the floor. These swarms will give us the ability to place extra […]

The Last Signal. Post #4: animations
This post is about including animations in our game. This topic is too difficult to go into much detail. I will therefore only briefly go through the main points of how I (almost) solved this complex area in the game. I may return to it later when I have the time for a more thorough discussion.
I used the existing SFML Animation
and AnimatedSprite
classes, which are not included in the standard distribution but can be downlaoded separately. The AnimatedSprite
class […]

The Last Signal. Post #4: animations
This post is about including animations in our game. This topic is too difficult to go into much detail. I will therefore only briefly go through the main points of how I (almost) solved this complex area in the game. I may return to it later when I have the time for a more thorough discussion.
I used the existing SFML Animation
and AnimatedSprite
classes, which are not included in the standard distribution but can be downlaoded separately. The AnimatedSprite
class […]

Ambient Pressure: Level 2 Map
This week I have mostly been working on the design of the first map. Which later turned into level 2. This is the end result along with the level design I was given:
My assignment was to hand-draw the map, following the structure of the level design. We chose to do our levels this way because we felt it was important for the feeling of the game to have more detailed maps, instead of regular tiles. I designed the […]

Ambient Pressure: Level 2 Map
This week I have mostly been working on the design of the first map. Which later turned into level 2. This is the end result along with the level design I was given:
My assignment was to hand-draw the map, following the structure of the level design. We chose to do our levels this way because we felt it was important for the feeling of the game to have more detailed maps, instead of regular tiles. I designed the […]

The Splash Screen
Hello Magic Writer fans!
This week I am going to talk about the splash screen for our game. The splash screen is a screen that shows up in the beginning sort of like a loading screen. A splash screen is a graphics consisting of a window containing an image, a logo and the current version of the software. A splash screen usually appears while a game or program is launching. Splash screens cover the entire screen or are simply a rectangle near the center of the […]

The Splash Screen
Hello Magic Writer fans!
This week I am going to talk about the splash screen for our game. The splash screen is a screen that shows up in the beginning sort of like a loading screen. A splash screen is a graphics consisting of a window containing an image, a logo and the current version of the software. A splash screen usually appears while a game or program is launching. Splash screens cover the entire screen or are simply a rectangle near the center of the […]

Week 7 of the Piñata – How to convey it
This is the seventh week on the project Day (or Night) of the Piñata. The name is not set yet. My main focus this week has been on the feedback in our game, everything the player will see and hear when something happens in the game. These ties in with our GUI (graphical user interface) that will help the player understand how to play the game.
To begin I made a mockup of our GUI on the background of the game, […]

Week 7 of the Piñata – How to convey it
This is the seventh week on the project Day (or Night) of the Piñata. The name is not set yet. My main focus this week has been on the feedback in our game, everything the player will see and hear when something happens in the game. These ties in with our GUI (graphical user interface) that will help the player understand how to play the game.
To begin I made a mockup of our GUI on the background of the game, […]

Meny Knapperna.
Det jag tänker beskriva den här veckan är Menyknapparna som jag kodade.
Jag började med att göra en ny klass och i stort sett bara skriva av tidigare kod som jag behövde till menyknapparna. Jag försökte att skriva likadant som i andra klasser då det då blir lättare för gruppen att läsa och snabbt hitta i koden.
Meny kommer troligtvis att bestå av dessa sex olika knappar:Start / Play. Som startar spelet och hoppar då in i gamestate.Credits. […]

Meny Knapperna.
Det jag tänker beskriva den här veckan är Menyknapparna som jag kodade.
Jag började med att göra en ny klass och i stort sett bara skriva av tidigare kod som jag behövde till menyknapparna. Jag försökte att skriva likadant som i andra klasser då det då blir lättare för gruppen att läsa och snabbt hitta i koden.
Meny kommer troligtvis att bestå av dessa sex olika knappar:Start / Play. Som startar spelet och hoppar då in i gamestate.Credits. […]

Parsing text files exported from ‘Tiled’ software
This week was the week we decided to use the Tiled map editor software after all. Tiled is a level creator that exports data that can be read by the program to place the correct tiles at the correct places. The main advantage of this is that levels can be edited easily by someone unfamiliar with the code, and coding in general. Our first means of editing levels was to just write numbers manually in a text file, which kind […]

Parsing text files exported from ‘Tiled’ software
This week was the week we decided to use the Tiled map editor software after all. Tiled is a level creator that exports data that can be read by the program to place the correct tiles at the correct places. The main advantage of this is that levels can be edited easily by someone unfamiliar with the code, and coding in general. Our first means of editing levels was to just write numbers manually in a text file, which kind […]

The Animation Week – Bringing the mole to life… and death
For this week, I spent the time with doing various animations for the mole, using key frame animation.
So let’s go with the digging animation. In friday last week, I got some useful drafts from one of the members on how to make it. The animation would be superfast and consist of at least four frames. When I asked how to approach with the Dig up-animation, I got the response that it would not be needed for now, but maybe later. […]

The Animation Week – Bringing the mole to life… and death
For this week, I spent the time with doing various animations for the mole, using key frame animation.
So let’s go with the digging animation. In friday last week, I got some useful drafts from one of the members on how to make it. The animation would be superfast and consist of at least four frames. When I asked how to approach with the Dig up-animation, I got the response that it would not be needed for now, but maybe later. […]
Team 12 Game Development Artifact 4- Menu state
Team 12 is working on a game called DashBat. The game is going to be a mix between speed runners adm super mario kart, the player is in a flying state. To progress through the level the player needs to avoid multiple objects at a high speed and to reach the end of the level in a short time.
Today I will try to explain one of the artifacts that I have worked on during the past two weeks. and that […]
Team 12 Game Development Artifact 4- Menu state
Team 12 is working on a game called DashBat. The game is going to be a mix between speed runners adm super mario kart, the player is in a flying state. To progress through the level the player needs to avoid multiple objects at a high speed and to reach the end of the level in a short time.
Today I will try to explain one of the artifacts that I have worked on during the past two weeks. and that […]