Daily Archives: March 5, 2015

Monster animations
It is starting to get close to the Beta and that is therefore what we have decided to focus on this week. The programmers are focusing on implementing power ups, sounds and the wave system. The artists are working hard to get the graphical parts ready to complement the programming. My part in this is to create an alternate background to represent the freeze power up and making some animations for the enemies. In this post I will focus on […]

Monster animations
It is starting to get close to the Beta and that is therefore what we have decided to focus on this week. The programmers are focusing on implementing power ups, sounds and the wave system. The artists are working hard to get the graphical parts ready to complement the programming. My part in this is to create an alternate background to represent the freeze power up and making some animations for the enemies. In this post I will focus on […]

MenuState och TutorialState
Den här veckan har jag fokuserat på att fixa till menyn men jag har också börjat jobba på TutorialState och vad som kommer va den tutorial för vårt spel i den slutgiltiga versionen.
I menyn är det nya att jag har lagt till alla sprites så när man rör sig över knapparna så ändras det till en annan sprite. Samma sak när man klickar på en knapp så ändras det till en tredje sprite.

MenuState och TutorialState
Den här veckan har jag fokuserat på att fixa till menyn men jag har också börjat jobba på TutorialState och vad som kommer va den tutorial för vårt spel i den slutgiltiga versionen.
I menyn är det nya att jag har lagt till alla sprites så när man rör sig över knapparna så ändras det till en annan sprite. Samma sak när man klickar på en knapp så ändras det till en tredje sprite.

Update #4 On Project Mole Munch
This post is going to describe the implementation of a finite state machine (FSM) and the various uses of it. I’ll also try to describe many of the difficulties I ran into during the process. This might get fairly technical and contain some programming expressions but I’ll only show pseudo code that hopefully will be readable even if you have no programming experience.
First of I’ll shortly talk about what a finite state machine is. Very simply put, it’s a form […]

Update #4 On Project Mole Munch
This post is going to describe the implementation of a finite state machine (FSM) and the various uses of it. I’ll also try to describe many of the difficulties I ran into during the process. This might get fairly technical and contain some programming expressions but I’ll only show pseudo code that hopefully will be readable even if you have no programming experience.
First of I’ll shortly talk about what a finite state machine is. Very simply put, it’s a form […]

Level Order
This week is, hopefully, the last week I will be doing levels for the game. A total number of 6 levels are completed. I do not keep tabs on exactly how many I have discarded, but many. Designing levels is much tougher than I expected, and it became much worse when trying to make the levels flow together coherently and beautifully enough to make it feel like a fun experience. And that is what this blog post is going to be […]

Level Order
This week is, hopefully, the last week I will be doing levels for the game. A total number of 6 levels are completed. I do not keep tabs on exactly how many I have discarded, but many. Designing levels is much tougher than I expected, and it became much worse when trying to make the levels flow together coherently and beautifully enough to make it feel like a fun experience. And that is what this blog post is going to be […]

Week 7: Armour animation
Above: Early concept sketch of armour
This week I have worked on one of the major power-ups in our game – the steampunk armour. The player can find the armour standing around in the mansion, and when picked up, the player puts it on and continues the game wearing the armour. This creates the need for a second set of player animations, where the character wears the armour, which is what I’ve been working on.
As the armor was one of the […]

Week 7: Armour animation
Above: Early concept sketch of armour
This week I have worked on one of the major power-ups in our game – the steampunk armour. The player can find the armour standing around in the mansion, and when picked up, the player puts it on and continues the game wearing the armour. This creates the need for a second set of player animations, where the character wears the armour, which is what I’ve been working on.
As the armor was one of the […]

Weekly assignment #4 – Enemy character animations – again.
Hello people!
So these last weeks posts will be very repetitive since I will do all I have done all over again. It doesn’t seems to be moving forward and that has put me in sort of a bad mood. This week I was supposed to do the enemy character animations;
Enemy walk cycle (character walking around)
Enemy flood (character using its water hose to fill up the ground with water)
Enemy catch mole (character catching the mole when coming in contact)
The walk cycle […]

Weekly assignment #4 – Enemy character animations – again.
Hello people!
So these last weeks posts will be very repetitive since I will do all I have done all over again. It doesn’t seems to be moving forward and that has put me in sort of a bad mood. This week I was supposed to do the enemy character animations;
Enemy walk cycle (character walking around)
Enemy flood (character using its water hose to fill up the ground with water)
Enemy catch mole (character catching the mole when coming in contact)
The walk cycle […]

Space Shooter Project. Blog 4. Eagle Animation
So for this week I am going to go through a movement animation for one of our game enemies – The Eagle. It is not one of the higher priority animations for our game however which is why its creation has been delayed quite a bit. It is also not entirely completed yet, but an atlas has been made so the programmers have something to use and try the basic animation with. So a short summary of what part the […]

Space Shooter Project. Blog 4. Eagle Animation
So for this week I am going to go through a movement animation for one of our game enemies – The Eagle. It is not one of the higher priority animations for our game however which is why its creation has been delayed quite a bit. It is also not entirely completed yet, but an atlas has been made so the programmers have something to use and try the basic animation with. So a short summary of what part the […]

Even more level design!
This week, I continued to work on Day of the Piñata’s level design, trying to get as much of the game’s features into the playable session as possible.
What I did was to attach a couple of background images for our game (made by Erik) into a single large image that represented a whole level. Together, the backgrounds created an image over 37 000 pixels wide. I then added images of enemies and objects to the picture so that programmers could […]

Even more level design!
This week, I continued to work on Day of the Piñata’s level design, trying to get as much of the game’s features into the playable session as possible.
What I did was to attach a couple of background images for our game (made by Erik) into a single large image that represented a whole level. Together, the backgrounds created an image over 37 000 pixels wide. I then added images of enemies and objects to the picture so that programmers could […]

Team 12 report 4 – Angular object placement
Hello everybody! This week has been quite rough and the task I was presented with was a real challenge. This week I tackled object placement in our 2D sidescroller. The objects in our game should be placed dynamically to fit into the levels we create. The levels will not only be on a horizontal axis, they will angle down and up to create a better gameplay experience. This was a very challenging task and down below I will describe what […]

Team 12 report 4 – Angular object placement
Hello everybody! This week has been quite rough and the task I was presented with was a real challenge. This week I tackled object placement in our 2D sidescroller. The objects in our game should be placed dynamically to fit into the levels we create. The levels will not only be on a horizontal axis, they will angle down and up to create a better gameplay experience. This was a very challenging task and down below I will describe what […]

Parsing text files exported from ‘Tiled’ software
This week was the week we decided to use the Tiled map editor software after all. Tiled is a level creator that exports data that can be read by the program to place the correct tiles at the correct places. The main advantage of this is that levels can be edited easily by someone unfamiliar with the code, and coding in general. Our first means of editing levels was to just write numbers manually in a text file, which kind […]

Parsing text files exported from ‘Tiled’ software
This week was the week we decided to use the Tiled map editor software after all. Tiled is a level creator that exports data that can be read by the program to place the correct tiles at the correct places. The main advantage of this is that levels can be edited easily by someone unfamiliar with the code, and coding in general. Our first means of editing levels was to just write numbers manually in a text file, which kind […]

Animation artifact
Time for the 3rd post about animating in Photoshop. Yes it’s probably very repetative to read all this, but imagine actually being the person working on it haha. Serioulsy though I was very burned out working on this last week but something refilled my energy and I’ve been doing some proper work again.
So what is the work I’ve been doing? I’ve actually not been animating, well a little bit but mostly correcting small errors in the animation. For example adding […]

Animation artifact
Time for the 3rd post about animating in Photoshop. Yes it’s probably very repetative to read all this, but imagine actually being the person working on it haha. Serioulsy though I was very burned out working on this last week but something refilled my energy and I’ve been doing some proper work again.
So what is the work I’ve been doing? I’ve actually not been animating, well a little bit but mostly correcting small errors in the animation. For example adding […]

Fancy Mansion: Lootable objects
So this week I’ve been working on some level design to replace the current placeholder level, expanding the waypoint system for the pathing ai, and adding some lootable objects. The lootable objects comprise our game’s “power-ups” (a minimum of three powerups was part of the assignment criteria). As our thief explores the mansion looking for valuable items to pocket and pilfer, they may come across larger objects that result in special effects while being carried.
Here are a few examples:
Candle: Increases […]

Fancy Mansion: Lootable objects
So this week I’ve been working on some level design to replace the current placeholder level, expanding the waypoint system for the pathing ai, and adding some lootable objects. The lootable objects comprise our game’s “power-ups” (a minimum of three powerups was part of the assignment criteria). As our thief explores the mansion looking for valuable items to pocket and pilfer, they may come across larger objects that result in special effects while being carried.
Here are a few examples:
Candle: Increases […]