Monthly Archives: February 2015

Game Development – Nr.3 | Magic Writer
Particle system
Among many things i have worked on a particle system this week. At first i was not sure how to start, i had only done this once or twice in another programming language (C#). What I am about to explain is the current state of the system, it is not what i indent to have at the end meaning that it is not finished yet.
So far I have created two classes, a ”Particle” class and a ”ParticleEmitter” class. I’ll […]

Game Development – Nr.3 | Magic Writer
Particle system
Among many things i have worked on a particle system this week. At first i was not sure how to start, i had only done this once or twice in another programming language (C#). What I am about to explain is the current state of the system, it is not what i indent to have at the end meaning that it is not finished yet.
So far I have created two classes, a ”Particle” class and a ”ParticleEmitter” class. I’ll […]

Game Production: Feature 3
This week I have been working on the HUD (Heads Up Display), polishing what I already had done previous weeks, and creating some new elements.
The first element I worked on was the health-bar for the player character. I wanted the HUD to feel integrated with the theme of the game. The theme being the forest, I decided on branches or roots for the health-bar outline. This was my first iteration:
But after testing this with the temporary background colour […]

Game Production: Feature 3
This week I have been working on the HUD (Heads Up Display), polishing what I already had done previous weeks, and creating some new elements.
The first element I worked on was the health-bar for the player character. I wanted the HUD to feel integrated with the theme of the game. The theme being the forest, I decided on branches or roots for the health-bar outline. This was my first iteration:
But after testing this with the temporary background colour […]

Dragon Song Bloggpost #3
This is the first week when the game is in beta stage, this week we have been looking over the project and tried to make a list of all the things that needs to be done before the final version of the game. The three things we need to work on before the beta deadline is power ups, states (menu state and so on) and last we need to get animations to work properly.
This is how the game looks like […]

Dragon Song Bloggpost #3
This is the first week when the game is in beta stage, this week we have been looking over the project and tried to make a list of all the things that needs to be done before the final version of the game. The three things we need to work on before the beta deadline is power ups, states (menu state and so on) and last we need to get animations to work properly.
This is how the game looks like […]

Companions need to speak or in this case write.
So this week I have worked on our games A.I companion. That is a type of display or small PDA. This companion is meant to help the player through the game by telling current objectives and other useful information. Most of the companion works but the important part was the text it displays on it’s display.
the A.I display.
So SFML is really handy when it comes to these sorts of things. As it already have classes for fonts and text. First […]

Companions need to speak or in this case write.
So this week I have worked on our games A.I companion. That is a type of display or small PDA. This companion is meant to help the player through the game by telling current objectives and other useful information. Most of the companion works but the important part was the text it displays on it’s display.
the A.I display.
So SFML is really handy when it comes to these sorts of things. As it already have classes for fonts and text. First […]
Multiple Iterations of Enemy 1
This week I’ve revisited the animation for enemy 1, after receiving very helpful critique.
The main issue people had with my first animation was the fact that it was very static. People was expecting more dynamic movements from enemy 1. Something representing the enemy’s “walk cycle”, actually seeing the alien shell move along with the body and the big teeth opening and closing.
So what do you do when you have a finished animation and you need to apply so many changes […]
Multiple Iterations of Enemy 1
This week I’ve revisited the animation for enemy 1, after receiving very helpful critique.
The main issue people had with my first animation was the fact that it was very static. People was expecting more dynamic movements from enemy 1. Something representing the enemy’s “walk cycle”, actually seeing the alien shell move along with the body and the big teeth opening and closing.
So what do you do when you have a finished animation and you need to apply so many changes […]

Why not add some Enemies
Magic writer is a game concept me and a group of other people are developing.
In this you play as a magician that has a holiday on a tropical beach. Unfortunately he is interrupted by monster invading the beach. Ah no holiday this time.
The magician is skilled in summoning magic. So he uses this to summon objects and throwing them with magic on the monsters. By doing this the monsters will be defeated and the oncoming tide halted. Summoning is […]

Why not add some Enemies
Magic writer is a game concept me and a group of other people are developing.
In this you play as a magician that has a holiday on a tropical beach. Unfortunately he is interrupted by monster invading the beach. Ah no holiday this time.
The magician is skilled in summoning magic. So he uses this to summon objects and throwing them with magic on the monsters. By doing this the monsters will be defeated and the oncoming tide halted. Summoning is […]

Even more animations
So lately I have been working on reworking some animations for our game Fancy Mansion. What I have been trying to do is to make our walking animation more comical to fit our style or eventually get the comical aspect down in some other animations. The hard part of this task is to exaggerate some aspects of the movement and to translate it to our pixelated style. So far I haven’t been able to transition this exaggerated movement in a […]

Even more animations
So lately I have been working on reworking some animations for our game Fancy Mansion. What I have been trying to do is to make our walking animation more comical to fit our style or eventually get the comical aspect down in some other animations. The hard part of this task is to exaggerate some aspects of the movement and to translate it to our pixelated style. So far I haven’t been able to transition this exaggerated movement in a […]

Weekly assignment #3 Enemy character – Again.
Hello again!
So this week has been some what of a rerun of the first week. During the first weeks we decided to go with an isometric perspective of our game to play at our strong side, since we were twice the graphic students than we are programmers (4/2). Some problems came and up and our group didn’t have the knowledge to implement isometric graphic to an isometric view. This left us with isometric graphic, which could not be implemented to […]

Weekly assignment #3 Enemy character – Again.
Hello again!
So this week has been some what of a rerun of the first week. During the first weeks we decided to go with an isometric perspective of our game to play at our strong side, since we were twice the graphic students than we are programmers (4/2). Some problems came and up and our group didn’t have the knowledge to implement isometric graphic to an isometric view. This left us with isometric graphic, which could not be implemented to […]

Mole Munch – Dev log 3
Denna veckan har jag fortsatt att jobba på vattnet. Mellan förra bloggposten och denna så har vi i gruppen fått ett fungerande vattenflöde, men vattenflödet skapades på spelarens position och hade ingen kollision. Det första jag gjorde var att skapa kollision mellan trädgårdsmästaren och hålen på ovansidan. På bilden till höger kan man se hur hålen på ovansidan ser ut, ett av hålen är tomt och ett är fyllt med vatten som trädgårdsmästaren har fyllt på. Detta är det slutgiltiga […]

Mole Munch – Dev log 3
Denna veckan har jag fortsatt att jobba på vattnet. Mellan förra bloggposten och denna så har vi i gruppen fått ett fungerande vattenflöde, men vattenflödet skapades på spelarens position och hade ingen kollision. Det första jag gjorde var att skapa kollision mellan trädgårdsmästaren och hålen på ovansidan. På bilden till höger kan man se hur hålen på ovansidan ser ut, ett av hålen är tomt och ett är fyllt med vatten som trädgårdsmästaren har fyllt på. Detta är det slutgiltiga […]

Week 6 of spelutveckling introduktion-Logger animation part 2
This week I continued working on the logger animations. I started out with working on the walk animations, with the one facing the viewer being worked on first.
Using the same technique as last week, that is I used the lasso tool in photoshop to select the left foot, and moved it slightly toward the viewer, then redrew the ankle and thigh so that it connected to the foot feasibly, after which i moved the right foot slightly […]

Week 6 of spelutveckling introduktion-Logger animation part 2
This week I continued working on the logger animations. I started out with working on the walk animations, with the one facing the viewer being worked on first.
Using the same technique as last week, that is I used the lasso tool in photoshop to select the left foot, and moved it slightly toward the viewer, then redrew the ankle and thigh so that it connected to the foot feasibly, after which i moved the right foot slightly […]

Game Development Blog 3.
This week in our game development course things have been a little bit contradictory.
After the alpha was completed and our group was allowed to stay together, we ended up a little bit on a cloud and as such I am fearfull of the fact that we might have fallen a bit behind again. At the moment we are in a place that is still not so bad, but I am a little bit uneasy about the future 4 weeks. Anyways, […]

Game Development Blog 3.
This week in our game development course things have been a little bit contradictory.
After the alpha was completed and our group was allowed to stay together, we ended up a little bit on a cloud and as such I am fearfull of the fact that we might have fallen a bit behind again. At the moment we are in a place that is still not so bad, but I am a little bit uneasy about the future 4 weeks. Anyways, […]

”The eagle”
This week I’ve been working on implementing the last aspect that will serve as a threat for the player, the eagle. The player can at random occasions see an eagles shadow on the ground, if the player would move into the shadows aggrorange, there will be a sound playing which will be kind of a screech to simulate an eagle. After a period of time, which will be decided upon later in the process when we start to balance, there […]

”The eagle”
This week I’ve been working on implementing the last aspect that will serve as a threat for the player, the eagle. The player can at random occasions see an eagles shadow on the ground, if the player would move into the shadows aggrorange, there will be a sound playing which will be kind of a screech to simulate an eagle. After a period of time, which will be decided upon later in the process when we start to balance, there […]