Monthly Archives: February 2015

Spelutveckling – introduktion – Projekt arbetet – vecka 4

Vår grupp ska under tio veckors tid förvandla ett spel koncept som heter Magic Writer till ett fungerande spel. Det är första gången jag jobbar med ett projekt som kräver så mycket tid och forcerad kreativitet av mig. Som grafiker har jag ägnat mig mest åt designa vårt spel, designat menyer, mindre objekt, bakgrunder, logga m.m. Min största utmaning förra veckan var att designa knappar åt spelet. Jag hade veckan innan designat en logga och en bakgrund för menyn som […]

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Program: Graphics

Spelutveckling – introduktion – Projekt arbetet – vecka 4

Vår grupp ska under tio veckors tid förvandla ett spel koncept som heter Magic Writer till ett fungerande spel. Det är första gången jag jobbar med ett projekt som kräver så mycket tid och forcerad kreativitet av mig. Som grafiker har jag ägnat mig mest åt designa vårt spel, designat menyer, mindre objekt, bakgrunder, logga m.m. Min största utmaning förra veckan var att designa knappar åt spelet. Jag hade veckan innan designat en logga och en bakgrund för menyn som […]

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Program: Graphics

Redo, new team and Soundmanager

So I will start this blog-post of by saying the following. I failed a class and have to redo it. But don’t worry I got an awesome new team and great team members.
So this is what I have worked on on the course since I started it again.
To the game I offered to code a Maploader (a program that handles objects on the map and draws the map). However after the group talked the hard working labor and hours put […]

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Program: Programming

Redo, new team and Soundmanager

So I will start this blog-post of by saying the following. I failed a class and have to redo it. But don’t worry I got an awesome new team and great team members.
So this is what I have worked on on the course since I started it again.
To the game I offered to code a Maploader (a program that handles objects on the map and draws the map). However after the group talked the hard working labor and hours put […]

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Program: Programming

Space shooter – A*(Star) pathfinding

De senaste fyra veckorna har vi arbetat med ett projekt där vi ska skapa ett spel från en annan grupps concept. Vi i Team 1 arbetar med ett spel som heter Fancy Mansion.  I Fancy Mansion så spelar man som en inbrottstjuv som ska sno värdefulla föremål ifrån Mr. Fancy samtidigt som man undviker honom.
Jag har arbetat med pathfinding i spelet och tänkte skriva om den så kallade A* (A-star) algoritmen.
När man smyger runt i Mr. Fancys herrgård så måste […]

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Program: Programming

Space shooter – A*(Star) pathfinding

De senaste fyra veckorna har vi arbetat med ett projekt där vi ska skapa ett spel från en annan grupps concept. Vi i Team 1 arbetar med ett spel som heter Fancy Mansion.  I Fancy Mansion så spelar man som en inbrottstjuv som ska sno värdefulla föremål ifrån Mr. Fancy samtidigt som man undviker honom.
Jag har arbetat med pathfinding i spelet och tänkte skriva om den så kallade A* (A-star) algoritmen.
När man smyger runt i Mr. Fancys herrgård så måste […]

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Program: Programming

Making footstep sound effects

In the current course, we are creating a game based on another group’s concept. My group chose a concept called Fancy Mansion, in which you play as a burglar and have to find valuables while avoiding the owner of the house, Mr. Fancy. This week I have mainly been designing sound effects; footstep sound effects. These sounds will have an important role in gameplay as the player will listen to what kind of footstep sounds come from Mr. Fancy and […]

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Program: Programming

Making footstep sound effects

In the current course, we are creating a game based on another group’s concept. My group chose a concept called Fancy Mansion, in which you play as a burglar and have to find valuables while avoiding the owner of the house, Mr. Fancy. This week I have mainly been designing sound effects; footstep sound effects. These sounds will have an important role in gameplay as the player will listen to what kind of footstep sounds come from Mr. Fancy and […]

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Program: Programming

Screen Scrolling, one way to do it.

Hello there!
Now as we are four weeks in on our second game project I would like to talk about one of the (unfortunately few) things I have currently been working on during this past week. With a lot of help from my co programmer we have manged a way of smoothly moving the view across the screen and preventing the player from moving backwards. Constantly forcing the player to progress forward through our level with no option of going back to a […]

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Program: Programming

Screen Scrolling, one way to do it.

Hello there!
Now as we are four weeks in on our second game project I would like to talk about one of the (unfortunately few) things I have currently been working on during this past week. With a lot of help from my co programmer we have manged a way of smoothly moving the view across the screen and preventing the player from moving backwards. Constantly forcing the player to progress forward through our level with no option of going back to a […]

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Program: Programming

The tile map

I’ve been working on the tile map for our space shooter game. Each and every tile have a different texture and sound when the avatar walks over them, some tiles have collision vs some entities, the avatar, the projectiles and the enemy amongst others.
We did not want to hard code the entire map, since this would be time consuming and a pain when needing to create and make changes to the map. Instead the tile map creation that reads from […]

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Program: Programming

The tile map

I’ve been working on the tile map for our space shooter game. Each and every tile have a different texture and sound when the avatar walks over them, some tiles have collision vs some entities, the avatar, the projectiles and the enemy amongst others.
We did not want to hard code the entire map, since this would be time consuming and a pain when needing to create and make changes to the map. Instead the tile map creation that reads from […]

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Program: Programming

Spelutveckling #1

Våran grupp har valt att göra spelet MagicWriter där spelaren ska skriva in ord som karaktären i spelet tänker på. Dessa ord finns i tankebubblor där det alltid finns tre alternativ att välja mellan. Man ska sedan skjuta dessa föremål man skriver in på monster som kommer för att attackera stranden man är på.
Vi har använt oss utav SFML (Simple and Fast Media Library) som är ett verktyg som vi har använt oss utav i Visual Studio för att […]

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Program: Programming

Spelutveckling #1

Våran grupp har valt att göra spelet MagicWriter där spelaren ska skriva in ord som karaktären i spelet tänker på. Dessa ord finns i tankebubblor där det alltid finns tre alternativ att välja mellan. Man ska sedan skjuta dessa föremål man skriver in på monster som kommer för att attackera stranden man är på.
Vi har använt oss utav SFML (Simple and Fast Media Library) som är ett verktyg som vi har använt oss utav i Visual Studio för att […]

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Program: Programming

Test Animation

For one of the courses I’m currently studying, my group and I have been assigned to build a 2D game based on another group’s concept. My role in this production is Lead Art; to keep track on all the graphics being made between the three artists. My main task is to animate the player avatar and antagonist, and I started by doing a test animation of the player avatar, since it will be the focal point on the screen and it’s crucial […]

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Program: Graphics

Test Animation

For one of the courses I’m currently studying, my group and I have been assigned to build a 2D game based on another group’s concept. My role in this production is Lead Art; to keep track on all the graphics being made between the three artists. My main task is to animate the player avatar and antagonist, and I started by doing a test animation of the player avatar, since it will be the focal point on the screen and it’s crucial […]

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Program: Graphics

Space Shooter Project. Blog 1. Score System

Mole Munch Score System
For this blogpost I am reflecting about the outline for our high-score system. I will begin by providing a quick summary of our game and how it works to create a better understanding of my thought process regarding the score system design.
We are making a game called Mole Munch. In the game the player takes on the role of a mole who resides within a garden. It is set in different levels, with one garden being one […]

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Program: Graphics

Space Shooter Project. Blog 1. Score System

Mole Munch Score System
For this blogpost I am reflecting about the outline for our high-score system. I will begin by providing a quick summary of our game and how it works to create a better understanding of my thought process regarding the score system design.
We are making a game called Mole Munch. In the game the player takes on the role of a mole who resides within a garden. It is set in different levels, with one garden being one […]

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Program: Graphics

Making footstep sound effects

In the current course, we are creating a game based on another group’s concept. My group chose a concept called Fancy Mansion, in which you play as a burglar and have to find valuables while avoiding the owner of the house, Mr. Fancy. This week I have mainly been designing sound effects; footstep sound effects. These sounds will have an important role in gameplay as the player will listen to what kind of footstep sounds come from Mr. Fancy and […]

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Program: Programming

Making footstep sound effects

In the current course, we are creating a game based on another group’s concept. My group chose a concept called Fancy Mansion, in which you play as a burglar and have to find valuables while avoiding the owner of the house, Mr. Fancy. This week I have mainly been designing sound effects; footstep sound effects. These sounds will have an important role in gameplay as the player will listen to what kind of footstep sounds come from Mr. Fancy and […]

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Program: Programming

Dragon Song Bloggpost #1

The project I am now working on is a rhythm game that is called Dragon Song. Dragon song is a space shooter game and you play as the dragon Riff, this dragon is not like the other dragons. Instead of breathing fire Riff uses his song to defeat the enemies in the game.

The main feature of the game is to keep to the beat of the level.  I have the role of lead code, and I have been working […]

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Program: Programming

Dragon Song Bloggpost #1

The project I am now working on is a rhythm game that is called Dragon Song. Dragon song is a space shooter game and you play as the dragon Riff, this dragon is not like the other dragons. Instead of breathing fire Riff uses his song to defeat the enemies in the game.

The main feature of the game is to keep to the beat of the level.  I have the role of lead code, and I have been working […]

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Program: Programming

Artifact 1, Concept Bat

Avatar Bat- concept

I am now going to write about the first artifact I have been working on during our game design class where we are creating a game from another groups design document from the previous game design course. I have been working on our avatar for our game we will create“Heartbeat Bat”. My first artifact I got to work on is the concept for our character in heartbeat bat. The character is an bat which the player is […]

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Program: Graphics

Artifact 1, Concept Bat

Avatar Bat- concept

I am now going to write about the first artifact I have been working on during our game design class where we are creating a game from another groups design document from the previous game design course. I have been working on our avatar for our game we will create“Heartbeat Bat”. My first artifact I got to work on is the concept for our character in heartbeat bat. The character is an bat which the player is […]

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Program: Graphics