Daily Archives: February 26, 2015

Ambient Pressure – Level 2
This week I experienced the worst possible pain imaginable when working on something. I lost it all. To cut to the chase, the valuable lesson here is to save constantly. I’ve always been bad at it, I’ve tasted this sour fruit before, and still I didn’t do it. Several days of work was lost as I accidentally forced shut all applications when restarting my computer, and about 5 complete levels were lost. This should not be happening.
So here, in this […]

Ambient Pressure – Level 2
This week I experienced the worst possible pain imaginable when working on something. I lost it all. To cut to the chase, the valuable lesson here is to save constantly. I’ve always been bad at it, I’ve tasted this sour fruit before, and still I didn’t do it. Several days of work was lost as I accidentally forced shut all applications when restarting my computer, and about 5 complete levels were lost. This should not be happening.
So here, in this […]

LevelManager,Collision & Time
Okay, this week have been a slow week for programming and it’s because I am reading Serious Game Design at the side. O well so today I will tell you my assignment I got this week and what I have done.
Last week the comment mentioned that they did not quite get what the LevelManager did and so I am here to tell you.
The level manager uses the library a library that allow you to read a row or individual characters if […]

LevelManager,Collision & Time
Okay, this week have been a slow week for programming and it’s because I am reading Serious Game Design at the side. O well so today I will tell you my assignment I got this week and what I have done.
Last week the comment mentioned that they did not quite get what the LevelManager did and so I am here to tell you.
The level manager uses the library a library that allow you to read a row or individual characters if […]
Design dokument
Förutom programmerare så har jag rollen som huvuddesigner för Magic Writer. Med den rollen kom ansvaret över själva design dokumentet. Det var deadline för dokumentet för två veckor sen nu men dokumentet uppdateras hela tiden i takt med att spelet utvecklas så jag har rollen att se till att det uppdateras korrekt och det som står i dokumentet stämmer överens med den produkten som vi ska leverera.
Det första i dokumentet är där jag kort förklarar bakgrunden och vad spelet går […]
Design dokument
Förutom programmerare så har jag rollen som huvuddesigner för Magic Writer. Med den rollen kom ansvaret över själva design dokumentet. Det var deadline för dokumentet för två veckor sen nu men dokumentet uppdateras hela tiden i takt med att spelet utvecklas så jag har rollen att se till att det uppdateras korrekt och det som står i dokumentet stämmer överens med den produkten som vi ska leverera.
Det första i dokumentet är där jag kort förklarar bakgrunden och vad spelet går […]

Game development – Introduction: Week 5
This week (besides reworking the defense-plant unit animation as we were advised to do at our alpha-presentation) I’ve started working on redesigns for the enemies in the game, more specifically the melee enemy and its walk animation. The reason for this is to make them more in line with the style of the game and adjust the designs to better reflect their function. The previous design for the melee enemy was nice but was too close silhouette-wise to the ranged […]

Game development – Introduction: Week 5
This week (besides reworking the defense-plant unit animation as we were advised to do at our alpha-presentation) I’ve started working on redesigns for the enemies in the game, more specifically the melee enemy and its walk animation. The reason for this is to make them more in line with the style of the game and adjust the designs to better reflect their function. The previous design for the melee enemy was nice but was too close silhouette-wise to the ranged […]

The sound of suffocation
This week I have been working on developing the sound for power ups and state artifacts for our game. The one I will describe today is the state-sound for when the avatar lacks of oxygen. Since the avatar is underwater during the entire gameplay, she has a tank on her back that delivers oxygen. The amount of oxygen is displayed on the hud along with ammo and the amount of samples that the player has collected. As time goes, […]

The sound of suffocation
This week I have been working on developing the sound for power ups and state artifacts for our game. The one I will describe today is the state-sound for when the avatar lacks of oxygen. Since the avatar is underwater during the entire gameplay, she has a tank on her back that delivers oxygen. The amount of oxygen is displayed on the hud along with ammo and the amount of samples that the player has collected. As time goes, […]

Last Signal – Doors and Switches
When the player is traversing through the levels of the Last Signal, we want to have the player want to explore the level that is presented to them. We also wanted the player to have more to do rather than go from point A to point B and shoot the enemies. This was ensured by the creations of doors that blocked off sections of the levels and having switches that the player has to interact with to open the doors.
The doors started […]

Last Signal – Doors and Switches
When the player is traversing through the levels of the Last Signal, we want to have the player want to explore the level that is presented to them. We also wanted the player to have more to do rather than go from point A to point B and shoot the enemies. This was ensured by the creations of doors that blocked off sections of the levels and having switches that the player has to interact with to open the doors.
The doors started […]

Den här veckan tänker jag skriva om dörr objektet / dörrarna i spelet.
För att färska upp i bloggen vad för projekt jag jobbar på, så säger jag nu att det är Fancy-Mansion och vi har valt att göra dörrar och nycklar för att låsa av olika rum. Men med en nyckel som du kan hitta i andra objekt i omgivningen så kan du låsa upp de dörrarna.
Stegvis gör jag om vas-objektet / vas-klassen till en dörr. […]

Den här veckan tänker jag skriva om dörr objektet / dörrarna i spelet.
För att färska upp i bloggen vad för projekt jag jobbar på, så säger jag nu att det är Fancy-Mansion och vi har valt att göra dörrar och nycklar för att låsa av olika rum. Men med en nyckel som du kan hitta i andra objekt i omgivningen så kan du låsa upp de dörrarna.
Stegvis gör jag om vas-objektet / vas-klassen till en dörr. […]

Design for Magic Writer. Blog post 3, The ever-moving focus
The information players can gather from the screen is very important. It’s extra important in a game of stress where they need to know the situation at just a glance to be able to plan their next move in time. It’s time to give them that information.Welcome back to another Magic Writer design post.
One issue which came up in a recent discussion with our teacher and senior was the focus of our game. And when I say focus, I’m talking […]

Design for Magic Writer. Blog post 3, The ever-moving focus
The information players can gather from the screen is very important. It’s extra important in a game of stress where they need to know the situation at just a glance to be able to plan their next move in time. It’s time to give them that information.Welcome back to another Magic Writer design post.
One issue which came up in a recent discussion with our teacher and senior was the focus of our game. And when I say focus, I’m talking […]

Weekly blog assignment #3
Hi there and welcome back!
So, this week started a bit late for our group. Our scrum master was not here, so we had our weekly scrum meeting on Tuesday instead, which led to that no one in our group had anything special to do on Monday. So I spent Monday on just reading our code and trying to understand the whole structure better, as this has been and is my greatest flaw in programming. Mostly I read through our Animation […]

Weekly blog assignment #3
Hi there and welcome back!
So, this week started a bit late for our group. Our scrum master was not here, so we had our weekly scrum meeting on Tuesday instead, which led to that no one in our group had anything special to do on Monday. So I spent Monday on just reading our code and trying to understand the whole structure better, as this has been and is my greatest flaw in programming. Mostly I read through our Animation […]

Ammunition Crates
This week has been a fair bit of work under the hood, preparing new things and setting up stuff for a later date. Given this there haven’t been much made to show. Thus this weeks post will talk about ammunition pick-ups.
As mentioned in the post about flares, our projectiles are limited due to the fact that having an endless amount would render the lack of light pointless. However, since it is a limited resource, refills can be an essential part […]

Ammunition Crates
This week has been a fair bit of work under the hood, preparing new things and setting up stuff for a later date. Given this there haven’t been much made to show. Thus this weeks post will talk about ammunition pick-ups.
As mentioned in the post about flares, our projectiles are limited due to the fact that having an endless amount would render the lack of light pointless. However, since it is a limited resource, refills can be an essential part […]

Game Dev: Digging tunnels and flooding them (Group 13)
This week, I have been helping out on the programming side of Mole Munch. I started programming for the team last week during the days leading up to the alpha, and have continued helping out with that this week.
My task this week was to work on the tunnel system, which I consider one of our core mechanics. Mole Munch is about constantly switching between surface and dig mode, avoiding gardeners on the surface and water spreading in your tunnel below ground. […]

Game Dev: Digging tunnels and flooding them (Group 13)
This week, I have been helping out on the programming side of Mole Munch. I started programming for the team last week during the days leading up to the alpha, and have continued helping out with that this week.
My task this week was to work on the tunnel system, which I consider one of our core mechanics. Mole Munch is about constantly switching between surface and dig mode, avoiding gardeners on the surface and water spreading in your tunnel below ground. […]

Last Signal – Doors and Switches
When the player is traversing through the levels of the Last Signal, we want to have the player want to explore the level that is presented to them. We also wanted the player to have more to do rather than go from point A to point B and shoot the enemies. This was ensured by the creations of doors that blocked off sections of the levels and having switches that the player has to interact with to open the doors.
The doors started […]

Last Signal – Doors and Switches
When the player is traversing through the levels of the Last Signal, we want to have the player want to explore the level that is presented to them. We also wanted the player to have more to do rather than go from point A to point B and shoot the enemies. This was ensured by the creations of doors that blocked off sections of the levels and having switches that the player has to interact with to open the doors.
The doors started […]