Daily Archives: February 19, 2015

The Last Signal – Power Up Effect & Sound
Power-Up Effect
This week I have been working on sprites for a power-up effect that is going to be used for protection of the player and to damge enemies by bumping into them. I also got the time to revisit my astronaut design and correct some problems I had made.
First off, this was my design for the power up effect:
To the left we have the player sprite applied with the power-up effect sprite and to the left just the […]

The Last Signal – Power Up Effect & Sound
Power-Up Effect
This week I have been working on sprites for a power-up effect that is going to be used for protection of the player and to damge enemies by bumping into them. I also got the time to revisit my astronaut design and correct some problems I had made.
First off, this was my design for the power up effect:
To the left we have the player sprite applied with the power-up effect sprite and to the left just the […]

Making a stone projectile for Mole Munch
This last week before Alpha deadline for our game Mole Munch has been hectic. Our coding planning has not been the best, and this week we have been paying for that mistake. We still had a lot of things that needed to be implemented for the Alpha. Luckily, our game designer came to help us this last week so we could get the coding done faster. One of the things I coded this week was the projectile that our mole […]

Making a stone projectile for Mole Munch
This last week before Alpha deadline for our game Mole Munch has been hectic. Our coding planning has not been the best, and this week we have been paying for that mistake. We still had a lot of things that needed to be implemented for the Alpha. Luckily, our game designer came to help us this last week so we could get the coding done faster. One of the things I coded this week was the projectile that our mole […]

Weekly assignment #2 Enemy Character animations.
Greetings you all!
So we are two weeks in to our blog assignment, and that means another blog post! I am going to tell you all about what I have been doing this week, and how i did it, why i did it.
I was assigned to do the walk cycle (walking animations) of our enemy character. Since its for the alpha version this is just a draft, and not a finished version, so it will not be perfect.
First of all a walk […]

Weekly assignment #2 Enemy Character animations.
Greetings you all!
So we are two weeks in to our blog assignment, and that means another blog post! I am going to tell you all about what I have been doing this week, and how i did it, why i did it.
I was assigned to do the walk cycle (walking animations) of our enemy character. Since its for the alpha version this is just a draft, and not a finished version, so it will not be perfect.
First of all a walk […]
Game Development! Blogg post 2
This is the second week of blog writing during our project for the game development course. This is the week we will present our Alpha up on stage, something I was chosen to do by our group.
But enough of that this blog is supposed to showcase something I have programmed this week. For my second post I will be focusing on the fog of war that I implemented this week with the help of Pontus Persson’s tutorial and a helping […]
Game Development! Blogg post 2
This is the second week of blog writing during our project for the game development course. This is the week we will present our Alpha up on stage, something I was chosen to do by our group.
But enough of that this blog is supposed to showcase something I have programmed this week. For my second post I will be focusing on the fog of war that I implemented this week with the help of Pontus Persson’s tutorial and a helping […]

Magic Writer – Blogpost 2
So this week we implemented our power ups into our game, well, one of them at least, we got to start somewhere. So my assignment for this week was to draw the icons for these power ups. Yes I know that my primary role in the group is to be the Lead Sound, but that does not exclude me from all the other works that needs to be done. And even though we only implemented one power up in our […]

Magic Writer – Blogpost 2
So this week we implemented our power ups into our game, well, one of them at least, we got to start somewhere. So my assignment for this week was to draw the icons for these power ups. Yes I know that my primary role in the group is to be the Lead Sound, but that does not exclude me from all the other works that needs to be done. And even though we only implemented one power up in our […]

spelutveckling #2
Denna vecka har jag jobbat på att tillägga ljudeffekter i vårat spel, jag har hämtat mina ljudfiler från freesound.org och från ett ljudbibliotek som jag fick låna utav Finn. Vårat spel Magic Writer går ut på att skriva in ord som man ser bilder utav på skärmen och sedan kasta detta ord/föremål på monster. Spelet är till största del riktat mot barn därför att det skulle kunna vara ett verktyg för dem att lära sig stava bland annat. På grund […]

spelutveckling #2
Denna vecka har jag jobbat på att tillägga ljudeffekter i vårat spel, jag har hämtat mina ljudfiler från freesound.org och från ett ljudbibliotek som jag fick låna utav Finn. Vårat spel Magic Writer går ut på att skriva in ord som man ser bilder utav på skärmen och sedan kasta detta ord/föremål på monster. Spelet är till största del riktat mot barn därför att det skulle kunna vara ett verktyg för dem att lära sig stava bland annat. På grund […]

Background for main menu
So this week I am going to write a post about a work in progress. The background for the main menu. This project requires a bit more of the artist than the previous objects I have been working on. I have to take in account perspective and a lot more variables to make it look good. I also have to work together with the artist that makes the buttons to make sure that they fit in a suitable space. Also […]

Background for main menu
So this week I am going to write a post about a work in progress. The background for the main menu. This project requires a bit more of the artist than the previous objects I have been working on. I have to take in account perspective and a lot more variables to make it look good. I also have to work together with the artist that makes the buttons to make sure that they fit in a suitable space. Also […]

Weekly blog assignment #2
Hello everyone!
This week I worked with removing bugs and all around polishing the code. Everything from adding a monster pool that holds all the new instances of monsters that we create in the beginning to fixing small bugs such as the items that the player can throw respawning in the wizards thought bubble but rotated wrongly.
I first started out with fixing the small bug with the items respawning rotated the wrong way. This bug happened because of the way […]

Weekly blog assignment #2
Hello everyone!
This week I worked with removing bugs and all around polishing the code. Everything from adding a monster pool that holds all the new instances of monsters that we create in the beginning to fixing small bugs such as the items that the player can throw respawning in the wizards thought bubble but rotated wrongly.
I first started out with fixing the small bug with the items respawning rotated the wrong way. This bug happened because of the way […]

Last Signal – Room system
When coding for the Last Signal, I wanted to create an easier and faster way to create levels in the game rather than having to code each level individually. This would also allow our level designer to design the levels and test them without having to wait for us programmers generating the level and send the results back. This lead me to write what I call the Room System.
It reads in a .txt file that contains the relevant data for the […]

Last Signal – Room system
When coding for the Last Signal, I wanted to create an easier and faster way to create levels in the game rather than having to code each level individually. This would also allow our level designer to design the levels and test them without having to wait for us programmers generating the level and send the results back. This lead me to write what I call the Room System.
It reads in a .txt file that contains the relevant data for the […]

Getting Hired and Building (Japanese) Bridges
So a lot has happened recently and my plate is getting full quickly. Probably one of the biggest changes since last time is that I got hired!
Thanks to one of their programmers, Oliver Bolt, for recommending me to the guys over at Angry Engineers Entertainment who are currently working on the Steam Greenlight game; Centration.
I will be working one their levels; creating level assets, designing rooms, lighting, etc. Hence I’ve become an Environmental Artist! Which envolves everything […]

Getting Hired and Building (Japanese) Bridges
So a lot has happened recently and my plate is getting full quickly. Probably one of the biggest changes since last time is that I got hired!
Thanks to one of their programmers, Oliver Bolt, for recommending me to the guys over at Angry Engineers Entertainment who are currently working on the Steam Greenlight game; Centration.
I will be working one their levels; creating level assets, designing rooms, lighting, etc. Hence I’ve become an Environmental Artist! Which envolves everything […]

The Green Warden – Report 2
Commented out as it still crashes the game
Above is an example of how the main menu would look like.Artist: Eva Sokolova
This week after a meeting with Finn, I started work on the main menu of the game as my knowledge of programming is inferior to that of the other programmer and the main menu contains many of the same elements that the actual game contains and thus I can train on programming while assisting the development of the […]

The Green Warden – Report 2
Commented out as it still crashes the game
Above is an example of how the main menu would look like.Artist: Eva Sokolova
This week after a meeting with Finn, I started work on the main menu of the game as my knowledge of programming is inferior to that of the other programmer and the main menu contains many of the same elements that the actual game contains and thus I can train on programming while assisting the development of the […]

Space Shooter Project Blog: Post #2
Alright, another week has passed and additional pieces of the levels have been created. This time I will cover the next section of the game. Being the dedicated level designer, I don’t really do much outside of building the levels. Anyway, moving on.
So, here comes the part where I feel I have to repeat some of the information from my previous post, as whoever you might be that is going to read this blogpost, might not feel like looking […]

Space Shooter Project Blog: Post #2
Alright, another week has passed and additional pieces of the levels have been created. This time I will cover the next section of the game. Being the dedicated level designer, I don’t really do much outside of building the levels. Anyway, moving on.
So, here comes the part where I feel I have to repeat some of the information from my previous post, as whoever you might be that is going to read this blogpost, might not feel like looking […]