Daily Archives: February 12, 2015

Game Development – Nr.1 | Magic Writer
Background around the game
Magic Writer is a game where you play as a wizard relaxing on a beach when monsters all of a sudden starts attacking from the ocean. The wizard defends the people on the beach by conjuring items and throwing them at the monsters. The player conjures items by typing the items name.
The process of checking for typed items has two steps. There is a list of three active words, these are the words that the player can type […]

Game Development – Nr.1 | Magic Writer
Background around the game
Magic Writer is a game where you play as a wizard relaxing on a beach when monsters all of a sudden starts attacking from the ocean. The wizard defends the people on the beach by conjuring items and throwing them at the monsters. The player conjures items by typing the items name.
The process of checking for typed items has two steps. There is a list of three active words, these are the words that the player can type […]

Fancy Mansion – Light and darkness
About three weeks ago we started a new course called Introduction to Game Development. In this course we are going to create a game from a concept which another group has made in the previous course, Game Analysis and Game Design. My group chose the concept called Fancy Mansion, in which you play as a burglar who is breaking in to a mansion owned by a man called Mr. Fancy. One of the main features in the game is that of […]

Fancy Mansion – Light and darkness
About three weeks ago we started a new course called Introduction to Game Development. In this course we are going to create a game from a concept which another group has made in the previous course, Game Analysis and Game Design. My group chose the concept called Fancy Mansion, in which you play as a burglar who is breaking in to a mansion owned by a man called Mr. Fancy. One of the main features in the game is that of […]

Vegetables n stuff
Making the top down game Mole Munch, one of the most important objects are vegetables for the mole to eat.
Before deciding to deviate from the concept document on what vegetables to use I began, among other sprites, to draw the highest scoring vegetable. At this point going by the concept document it was a cauliflower. It was limited to 64×64 pixels to have the correct size in the game. It worked well in the sense that a cauliflower is distinct when viewed strait from […]

Vegetables n stuff
Making the top down game Mole Munch, one of the most important objects are vegetables for the mole to eat.
Before deciding to deviate from the concept document on what vegetables to use I began, among other sprites, to draw the highest scoring vegetable. At this point going by the concept document it was a cauliflower. It was limited to 64×64 pixels to have the correct size in the game. It worked well in the sense that a cauliflower is distinct when viewed strait from […]

Player movement with Animations
During this week I have implemented multiple things, this post will contain information of the a 8-directional movement system.
Some syntax information:
A vector is a container for two variables of a set type, in this case it holds two float values since its declared like this. sf::Vector2f playerAcceleration. sf is the namespace name which contains the possibility to declare a vector.
A Enum is a identifier which has a certain integral value( a whole number without decimals). The Enum itself has certain […]

Player movement with Animations
During this week I have implemented multiple things, this post will contain information of the a 8-directional movement system.
Some syntax information:
A vector is a container for two variables of a set type, in this case it holds two float values since its declared like this. sf::Vector2f playerAcceleration. sf is the namespace name which contains the possibility to declare a vector.
A Enum is a identifier which has a certain integral value( a whole number without decimals). The Enum itself has certain […]

The 4th Week of Game Development! Magic Seeds!
This is the first official blog post in Holms Corner, and the first post about my work in our current game development project. However, this is actually the 4th week in development.
It might seem a bit odd to start blogging about something that’s already quite a bit into development, but it doesn’t really matter, since the first three weeks were filled with mostly design discussions, concepting and scheduling. Nothing really worth talking about. However, now that the deadlines are closing […]

The 4th Week of Game Development! Magic Seeds!
This is the first official blog post in Holms Corner, and the first post about my work in our current game development project. However, this is actually the 4th week in development.
It might seem a bit odd to start blogging about something that’s already quite a bit into development, but it doesn’t really matter, since the first three weeks were filled with mostly design discussions, concepting and scheduling. Nothing really worth talking about. However, now that the deadlines are closing […]
Fancy Collision
My group and I are setting out to make a game called Fancy Mansion. A game in which you sneak around in an old mansion owned by (the almost as old) Otto von Fancy. Suddenly Otto wakes up knowing that you are in the house but not where. I have chosen … – Läs hela inlägget här
Fancy Collision
My group and I are setting out to make a game called Fancy Mansion. A game in which you sneak around in an old mansion owned by (the almost as old) Otto von Fancy. Suddenly Otto wakes up knowing that you are in the house but not where. I have chosen … – Läs hela inlägget här

Fancy Mansion: a change of setting
In Introduction to Game Development, students are to select a game concept created by another group in the previous course, and turn it into a fully playable game. Our group selected Fancy Mansion, a concept developed by classmates for a stealth game aimed at a younger audience.
The player will act as a thief, who’s stuck at the top floor of a fancy mansion. To be more specific; Otto von Fancy’s mansion. Due the the thief’s great debt to a notorious […]

Fancy Mansion: a change of setting
In Introduction to Game Development, students are to select a game concept created by another group in the previous course, and turn it into a fully playable game. Our group selected Fancy Mansion, a concept developed by classmates for a stealth game aimed at a younger audience.
The player will act as a thief, who’s stuck at the top floor of a fancy mansion. To be more specific; Otto von Fancy’s mansion. Due the the thief’s great debt to a notorious […]

First reflection of my work
The first month of working on our project is running to an end. It seems very clear to me that we are getting closer and closer to a finished product by the day. Never would I have imagined getting this far in just a month, but thanks to everyone’s hard work we are not far off from our goal of a finished prototype.
While the programmers are working on getting the AI to work properly, us artists are dealing with animations, […]

First reflection of my work
The first month of working on our project is running to an end. It seems very clear to me that we are getting closer and closer to a finished product by the day. Never would I have imagined getting this far in just a month, but thanks to everyone’s hard work we are not far off from our goal of a finished prototype.
While the programmers are working on getting the AI to work properly, us artists are dealing with animations, […]

Day of the Piñata Week 4
A new year, a ned course, a new project.
Game development is our new course and we are developing a game, from concept to finished product over a ten weeks time. We are in our fourth week in developing “the Day of the Piñata”. The concept for the game is to play a Piñata who got possessed by a vengeful spirit on the day of the dead in mexico. The Piñata want revenge for all of the poor piñatas who get […]

Day of the Piñata Week 4
A new year, a ned course, a new project.
Game development is our new course and we are developing a game, from concept to finished product over a ten weeks time. We are in our fourth week in developing “the Day of the Piñata”. The concept for the game is to play a Piñata who got possessed by a vengeful spirit on the day of the dead in mexico. The Piñata want revenge for all of the poor piñatas who get […]

Game development & design document
For the past three weeks, we have been working on a game as a part of our course in Game Development. The concept of the game was chosen from other groups ideas from the previous course.
My group chose the concept for Day of the Piñata – a side-scrolling action game where the player takes control of a possessed piñata during the Day of the Dead festival, and must collect candy and smash decoration to win.
With a deadline of tomorrow midday, […]

Game development & design document
For the past three weeks, we have been working on a game as a part of our course in Game Development. The concept of the game was chosen from other groups ideas from the previous course.
My group chose the concept for Day of the Piñata – a side-scrolling action game where the player takes control of a possessed piñata during the Day of the Dead festival, and must collect candy and smash decoration to win.
With a deadline of tomorrow midday, […]

Mole Munch – Dev log 1
Vi är en grupp på 6 personer som tillsammans utvecklar ”Mole munch”. ”Mole munch” är ett projekt i kursen Spelutveckling i samband med Spelprogrammering 2. Jag går i rolen av ”Lead Code” och lägger därför mycket av mitt fokus på att programmera. Vad jag har valt att fokusera på denna veckan är vad som kallas en entitetslista. Detta är en lista skapad för att samla alla objekt i spelet. Varför man vill samla alla objekt i en lista är för att det underlättar […]

Mole Munch – Dev log 1
Vi är en grupp på 6 personer som tillsammans utvecklar ”Mole munch”. ”Mole munch” är ett projekt i kursen Spelutveckling i samband med Spelprogrammering 2. Jag går i rolen av ”Lead Code” och lägger därför mycket av mitt fokus på att programmera. Vad jag har valt att fokusera på denna veckan är vad som kallas en entitetslista. Detta är en lista skapad för att samla alla objekt i spelet. Varför man vill samla alla objekt i en lista är för att det underlättar […]

Game Development! post 1
This is the fist week when we are suppoed to write a blogpost on our game development course. This is the week when we showed our pre-alpha.
I’m going to talk about things that I have programmed during the week, specifically one feature each week. This week I will be focusing on the map creation.
What I mean by this is the technical aspect of map creation and loading it from an outside file.
First of all, the reason I even load the […]

Game Development! post 1
This is the fist week when we are suppoed to write a blogpost on our game development course. This is the week when we showed our pre-alpha.
I’m going to talk about things that I have programmed during the week, specifically one feature each week. This week I will be focusing on the map creation.
What I mean by this is the technical aspect of map creation and loading it from an outside file.
First of all, the reason I even load the […]