Daily Archives: February 12, 2015

Designing the Mole, the hero of Mole Munch
We are now four weeks in the development stage, and we spent the time working with our respective assignments and brainstorming our ideas. Me with the mole sketching and the others with their stuff. For this week we need to prepare ourselves for the pre-alpha prenentation tomorrow at 10.20, and our Game Designer needs to send the Game Design Document before 13:00. For three weeks, I have painted four different designs for the mole. I have shown my […]

Designing the Mole, the hero of Mole Munch
We are now four weeks in the development stage, and we spent the time working with our respective assignments and brainstorming our ideas. Me with the mole sketching and the others with their stuff. For this week we need to prepare ourselves for the pre-alpha prenentation tomorrow at 10.20, and our Game Designer needs to send the Game Design Document before 13:00. For three weeks, I have painted four different designs for the mole. I have shown my […]

Weekly blog assignment #1
Hi people!
In this new design course we were given a new assignment in the same group we had in the last design course were we had a four week project. In the current design course we were given the assignment of picking another group’s old game that they designed. Our group chose the game Magic Writer which is a typing game where you have to defend yourself against waves of enemies.
My role in the current project is QA, but for the […]

Weekly blog assignment #1
Hi people!
In this new design course we were given a new assignment in the same group we had in the last design course were we had a four week project. In the current design course we were given the assignment of picking another group’s old game that they designed. Our group chose the game Magic Writer which is a typing game where you have to defend yourself against waves of enemies.
My role in the current project is QA, but for the […]

The Green Warden – Report 1
I have lately been working on implementing tiles into our game, through the use of old code and a program called Tiled. The program creates TMX files that can be read into Visual Studio to create tiled maps and it has an interface that is very clear and allows the user to visually create the tiles within the program and then convert it into a TMX file which contains some of the information needed in order to […]

The Green Warden – Report 1
I have lately been working on implementing tiles into our game, through the use of old code and a program called Tiled. The program creates TMX files that can be read into Visual Studio to create tiled maps and it has an interface that is very clear and allows the user to visually create the tiles within the program and then convert it into a TMX file which contains some of the information needed in order to […]

Blogpost I – Fancy Mansion
The ”Stealable” Items
It is now the fourth week of our bigger game project where we are developing a functioning game from an existing concept. I and my group are working on “Fancy Mansion” where the player plays as a thief, stealing things from Mr Fancy’s Mansion.
This week I have been working on designing different types of item that the player will be able to steal in the game. So far I have completed three items that I am pleased with, […]

Blogpost I – Fancy Mansion
The ”Stealable” Items
It is now the fourth week of our bigger game project where we are developing a functioning game from an existing concept. I and my group are working on “Fancy Mansion” where the player plays as a thief, stealing things from Mr Fancy’s Mansion.
This week I have been working on designing different types of item that the player will be able to steal in the game. So far I have completed three items that I am pleased with, […]

Plocka upp vasen!
Det här är mitt första blogginlägg för det aktuella grupparbetet. Vi har valt att göra ett spel på spelkonceptet ”Fancy Mansion” som grupp 15 skrev.
Den här veckan vill jag skriva om föremålet som jag implementerade i spelet, för tillfället är spelet i pre-alpha och det finns fortfarande buggar kvar att fixa innan alphan. Vasen är ett objekt i spelet som spelaren ska plocka upp och placera på en ”dropzon” för att erhålla poäng/pengar som är målet med spelet.
När jag kodade […]

Plocka upp vasen!
Det här är mitt första blogginlägg för det aktuella grupparbetet. Vi har valt att göra ett spel på spelkonceptet ”Fancy Mansion” som grupp 15 skrev.
Den här veckan vill jag skriva om föremålet som jag implementerade i spelet, för tillfället är spelet i pre-alpha och det finns fortfarande buggar kvar att fixa innan alphan. Vasen är ett objekt i spelet som spelaren ska plocka upp och placera på en ”dropzon” för att erhålla poäng/pengar som är målet med spelet.
När jag kodade […]
Master of prototyping
Picture of the prototypes (1. & 2. Bat with sonar, 3. final prototype version, 4. bat in wheelchair, 5. multiplayer, 6. QWOP-bat, 7. Bat & Pig)
During the first phase of this project my main assignment was to prototype different features for our bat game. I don’t think I will have a more enjoyable task throughout the development cycle. Prototyping, or rather experimenting with different features and mechanics is definitely my preferred method to game development and design.
We had a lot […]
Master of prototyping
Picture of the prototypes (1. & 2. Bat with sonar, 3. final prototype version, 4. bat in wheelchair, 5. multiplayer, 6. QWOP-bat, 7. Bat & Pig)
During the first phase of this project my main assignment was to prototype different features for our bat game. I don’t think I will have a more enjoyable task throughout the development cycle. Prototyping, or rather experimenting with different features and mechanics is definitely my preferred method to game development and design.
We had a lot […]

Game Design Document
My week has entirely been focusing on the Game Design Document for the game we are making, Ambient Pressure. Though I was, initially, fairly confused regarding its layout, it came together easier the more time I spent on it. I’ve had to rewrite several times because of a change of approach, and truth to be told I still feel that I might want to change things in it. But then again, I have been told that the document is bound […]

Game Design Document
My week has entirely been focusing on the Game Design Document for the game we are making, Ambient Pressure. Though I was, initially, fairly confused regarding its layout, it came together easier the more time I spent on it. I’ve had to rewrite several times because of a change of approach, and truth to be told I still feel that I might want to change things in it. But then again, I have been told that the document is bound […]

Fourth week – Dangerous kids (Day of the Piñata)
I am now four weeks into a ten week project of creating the game Day of the Piñata. My team and I over took the concept document for this game from another team and our task is now simple; make the game as fantastic as it was first intended.
For this game you play as a piñata come to life, as it is possessed by a vengeful spirit who passed through to our world on the Day of the Dead, Dia […]

Fourth week – Dangerous kids (Day of the Piñata)
I am now four weeks into a ten week project of creating the game Day of the Piñata. My team and I over took the concept document for this game from another team and our task is now simple; make the game as fantastic as it was first intended.
For this game you play as a piñata come to life, as it is possessed by a vengeful spirit who passed through to our world on the Day of the Dead, Dia […]

Project Dragon song
During this project our group will produce a game out of the game concept created by another group during another course. In the game the player have to follow a beat while shooting down at enemies, resulting in music playing. Very similar to playing drums on rock band.
As we are only two programmers in our group my task is primarily as a programmer. During this week we went into production after working on the prototype were we tried out different […]

Project Dragon song
During this project our group will produce a game out of the game concept created by another group during another course. In the game the player have to follow a beat while shooting down at enemies, resulting in music playing. Very similar to playing drums on rock band.
As we are only two programmers in our group my task is primarily as a programmer. During this week we went into production after working on the prototype were we tried out different […]

Weekly blog assignment #1
Hi people!
In this new design course we were given a new assignment in the same group we had in the last design course were we had a four week project. In the current design course we were given the assignment of picking another group’s old game that they designed. Our group chose the game Magic Writer which is a typing game where you have to defend yourself against waves of enemies.
My role in the current project is QA, but for the […]

Weekly blog assignment #1
Hi people!
In this new design course we were given a new assignment in the same group we had in the last design course were we had a four week project. In the current design course we were given the assignment of picking another group’s old game that they designed. Our group chose the game Magic Writer which is a typing game where you have to defend yourself against waves of enemies.
My role in the current project is QA, but for the […]

This week one of my main artifacts was to get the Flares to work as intended. Since our game takes place in a mostly dark environment where visuals are valuable, flares plays a key-role in the game. The intent for the final product is to let the player use flare to light up areas and handle enemies. While flares are a limited resource they are a key piece of the game.
As seen, the game features a crosshair which is […]

This week one of my main artifacts was to get the Flares to work as intended. Since our game takes place in a mostly dark environment where visuals are valuable, flares plays a key-role in the game. The intent for the final product is to let the player use flare to light up areas and handle enemies. While flares are a limited resource they are a key piece of the game.
As seen, the game features a crosshair which is […]

Week 3 of Spelutveckling, introduktion. Mapdesign
This week I have mainly worked on the game design document, but I also created this first draft of the map layout.
In this layout there are four types of squares, the white squares being the space that the player and NPCs can navigate, the blue squares being the spawn points of the enemy NPCs, green squares being impassable and the red square being the location of the life tree that the player has to protect.
Lets analyze the map from […]

Week 3 of Spelutveckling, introduktion. Mapdesign
This week I have mainly worked on the game design document, but I also created this first draft of the map layout.
In this layout there are four types of squares, the white squares being the space that the player and NPCs can navigate, the blue squares being the spawn points of the enemy NPCs, green squares being impassable and the red square being the location of the life tree that the player has to protect.
Lets analyze the map from […]