Daily Archives: February 11, 2015

The Last Signal – Astronaut Design
This is my first concept of the player sprite for the game The Last Signal. We were going for a bulkier shape, something towards an oldschool diving suit or the austronaut suits used in the moon landings with a little tweek. This design decision was made due to the fact that the game is about a ship pursuing in the name of sience and are doing research and the trevelers need a suit that can protect them in extreme […]

The Last Signal – Astronaut Design
This is my first concept of the player sprite for the game The Last Signal. We were going for a bulkier shape, something towards an oldschool diving suit or the austronaut suits used in the moon landings with a little tweek. This design decision was made due to the fact that the game is about a ship pursuing in the name of sience and are doing research and the trevelers need a suit that can protect them in extreme […]
Designing the basic beat for Dragon’s Song
The first 3 weeks of the game development group assignment is over and my Team 16 has started to get into the groove with a working engine and the most essential art and FX assets in place for our pre Alpha milestone this Thursday.
This has been my first opportunity to take the helm of the Sound & FX department in earnest and actually produce some sounds. The first semester was highly theoretical and conceptual which left little room for me […]
Designing the basic beat for Dragon’s Song
The first 3 weeks of the game development group assignment is over and my Team 16 has started to get into the groove with a working engine and the most essential art and FX assets in place for our pre Alpha milestone this Thursday.
This has been my first opportunity to take the helm of the Sound & FX department in earnest and actually produce some sounds. The first semester was highly theoretical and conceptual which left little room for me […]

Designing enemies for a space shooter game
I am working on a space shooter game together with five other people. It is a music game about a dragon named Riff that cannot spit fire. Instead she can spit sound waves to create music. The other dragons are bullying her for that. But justice will come! When the planet is invaded by strange crystal beings, the dragons’ only hope are the sound waves that only Riff can create.
My role in the project is producer and graphic artist. Right now […]

Designing enemies for a space shooter game
I am working on a space shooter game together with five other people. It is a music game about a dragon named Riff that cannot spit fire. Instead she can spit sound waves to create music. The other dragons are bullying her for that. But justice will come! When the planet is invaded by strange crystal beings, the dragons’ only hope are the sound waves that only Riff can create.
My role in the project is producer and graphic artist. Right now […]

Speldesign #1
Jag har arbetat med animation till vårt spel. I tidigare kurs (spelprogrammering 1) så lärde vi oss hur man kan använda sig av ett sprite sheet så att man kan spela upp olika bilder med under en tid. Så det jag har gjort är att jag lärde mig från en tutorial från internet hur man skrev koden och sedan använde jag mig av den för att kunna spela upp en animation. I vår tidigare kod så kunde man kalla på […]

Speldesign #1
Jag har arbetat med animation till vårt spel. I tidigare kurs (spelprogrammering 1) så lärde vi oss hur man kan använda sig av ett sprite sheet så att man kan spela upp olika bilder med under en tid. Så det jag har gjort är att jag lärde mig från en tutorial från internet hur man skrev koden och sedan använde jag mig av den för att kunna spela upp en animation. I vår tidigare kod så kunde man kalla på […]

Game Development Log 1.
This post will be about a specific artifact in our game, Fancy Mansion.
Specifically, the design-choices and drawing of the moneybag, used as an item to be picked up to increase the players overall score in the game.
Fancy Mansion is a game about picking things up and increasing your own monetary value by stealing items. In order to represent a valuable items, first of all we chose iconic objects to symbolize this. The first object, the most basic design, was a […]

Game Development Log 1.
This post will be about a specific artifact in our game, Fancy Mansion.
Specifically, the design-choices and drawing of the moneybag, used as an item to be picked up to increase the players overall score in the game.
Fancy Mansion is a game about picking things up and increasing your own monetary value by stealing items. In order to represent a valuable items, first of all we chose iconic objects to symbolize this. The first object, the most basic design, was a […]

Green Warden: Week 4 – player character animation
I didn’t update my blog last week, apologies! Things have been very busy lately.
This week I’ve been working with animating the player character.
The player character is a dryad whose goal is to protect the forest where they live. The forest is being invaded by goblins who wants to destroy everything and build factories there instead. They want to destroy the life tree, which is the source of life of everything in the forest. As the dryad, you don’t have any […]

Green Warden: Week 4 – player character animation
I didn’t update my blog last week, apologies! Things have been very busy lately.
This week I’ve been working with animating the player character.
The player character is a dryad whose goal is to protect the forest where they live. The forest is being invaded by goblins who wants to destroy everything and build factories there instead. They want to destroy the life tree, which is the source of life of everything in the forest. As the dryad, you don’t have any […]

Week 4 Game Development.
It is pre-alpha week. The team has been working hard to make our MVP for this weeks deadline. The main point of the MVP is to show the core mechanics. As MVP do not really need fully animated sprites I did not have any pressure on me. Although being ahead of schedule is always a good thing.
Today I made the animated sprite for our main character the mole.
So here is the walking animation for the mole. The perspective of […]

Week 4 Game Development.
It is pre-alpha week. The team has been working hard to make our MVP for this weeks deadline. The main point of the MVP is to show the core mechanics. As MVP do not really need fully animated sprites I did not have any pressure on me. Although being ahead of schedule is always a good thing.
Today I made the animated sprite for our main character the mole.
So here is the walking animation for the mole. The perspective of […]

Week 4, Game design
This is the 4th week of our group project and 3rd week using scrum. For those who are not familiar with the scrum method, it is a way of planning projects by breaking them down in to smaller parts and making weekly deadlines. This also helps noticing where problems start to stack up and where deadlines needs to be changed. The team using scrum estimates their work hours and then see how long it actually took when finished. This way […]

Week 4, Game design
This is the 4th week of our group project and 3rd week using scrum. For those who are not familiar with the scrum method, it is a way of planning projects by breaking them down in to smaller parts and making weekly deadlines. This also helps noticing where problems start to stack up and where deadlines needs to be changed. The team using scrum estimates their work hours and then see how long it actually took when finished. This way […]