Monthly Archives: January 2015

Development process of 2D-Space shooter – Day 1
Today (19-01-2015) is the beginning of the development process of the 2D space shooter concept documents that we developed at first period at the institute. Our group chose a concept document made by team 8.
(press the image to enlarge)
Together we agreed that we should all read the concept document and regroup after the lecture with Adam Mayes. As he will go trough how the group shall begin working. We will also be assigned a mentor for our group from […]

Development process of 2D-Space shooter – Day 1
Today (19-01-2015) is the beginning of the development process of the 2D space shooter concept documents that we developed at first period at the institute. Our group chose a concept document made by team 8.
(press the image to enlarge)
Together we agreed that we should all read the concept document and regroup after the lecture with Adam Mayes. As he will go trough how the group shall begin working. We will also be assigned a mentor for our group from […]
Nytt år -ny start!
Jevlar i mig vad de senaste tre månaderna har varit jobbiga!Allt från knas med familj till knas med skolan! Upptagen är bara förnamnet! Nuär det nytt år ny startKursstart idag med Ubika Spel.Titeln säger mig ingenting så vi får la se vad komma skall …
Nytt år -ny start!
Jevlar i mig vad de senaste tre månaderna har varit jobbiga!Allt från knas med familj till knas med skolan! Upptagen är bara förnamnet! Nuär det nytt år ny startKursstart idag med Ubika Spel.Titeln säger mig ingenting så vi får la se vad komma skall …

3D2 Assignment 2: Complete
After an really really stressful week with a great amount of problems mainly concerning the baking of normal and ambient occlusion map I have finished and handed in my welder. Here are some screens of what it looks like in Unreal 4.

3D2 Assignment 2: Complete
After an really really stressful week with a great amount of problems mainly concerning the baking of normal and ambient occlusion map I have finished and handed in my welder. Here are some screens of what it looks like in Unreal 4.

So it’s been a while since my last post! school has been insane lately with rounding up the last big assignments for the previous two courses. this semester I studies motion capture for games and second level 3D modelling. Both courses have been extremely time consuming and also intersected with the holiday leave, which proved a wee bit hectic in the end. So to sum up some of my progression in 3D during this course I will show some screenshots […]

So it’s been a while since my last post! school has been insane lately with rounding up the last big assignments for the previous two courses. this semester I studies motion capture for games and second level 3D modelling. Both courses have been extremely time consuming and also intersected with the holiday leave, which proved a wee bit hectic in the end. So to sum up some of my progression in 3D during this course I will show some screenshots […]

Game programming – Week 11
This week, large progress has been made. We have added walls through the use of a text file.
1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1
1:1 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 1:1 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 1:1
1:1 0:2 1:1 1:1 0:2 1:1 1:1 1:1 0:2 1:1 0:2 1:1 1:1 1:1 0:2 1:1 1:1 0:2 1:1
1:1 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 […]

Game programming – Week 11
This week, large progress has been made. We have added walls through the use of a text file.
1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1
1:1 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 1:1 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 1:1
1:1 0:2 1:1 1:1 0:2 1:1 1:1 1:1 0:2 1:1 0:2 1:1 1:1 1:1 0:2 1:1 1:1 0:2 1:1
1:1 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 0:2 […]
Mario Clone Update 4
Det här var den sista veckan innan deadlinen för den här uppgiften och det känns som jag har gjort mycket sen förra uppdateringen. Jag har nu flera states, när man startar programmet så kommer man till MenuState. På den skärmen står det bara spelets titel och om man trycker enter så hoppar man in i gamestate. Eftersom jag missade Jerrys lektion på SDL_TTF så hade jag mycket problem med att faktiskt få text på skärmen, men efter några timmar så […]
Mario Clone Update 4
Det här var den sista veckan innan deadlinen för den här uppgiften och det känns som jag har gjort mycket sen förra uppdateringen. Jag har nu flera states, när man startar programmet så kommer man till MenuState. På den skärmen står det bara spelets titel och om man trycker enter så hoppar man in i gamestate. Eftersom jag missade Jerrys lektion på SDL_TTF så hade jag mycket problem med att faktiskt få text på skärmen, men efter några timmar så […]

Deadline börjar närma sig och jag är äntligen klar med spelet. De senaste två veckorna har varit riktigt jobbigt men lärorika, jag har fått spendera väldigt mycket tid på att få Space Invaders klart, det har blivit väldigt långa dagar i skolan framför Visual Studios.
Det som har tillkommit sen senast är alla sprites(som aliens, spelaren, sköldarna, liven), ljud, startskärm och skärm när man har förlorat, enemies rör sig nu som de ska och börjat i vänstra […]

Deadline börjar närma sig och jag är äntligen klar med spelet. De senaste två veckorna har varit riktigt jobbigt men lärorika, jag har fått spendera väldigt mycket tid på att få Space Invaders klart, det har blivit väldigt långa dagar i skolan framför Visual Studios.
Det som har tillkommit sen senast är alla sprites(som aliens, spelaren, sköldarna, liven), ljud, startskärm och skärm när man har förlorat, enemies rör sig nu som de ska och börjat i vänstra […]
The game is done!
This week has been intense. Me and Erik have been working on the game every day since I came back to the island (Friday morning). We began with manually merging our two projects which took us about two hours. I think it would have been a good idea to look into software specializing in project management before siding with the manual Dropbox method, since it takes a lot of time merging manually.
Well, what can I say, we did almost everything […]
The game is done!
This week has been intense. Me and Erik have been working on the game every day since I came back to the island (Friday morning). We began with manually merging our two projects which took us about two hours. I think it would have been a good idea to look into software specializing in project management before siding with the manual Dropbox method, since it takes a lot of time merging manually.
Well, what can I say, we did almost everything […]

So I havn’t been quite so active here as I should have been, mainy due to the fact that during the holidays I was home visiting family. However since I last wrote here I have finished the Legend of Zelda clone that I started on on week four.
The game is fully functional and although not perfect it is something that I am glad to have worked on. The assets used in the game are taken from various sites on […]

So I havn’t been quite so active here as I should have been, mainy due to the fact that during the holidays I was home visiting family. However since I last wrote here I have finished the Legend of Zelda clone that I started on on week four.
The game is fully functional and although not perfect it is something that I am glad to have worked on. The assets used in the game are taken from various sites on […]

So I havn’t been quite so active here as I should have been, mainy due to the fact that during the holidays I was home visiting family. However since I last wrote here I have finished the Legend of Zelda clone that I started on on week four.
The game is fully functional and although not perfect it is something that I am glad to have worked on. The assets used in the game are taken from various sites on […]

So I havn’t been quite so active here as I should have been, mainy due to the fact that during the holidays I was home visiting family. However since I last wrote here I have finished the Legend of Zelda clone that I started on on week four.
The game is fully functional and although not perfect it is something that I am glad to have worked on. The assets used in the game are taken from various sites on […]

Final 2D assignment
During the past couple of weeks I’ve been working on the two final assignments of the 2D course. They were optional and available to do if you wanted a higher grade at the end of the course.
The first assignment was to take this rough sketch and make it solid.
Here’s the first step I made, constructing the body with simple shapes like cylinders and circles:
The hips are a box to help show which way they’re tilted. The next step […]

Final 2D assignment
During the past couple of weeks I’ve been working on the two final assignments of the 2D course. They were optional and available to do if you wanted a higher grade at the end of the course.
The first assignment was to take this rough sketch and make it solid.
Here’s the first step I made, constructing the body with simple shapes like cylinders and circles:
The hips are a box to help show which way they’re tilted. The next step […]
Game Programming III – Dev. Post 5
I am absolutely terrible when it comes to updating this thing… the main reason is because I’ve just never felt like I made progress significant enough to warrant a blog post and so, I simply decided to wait “one more week” until I post something. But even so, the due date for the project is Sunday, I haven’t written the report, I’m not done with the web server and we just got drawing to work in the game. So, […]
Game Programming III – Dev. Post 5
I am absolutely terrible when it comes to updating this thing… the main reason is because I’ve just never felt like I made progress significant enough to warrant a blog post and so, I simply decided to wait “one more week” until I post something. But even so, the due date for the project is Sunday, I haven’t written the report, I’m not done with the web server and we just got drawing to work in the game. So, […]