Monthly Archives: January 2015

GameProgramming1 – Week 7

Ah, the week of Christmas is upon us, surely this week a lot of work will get done.
Ach no, fooled again, not being able to concentrate and get work properly done as one should, this shouldn’t happen. When sitting down and trying, either to write something or program, it all just slips away. Well at lest got something done, not much though , some theoretical work. The theoretical work being that of planning how and what to do, which order […]

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Program: Programming

GameProgramming1 – Week 7

Ah, the week of Christmas is upon us, surely this week a lot of work will get done.
Ach no, fooled again, not being able to concentrate and get work properly done as one should, this shouldn’t happen. When sitting down and trying, either to write something or program, it all just slips away. Well at lest got something done, not much though , some theoretical work. The theoretical work being that of planning how and what to do, which order […]

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Program: Programming

Namespace and delay

Completely lost any work yesterday due to brother’s birthday, not good.
Today i worked on getting a method of handling inputs, my plan was to use the system from the example task we did during classes, however it turned out to be more trouble than i had expected. The method uses one variable for each button or mouse cursor position which is set in a function named notify. the problem was that the notify function took an argument of the type […]

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Program: Programming

Namespace and delay

Completely lost any work yesterday due to brother’s birthday, not good.
Today i worked on getting a method of handling inputs, my plan was to use the system from the example task we did during classes, however it turned out to be more trouble than i had expected. The method uses one variable for each button or mouse cursor position which is set in a function named notify. the problem was that the notify function took an argument of the type […]

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Program: Programming

Week 7-8 | Red Plane1942

Week 7
This week I’ve added coins and power ups dropping from enemies. Both the coin and the power up inherits from the base class Entity. The coin is simple enough, it falls downwards and if hit by the player it adds to the players m_totalcoins. The power up bounces around on the screen edges until the player picks them up. For now i have only added an extra life power up but plan on adding one for adding extra bombs […]

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Program: Programming

Week 7-8 | Red Plane1942

Week 7
This week I’ve added coins and power ups dropping from enemies. Both the coin and the power up inherits from the base class Entity. The coin is simple enough, it falls downwards and if hit by the player it adds to the players m_totalcoins. The power up bounces around on the screen edges until the player picks them up. For now i have only added an extra life power up but plan on adding one for adding extra bombs […]

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Program: Programming

Week 7-8 | Red Plane1942

Week 7
This week I’ve added coins and power ups dropping from enemies. Both the coin and the power up inherits from the base class Entity. The coin is simple enough, it falls downwards and if hit by the player it adds to the players m_totalcoins. The power up bounces around on the screen edges until the player picks them up. For now i have only added an extra life power up but plan on adding one for adding extra bombs […]

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Program: Programming

Week 7-8 | Red Plane1942

Week 7
This week I’ve added coins and power ups dropping from enemies. Both the coin and the power up inherits from the base class Entity. The coin is simple enough, it falls downwards and if hit by the player it adds to the players m_totalcoins. The power up bounces around on the screen edges until the player picks them up. For now i have only added an extra life power up but plan on adding one for adding extra bombs […]

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Program: Programming

Mario Clone Update 2

Just a quick update on my mario clone, I’ve now implemented scrolling level which enables me to create bigger levels.

I’ve also animated the background so that has a small animation loop and the next thing that I will implement is enemies and player animations.

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Program: Programming

Mario Clone Update 2

Just a quick update on my mario clone, I’ve now implemented scrolling level which enables me to create bigger levels.

I’ve also animated the background so that has a small animation loop and the next thing that I will implement is enemies and player animations.

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Program: Programming

Januari 2015

The project is going forward and i´m proud of myself for finally learning some code, how to structure it and read code.
The advancements in the project is that i have implemented a background. Moving player and a wall object that the player can´t move past it.

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Program: Programming

Januari 2015

The project is going forward and i´m proud of myself for finally learning some code, how to structure it and read code.
The advancements in the project is that i have implemented a background. Moving player and a wall object that the player can´t move past it.

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Program: Programming

I have been very bad at posting… Bomberman

A couple of weeks ago we got the final assignment for this course, where we’re going to copy an old retro game. Me and Erik Lindgren are working on a copy of Bomberman.
To be frank, I have not worked anything on the project during Christmas and new year, and I’ve been to the Canaries islands so the communication between me and Erik has been limited, and I have not worked more than a couples of hours on the project. But […]

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Program: Programming

I have been very bad at posting… Bomberman

A couple of weeks ago we got the final assignment for this course, where we’re going to copy an old retro game. Me and Erik Lindgren are working on a copy of Bomberman.
To be frank, I have not worked anything on the project during Christmas and new year, and I’ve been to the Canaries islands so the communication between me and Erik has been limited, and I have not worked more than a couples of hours on the project. But […]

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Program: Programming

2D-Graphics, Theory and Application I – Christmas break

So, with Christmas break not much has been happening these last few weeks. I did however get started on one of the final assignments for the course, the values assignment. Our assignment was to take a lineart and render our character in greyscale in a setting drawn in correct linear perspective. I thought about using the lineart I made for the previous assignment but it seemed to suggest an outdoor setting and I wanted to work with a more defined, […]

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Program: Graphics

2D-Graphics, Theory and Application I – Christmas break

So, with Christmas break not much has been happening these last few weeks. I did however get started on one of the final assignments for the course, the values assignment. Our assignment was to take a lineart and render our character in greyscale in a setting drawn in correct linear perspective. I thought about using the lineart I made for the previous assignment but it seemed to suggest an outdoor setting and I wanted to work with a more defined, […]

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Program: Graphics

Holiday assignment pt. 2

Here’s the finished drawing!

I’m quite pleased with it overall, shading drawings is one of the things I usually have the most difficulty with. My biggest concern is that the stairs don’t look like they’re connected to the wall, instead it looks like they’re just sort of ”floating”. The clouds in the background looks kind of flat too, but maybe I’m just being overly self-critical!

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Program: Graphics

Holiday assignment pt. 2

Here’s the finished drawing!

I’m quite pleased with it overall, shading drawings is one of the things I usually have the most difficulty with. My biggest concern is that the stairs don’t look like they’re connected to the wall, instead it looks like they’re just sort of ”floating”. The clouds in the background looks kind of flat too, but maybe I’m just being overly self-critical!

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Program: Graphics

Åttonde veckan

Jaha mer stress denna vecka med både födelsedagar och nyårs firande.
Hoppas alls hade ett trevligt ny år och att ni har ett lika trevligt 2015.
Så under den här veckan har gamestates varit prio tillsammans med claser för alla objekt som ska bete sig i spel värden. Mycket av det som ska skrivas är gamestatesen samt menue state även ett par av game object states. Det som gällde var att få grunderna klara. Mycket research var gjorda av båda gruppmedlemmarna så […]

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Program: Programming

Åttonde veckan

Jaha mer stress denna vecka med både födelsedagar och nyårs firande.
Hoppas alls hade ett trevligt ny år och att ni har ett lika trevligt 2015.
Så under den här veckan har gamestates varit prio tillsammans med claser för alla objekt som ska bete sig i spel värden. Mycket av det som ska skrivas är gamestatesen samt menue state även ett par av game object states. Det som gällde var att få grunderna klara. Mycket research var gjorda av båda gruppmedlemmarna så […]

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Program: Programming

Programming 3 Sick

A quick update from me this, week. I caught a virus and have been lying sick all week so no progress from me unfortunately but I’ve been to the doctor and hopefully I’ll be better in the following days but I’ve been thinking about how to set up and refine the state system and then code in a simple main menu with interactable buttons for the mouse.

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Program: Programming

Programming 3 Sick

A quick update from me this, week. I caught a virus and have been lying sick all week so no progress from me unfortunately but I’ve been to the doctor and hopefully I’ll be better in the following days but I’ve been thinking about how to set up and refine the state system and then code in a simple main menu with interactable buttons for the mouse.

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Program: Programming

Programming 3 Sick

A quick update from me this, week. I caught a virus and have been lying sick all week so no progress from me unfortunately but I’ve been to the doctor and hopefully I’ll be better in the following days but I’ve been thinking about how to set up and refine the state system and then code in a simple main menu with interactable buttons for the mouse.

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Program: Programming

Programming 3 Sick

A quick update from me this, week. I caught a virus and have been lying sick all week so no progress from me unfortunately but I’ve been to the doctor and hopefully I’ll be better in the following days but I’ve been thinking about how to set up and refine the state system and then code in a simple main menu with interactable buttons for the mouse.

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Program: Programming