Yearly Archives: 2014

Have to catch up

Bad weekend. Due to the unexpected death of a family member i was unable to get any work done as opposed to the things i had planned. Monday was better however as i was able to both get good work done during the morning, managed to follow the lecture on the afternoon and crunch numbers during the evening. This is required as i am still not done with the first part of the assignment, although i’m getting closer by the […]

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Program: Programming

Have to catch up

Bad weekend. Due to the unexpected death of a family member i was unable to get any work done as opposed to the things i had planned. Monday was better however as i was able to both get good work done during the morning, managed to follow the lecture on the afternoon and crunch numbers during the evening. This is required as i am still not done with the first part of the assignment, although i’m getting closer by the […]

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Program: Programming

Unit Testing

So this time I’ll be blogging about what Unit testing is and how I applied it to both my projects(BST and L.List).
Generally unit testing follows your functions you’ve created and makes sure they return the correct values or just does what they are suppose to do.
The way you configure them is dependent on what your functions does.
I will state here what kind of testing my class does and how it does so.
As a whole this is my unit testing:
bool are_equal(T […]

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Program: Programming

Unit Testing

So this time I’ll be blogging about what Unit testing is and how I applied it to both my projects(BST and L.List).
Generally unit testing follows your functions you’ve created and makes sure they return the correct values or just does what they are suppose to do.
The way you configure them is dependent on what your functions does.
I will state here what kind of testing my class does and how it does so.
As a whole this is my unit testing:
bool are_equal(T […]

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Program: Programming

Unit Testing

So this time I’ll be blogging about what Unit testing is and how I applied it to both my projects(BST and L.List).
Generally unit testing follows your functions you’ve created and makes sure they return the correct values or just does what they are suppose to do.
The way you configure them is dependent on what your functions does.
I will state here what kind of testing my class does and how it does so.
As a whole this is my unit testing:
bool are_equal(T […]

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Program: Programming

Unit Testing

So this time I’ll be blogging about what Unit testing is and how I applied it to both my projects(BST and L.List).
Generally unit testing follows your functions you’ve created and makes sure they return the correct values or just does what they are suppose to do.
The way you configure them is dependent on what your functions does.
I will state here what kind of testing my class does and how it does so.
As a whole this is my unit testing:
bool are_equal(T […]

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Program: Programming

Programming – Week 3

This week I’ve learned how to create classes using header and cpp files.
This is an example of a header named Student
class Student
Student(std::string name, int age);

int GetAge();
void SetAge(int newAge);

std::string GetName();
void SetName(std::string newName);

int age;
std::string name;
The keyword ”public” describes what functions and variables are accesable from outside the class. All ”private” variables and functions are only accesable inside the class.
Student(std::string name, int age)    is the constructor of the class. The constructor works like a […]

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Program: Programming

Programming – Week 3

This week I’ve learned how to create classes using header and cpp files.
This is an example of a header named Student
class Student
Student(std::string name, int age);

int GetAge();
void SetAge(int newAge);

std::string GetName();
void SetName(std::string newName);

int age;
std::string name;
The keyword ”public” describes what functions and variables are accesable from outside the class. All ”private” variables and functions are only accesable inside the class.
Student(std::string name, int age)    is the constructor of the class. The constructor works like a […]

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Program: Programming

Programming – Week 3

This week I’ve learned how to create classes using header and cpp files.
This is an example of a header named Student
class Student
Student(std::string name, int age);

int GetAge();
void SetAge(int newAge);

std::string GetName();
void SetName(std::string newName);

int age;
std::string name;
The keyword ”public” describes what functions and variables are accesable from outside the class. All ”private” variables and functions are only accesable inside the class.
Student(std::string name, int age)    is the constructor of the class. The constructor works like a […]

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Program: Programming

Programming – Week 3

This week I’ve learned how to create classes using header and cpp files.
This is an example of a header named Student
class Student
Student(std::string name, int age);

int GetAge();
void SetAge(int newAge);

std::string GetName();
void SetName(std::string newName);

int age;
std::string name;
The keyword ”public” describes what functions and variables are accesable from outside the class. All ”private” variables and functions are only accesable inside the class.
Student(std::string name, int age)    is the constructor of the class. The constructor works like a […]

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Program: Programming

Programmering V.2

// main.cpp
// includes
// Pro+: disable warning(s) that are annoying
#pragma warning(disable:4098)
// pragma directives (can also be linked through project settings)
#pragma comment(lib, ”SDL2.lib”)
#pragma comment(lib, ”SDL2main.lib”)
// structs
struct Paddle
float x, y;
bool input[2];
struct Ball
float x, y, xA,yA;
enum EGameState
struct Game
SDL_Window* window;
SDL_Renderer* renderer;
int width, height;
unsigned int tick;
EGameState state;
Ball boll;
unsigned int score0, score1;
Paddle left;
Paddle right;
bool start;
void initialize_boll(Ball* boll, float x, float y)
boll->x = x;// = 502;
boll->y = y;// = 310;
boll->xA = 0.0f; //= 50;
boll->yA = 0.0f; //= -50;
void initialize_paddle(Paddle* paddle, float x, float y)
paddle->input[0] = […]

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Program: Programming

Programmering V.2

// main.cpp
// includes
// Pro+: disable warning(s) that are annoying
#pragma warning(disable:4098)
// pragma directives (can also be linked through project settings)
#pragma comment(lib, ”SDL2.lib”)
#pragma comment(lib, ”SDL2main.lib”)
// structs
struct Paddle
float x, y;
bool input[2];
struct Ball
float x, y, xA,yA;
enum EGameState
struct Game
SDL_Window* window;
SDL_Renderer* renderer;
int width, height;
unsigned int tick;
EGameState state;
Ball boll;
unsigned int score0, score1;
Paddle left;
Paddle right;
bool start;
void initialize_boll(Ball* boll, float x, float y)
boll->x = x;// = 502;
boll->y = y;// = 310;
boll->xA = 0.0f; //= 50;
boll->yA = 0.0f; //= -50;
void initialize_paddle(Paddle* paddle, float x, float y)
paddle->input[0] = […]

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Program: Programming

Two weeks of programming

Well, it’s been two weeks since my last post, so I’ll go through what I’ve done the past weeks.
Last week we were introduced to network programming, which I’m very interested in and have been ever since I played Diablo II with my best friend, wanting to learn how it ticked.
It isn’t my first contact with networking in practice or theory, back in high-school I went to a networking course where we learned the OSI-model among others. even if it was […]

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Program: Programming

Two weeks of programming

Well, it’s been two weeks since my last post, so I’ll go through what I’ve done the past weeks.
Last week we were introduced to network programming, which I’m very interested in and have been ever since I played Diablo II with my best friend, wanting to learn how it ticked.
It isn’t my first contact with networking in practice or theory, back in high-school I went to a networking course where we learned the OSI-model among others. even if it was […]

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Program: Programming

Two weeks of programming

Well, it’s been two weeks since my last post, so I’ll go through what I’ve done the past weeks.
Last week we were introduced to network programming, which I’m very interested in and have been ever since I played Diablo II with my best friend, wanting to learn how it ticked.
It isn’t my first contact with networking in practice or theory, back in high-school I went to a networking course where we learned the OSI-model among others. even if it was […]

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Program: Programming

Two weeks of programming

Well, it’s been two weeks since my last post, so I’ll go through what I’ve done the past weeks.
Last week we were introduced to network programming, which I’m very interested in and have been ever since I played Diablo II with my best friend, wanting to learn how it ticked.
It isn’t my first contact with networking in practice or theory, back in high-school I went to a networking course where we learned the OSI-model among others. even if it was […]

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Program: Programming

Game Programming III – Blog Post 3

Gah! I just remembered that I forgot to write this. Oh well, I’ll just get right to it, I suppose.

The main thing that was accomplished this week was the completeness of the binary search tree. While the linked list wasn’t too difficult and the logic wasn’t too strange, the binary search tree was something different. The creation of the tree was probably the easiest as it simply followed a somewhat basic logic and most of the work was to […]

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Program: Programming

Game Programming III – Blog Post 3

Gah! I just remembered that I forgot to write this. Oh well, I’ll just get right to it, I suppose.

The main thing that was accomplished this week was the completeness of the binary search tree. While the linked list wasn’t too difficult and the logic wasn’t too strange, the binary search tree was something different. The creation of the tree was probably the easiest as it simply followed a somewhat basic logic and most of the work was to […]

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Program: Programming

Done with the Web Server! (Week 48)

So I managed to finish my web server. 

When I started coding I managed to get something up and working in a few hours and I blogged about it last week, but then I realized that there was much more to assignment 2 so I got down to business.

First of all I had to figure out how a web browser operates. Something I knew nothing about. My classmate Jonas explained how the browser sends a “GET” request (e.g. GET […]

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Program: Programming

Done with the Web Server! (Week 48)

So I managed to finish my web server. 

When I started coding I managed to get something up and working in a few hours and I blogged about it last week, but then I realized that there was much more to assignment 2 so I got down to business.

First of all I had to figure out how a web browser operates. Something I knew nothing about. My classmate Jonas explained how the browser sends a “GET” request (e.g. GET […]

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Program: Programming

Week 3 of Game Programming 1 – Classes

In this week of game programming, we have worked with classes. A class holds values, the amount and type of values is decided by the programmer. To learn how classes work, we had a bunch of different assignments. The assignment I chose to focus on was to make a deck of cards. I chose to focus on this because it demonstrate really well how classes work together. I made a class called Card, this class held the types Integer and String. […]

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Program: Programming

Week 3 of Game Programming 1 – Classes

In this week of game programming, we have worked with classes. A class holds values, the amount and type of values is decided by the programmer. To learn how classes work, we had a bunch of different assignments. The assignment I chose to focus on was to make a deck of cards. I chose to focus on this because it demonstrate really well how classes work together. I made a class called Card, this class held the types Integer and String. […]

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Program: Programming

Week two and three

Hello world!
The first week was easy enough, but the second week was rough, really rough. In the classes I barely understood  anything the teacher went through and it took quite a while to learn and understand it. The 20 exercises that we had for the second week were difficult and took me until the middle of the third week to complete, so that put me back quite a bit. I started studying after the classes with some of the other […]

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Program: Programming

Week two and three

Hello world!
The first week was easy enough, but the second week was rough, really rough. In the classes I barely understood  anything the teacher went through and it took quite a while to learn and understand it. The 20 exercises that we had for the second week were difficult and took me until the middle of the third week to complete, so that put me back quite a bit. I started studying after the classes with some of the other […]

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Program: Programming