Monthly Archives: December 2014

Programming – Bomberman
I have made it back to Stockholm to spend the holidays with my family, however during christmas im going to work on creating a copy of the original game Bomberman with a classmate of mine. So far we’ve been able to program a window, so what we’ll have to do from now on is basically to add each of the objects and give them their own properties. The objects are Player1, Player2, Bombs, Walls and Boxes.
I’ll be sure to […]

Programming – Bomberman
I have made it back to Stockholm to spend the holidays with my family, however during christmas im going to work on creating a copy of the original game Bomberman with a classmate of mine. So far we’ve been able to program a window, so what we’ll have to do from now on is basically to add each of the objects and give them their own properties. The objects are Player1, Player2, Bombs, Walls and Boxes.
I’ll be sure to […]

So web servers have to wait a while. I’ve been making more progress on another assignment.
This time around we have been fortunate enough to work on a 3D engine. My assignment is to make a 3D game with a partner.
The genre we picked was racing. This time around the game is not the focus instead we will be focusing more on the systems built around it.
To be honest, most of the code has already been written before in different versions […]

So web servers have to wait a while. I’ve been making more progress on another assignment.
This time around we have been fortunate enough to work on a 3D engine. My assignment is to make a 3D game with a partner.
The genre we picked was racing. This time around the game is not the focus instead we will be focusing more on the systems built around it.
To be honest, most of the code has already been written before in different versions […]

So web servers have to wait a while. I’ve been making more progress on another assignment.
This time around we have been fortunate enough to work on a 3D engine. My assignment is to make a 3D game with a partner.
The genre we picked was racing. This time around the game is not the focus instead we will be focusing more on the systems built around it.
To be honest, most of the code has already been written before in different versions […]

So web servers have to wait a while. I’ve been making more progress on another assignment.
This time around we have been fortunate enough to work on a 3D engine. My assignment is to make a 3D game with a partner.
The genre we picked was racing. This time around the game is not the focus instead we will be focusing more on the systems built around it.
To be honest, most of the code has already been written before in different versions […]
So it begins!
So it begins indeed, this week I am going home for the holidays, and that marks the definitive start to my game clone project.
I’m doing this project together with Johan Holmér and the game that we choose was Bomberman. This week we cleaned up our Arkanoid game and started to get the player and enemies in the game, I started to experiment with how to get the tile map working, and while it’s not done by a long shot I […]
So it begins!
So it begins indeed, this week I am going home for the holidays, and that marks the definitive start to my game clone project.
I’m doing this project together with Johan Holmér and the game that we choose was Bomberman. This week we cleaned up our Arkanoid game and started to get the player and enemies in the game, I started to experiment with how to get the tile map working, and while it’s not done by a long shot I […]

Board game analysis II: Carcassonne
As I was in Japan during the week my classmates played boardgames for the first time, I missed out on making the very first analysis. I have now played and analyzed the game Carcassonne with some help from some friends that were willing to play the game with me. And now, without further ado, the analysis!
I have played the board game called Carcassonne, a strategy based board game where players fight, or cooperate against one another to claim the biggest […]

Board game analysis II: Carcassonne
As I was in Japan during the week my classmates played boardgames for the first time, I missed out on making the very first analysis. I have now played and analyzed the game Carcassonne with some help from some friends that were willing to play the game with me. And now, without further ado, the analysis!
I have played the board game called Carcassonne, a strategy based board game where players fight, or cooperate against one another to claim the biggest […]

Board game analysis II: Carcassonne
As I was in Japan during the week my classmates played boardgames for the first time, I missed out on making the very first analysis. I have now played and analyzed the game Carcassonne with some help from some friends that were willing to play the game with me. And now, without further ado, the analysis!
I have played the board game called Carcassonne, a strategy based board game where players fight, or cooperate against one another to claim the biggest […]

Board game analysis II: Carcassonne
As I was in Japan during the week my classmates played boardgames for the first time, I missed out on making the very first analysis. I have now played and analyzed the game Carcassonne with some help from some friends that were willing to play the game with me. And now, without further ado, the analysis!
I have played the board game called Carcassonne, a strategy based board game where players fight, or cooperate against one another to claim the biggest […]

Project : Create a Game
This week we have had some lectures about project management and how to put images and text on to the screen. And we have done this because we are to begin our project this week! And we are to create a game, and not any game. We are going to create a clone of an old arcade game! I have chosen Frogger.
This is a picture of the normal gameplay when playing Frogger. The idea of the game is to […]

Project : Create a Game
This week we have had some lectures about project management and how to put images and text on to the screen. And we have done this because we are to begin our project this week! And we are to create a game, and not any game. We are going to create a clone of an old arcade game! I have chosen Frogger.
This is a picture of the normal gameplay when playing Frogger. The idea of the game is to […]
week 4
I have been terrible at posting in this blog, so I am some weeks behind with my blog right now.
This post is about the Kelvin/Fahrenheit/Celsius converter I did during week 3. I did write a fully functional code but realized that I just used ordinary functions, when the assignment was to create a class.
I had some problems understanding classes and splitting code into header and cpp files before, but completing this assignment greatly helped me understand how this worked. The […]
week 4
I have been terrible at posting in this blog, so I am some weeks behind with my blog right now.
This post is about the Kelvin/Fahrenheit/Celsius converter I did during week 3. I did write a fully functional code but realized that I just used ordinary functions, when the assignment was to create a class.
I had some problems understanding classes and splitting code into header and cpp files before, but completing this assignment greatly helped me understand how this worked. The […]
week 4
I have been terrible at posting in this blog, so I am some weeks behind with my blog right now.
This post is about the Kelvin/Fahrenheit/Celsius converter I did during week 3. I did write a fully functional code but realized that I just used ordinary functions, when the assignment was to create a class.
I had some problems understanding classes and splitting code into header and cpp files before, but completing this assignment greatly helped me understand how this worked. The […]
week 4
I have been terrible at posting in this blog, so I am some weeks behind with my blog right now.
This post is about the Kelvin/Fahrenheit/Celsius converter I did during week 3. I did write a fully functional code but realized that I just used ordinary functions, when the assignment was to create a class.
I had some problems understanding classes and splitting code into header and cpp files before, but completing this assignment greatly helped me understand how this worked. The […]

Week 4: Arkanoid
So.. Week 4 of Game Programming. This week we started another game. We started to create Arkanoid!
Here we basically learned how to create readable software projects with a good code structure. We have also learned the value in it aswell. Even though code is just a bunch of symbols and random words for a lot of people, it is actually a language. Programming-languages are extremely powerful languages. So when you are programming you are responsible for the code you are […]

Week 4: Arkanoid
So.. Week 4 of Game Programming. This week we started another game. We started to create Arkanoid!
Here we basically learned how to create readable software projects with a good code structure. We have also learned the value in it aswell. Even though code is just a bunch of symbols and random words for a lot of people, it is actually a language. Programming-languages are extremely powerful languages. So when you are programming you are responsible for the code you are […]

The Game Programming Begins!
So, even though this post is not published the week after the last post which it should, I will still write about what we did in week 3.
So in week 3 we basically started with game programming. We wrote the game Pong. I don’t need to explain what Pong is and how it works, but it was awesome to start game programming. Since I am new to programming I did not really understand everything we wrote, but it was cool how […]

The Game Programming Begins!
So, even though this post is not published the week after the last post which it should, I will still write about what we did in week 3.
So in week 3 we basically started with game programming. We wrote the game Pong. I don’t need to explain what Pong is and how it works, but it was awesome to start game programming. Since I am new to programming I did not really understand everything we wrote, but it was cool how […]
I’m on
My web server program is now able to be connected to! Today was a pretty good day.
I was supposed to have a meeting with Tommi this morning but he was still sick so i worked in the classroom where Jerry helped the first year students.
I decided to add in some structs and functions from our previous classes where we made a simple Peer to Peer UDP chat. The most important thing i added from this was the struct client which […]
I’m on
My web server program is now able to be connected to! Today was a pretty good day.
I was supposed to have a meeting with Tommi this morning but he was still sick so i worked in the classroom where Jerry helped the first year students.
I decided to add in some structs and functions from our previous classes where we made a simple Peer to Peer UDP chat. The most important thing i added from this was the struct client which […]