Monthly Archives: December 2014
Programming blog post third party tools and tips:
This week has mainly gone to figuring out how to import 3d models into a DirectX powered application, following an advice from my teacher I chose to use the third party program Assimp, which as it name so humorously describes, imports assets.
However to get the program to import correctly into a DirectX powered program we need to use another tool to aid the importation. Cmake is a program which will as far as I’ve learned translate the conversion process into […]
Programming blog post third party tools and tips:
This week has mainly gone to figuring out how to import 3d models into a DirectX powered application, following an advice from my teacher I chose to use the third party program Assimp, which as it name so humorously describes, imports assets.
However to get the program to import correctly into a DirectX powered program we need to use another tool to aid the importation. Cmake is a program which will as far as I’ve learned translate the conversion process into […]
Dev Diary
Work continues on our final assignment for Game Programming I.
20/12: 18:20-20:30
Met up on voicechat to organize, go over what has been done and plan for the next few days.
My partner suggested tiling for the background. Seems like a very good idea! Generate a room by reading in characters from a text file.
Partner went over animation again for me.
Decided to draw the sprite for the sword separately from the sprite for Link, that is, draw both sprites when an attack is […]
Dev Diary
Work continues on our final assignment for Game Programming I.
20/12: 18:20-20:30
Met up on voicechat to organize, go over what has been done and plan for the next few days.
My partner suggested tiling for the background. Seems like a very good idea! Generate a room by reading in characters from a text file.
Partner went over animation again for me.
Decided to draw the sprite for the sword separately from the sprite for Link, that is, draw both sprites when an attack is […]

Making Skelly Dungeon, a Zelda clone part 2
A week has gone by and we’ve gained a foothold on our project we feel confident in. With Github me and Dee can easily work on the project at the same time without trouble. And now that we’ve implemented some of the basic functions I can see the whole project coming together.
What we’ve done this week:
Player can now move and it feels natural
The players animation works while moving. There are a few errors here which will […]

Making Skelly Dungeon, a Zelda clone part 2
A week has gone by and we’ve gained a foothold on our project we feel confident in. With Github me and Dee can easily work on the project at the same time without trouble. And now that we’ve implemented some of the basic functions I can see the whole project coming together.
What we’ve done this week:
Player can now move and it feels natural
The players animation works while moving. There are a few errors here which will […]
Projekt på gång
Jag och Sebastian (min projektpartner) kom överens om att använda oss av Arkanoid-koden för att göra Space Invaders. Vi tyckte att de spelen var ganska lika till viss grad och bestämde oss för att skriva om Arkanoid-koden som vi har. Min första … – Läs hela inlägget här
Projekt på gång
Jag och Sebastian (min projektpartner) kom överens om att använda oss av Arkanoid-koden för att göra Space Invaders. Vi tyckte att de spelen var ganska lika till viss grad och bestämde oss för att skriva om Arkanoid-koden som vi har. Min första … – Läs hela inlägget här
I haven’t updated this blog for a couple of weeks so I will be summarizing each week up until now below.
Week 48
This was the week where I made the Webserver for the second assignment of the course Game Programming III at Uppsala University.
The code for this small project can be found here.
Basically the assignment was to host a webserver that could be accessed through the ip of the host, when accessed the server would first answer […]
I haven’t updated this blog for a couple of weeks so I will be summarizing each week up until now below.
Week 48
This was the week where I made the Webserver for the second assignment of the course Game Programming III at Uppsala University.
The code for this small project can be found here.
Basically the assignment was to host a webserver that could be accessed through the ip of the host, when accessed the server would first answer […]
I haven’t updated this blog for a couple of weeks so I will be summarizing each week up until now below.
Week 48
This was the week where I made the Webserver for the second assignment of the course Game Programming III at Uppsala University.
The code for this small project can be found here.
Basically the assignment was to host a webserver that could be accessed through the ip of the host, when accessed the server would first answer […]
I haven’t updated this blog for a couple of weeks so I will be summarizing each week up until now below.
Week 48
This was the week where I made the Webserver for the second assignment of the course Game Programming III at Uppsala University.
The code for this small project can be found here.
Basically the assignment was to host a webserver that could be accessed through the ip of the host, when accessed the server would first answer […]
Sjätte veckan
Under den här veckan har vi gått igenom Animation för sprites och sprite sheets. Detta är väldigt bra att kunna när vi kommer till delen av spel projektet där allting ska röra sig och spelar karaktären ska se animerad ut.
Vi gick sedan igenom avancerad kollision som innebär att fundera ut hur sfärer och roterade kuber/trianglar kolliderar mot andra objekt. Detta är bra för personer som gör lite mer avancerade former av koalition. Vi gick även snabbt igenom pixel perfekt kollision […]
Sjätte veckan
Under den här veckan har vi gått igenom Animation för sprites och sprite sheets. Detta är väldigt bra att kunna när vi kommer till delen av spel projektet där allting ska röra sig och spelar karaktären ska se animerad ut.
Vi gick sedan igenom avancerad kollision som innebär att fundera ut hur sfärer och roterade kuber/trianglar kolliderar mot andra objekt. Detta är bra för personer som gör lite mer avancerade former av koalition. Vi gick även snabbt igenom pixel perfekt kollision […]

Game Programming III – the sixth week, work on the third assignment
This weeks I have mostly been busy working on the third assignment, which is to make a simple game with 3D rendering using directX. What I have done this week includes reseraching the Ogre3D render engine, working on understanding and getting a grasp on the code for 3D rendering provided by our teacher (albeit in an incomplete state).
The Ogre3D reserach was done during one evening and then abandoned as I could not get it to work with Visual Studio […]

Game Programming III – the sixth week, work on the third assignment
This weeks I have mostly been busy working on the third assignment, which is to make a simple game with 3D rendering using directX. What I have done this week includes reseraching the Ogre3D render engine, working on understanding and getting a grasp on the code for 3D rendering provided by our teacher (albeit in an incomplete state).
The Ogre3D reserach was done during one evening and then abandoned as I could not get it to work with Visual Studio […]

Game Programming III – the sixth week, work on the third assignment
This weeks I have mostly been busy working on the third assignment, which is to make a simple game with 3D rendering using directX. What I have done this week includes reseraching the Ogre3D render engine, working on understanding and getting a grasp on the code for 3D rendering provided by our teacher (albeit in an incomplete state).
The Ogre3D reserach was done during one evening and then abandoned as I could not get it to work with Visual Studio […]

Game Programming III – the sixth week, work on the third assignment
This weeks I have mostly been busy working on the third assignment, which is to make a simple game with 3D rendering using directX. What I have done this week includes reseraching the Ogre3D render engine, working on understanding and getting a grasp on the code for 3D rendering provided by our teacher (albeit in an incomplete state).
The Ogre3D reserach was done during one evening and then abandoned as I could not get it to work with Visual Studio […]
Implementation in Helium!
I’ll give you guys a rerun on whats happened so far.
The class was given a 3D engine from the teacher to create a 3D game.
Most of the engine is already written such as the camera, scene management and all of their functions capable of creating a passing grade result.
The lectures we’ve been having before this was working on a shell of the engine just implementing the camera, scene, background, triangles, squares, 3D objects, height maps and HUD.
Thing is, with this […]
Implementation in Helium!
I’ll give you guys a rerun on whats happened so far.
The class was given a 3D engine from the teacher to create a 3D game.
Most of the engine is already written such as the camera, scene management and all of their functions capable of creating a passing grade result.
The lectures we’ve been having before this was working on a shell of the engine just implementing the camera, scene, background, triangles, squares, 3D objects, height maps and HUD.
Thing is, with this […]
Implementation in Helium!
I’ll give you guys a rerun on whats happened so far.
The class was given a 3D engine from the teacher to create a 3D game.
Most of the engine is already written such as the camera, scene management and all of their functions capable of creating a passing grade result.
The lectures we’ve been having before this was working on a shell of the engine just implementing the camera, scene, background, triangles, squares, 3D objects, height maps and HUD.
Thing is, with this […]
Implementation in Helium!
I’ll give you guys a rerun on whats happened so far.
The class was given a 3D engine from the teacher to create a 3D game.
Most of the engine is already written such as the camera, scene management and all of their functions capable of creating a passing grade result.
The lectures we’ve been having before this was working on a shell of the engine just implementing the camera, scene, background, triangles, squares, 3D objects, height maps and HUD.
Thing is, with this […]

Programming – Bomberman
I have made it back to Stockholm to spend the holidays with my family, however during christmas im going to work on creating a copy of the original game Bomberman with a classmate of mine. So far we’ve been able to program a window, so what we’ll have to do from now on is basically to add each of the objects and give them their own properties. The objects are Player1, Player2, Bombs, Walls and Boxes.
I’ll be sure to […]

Programming – Bomberman
I have made it back to Stockholm to spend the holidays with my family, however during christmas im going to work on creating a copy of the original game Bomberman with a classmate of mine. So far we’ve been able to program a window, so what we’ll have to do from now on is basically to add each of the objects and give them their own properties. The objects are Player1, Player2, Bombs, Walls and Boxes.
I’ll be sure to […]