Monthly Archives: December 2014

Networking (Week 50 + Week 51)
Where do I start?Well I started with assignment 3 last week, which consists of making a 3D game using DirectX. I became so overwhelmed (and still am) by the task that I basically did nothing for two weeks! Sure I read about programming patterns and networking and I did dibble in some network programming.
So that’s why I have no blog post from last week. I didn’t do anything worth blogging about. So a few days ago I finally started working […]

Networking (Week 50 + Week 51)
Where do I start?Well I started with assignment 3 last week, which consists of making a 3D game using DirectX. I became so overwhelmed (and still am) by the task that I basically did nothing for two weeks! Sure I read about programming patterns and networking and I did dibble in some network programming.
So that’s why I have no blog post from last week. I didn’t do anything worth blogging about. So a few days ago I finally started working […]
Pacman begins
Due to me going home over the holidays and internet problems this post is a bit late.
The pacman project is coming starting to take ground. I can not say that i understand everything that im writing over from the arkanoid exercise, but hell, as long as it works im happy.
It took me 20 mins to find a missing letter in the code and it almost made me punch the screen. Really jolly.
more confusion friday.
Pacman begins
Due to me going home over the holidays and internet problems this post is a bit late.
The pacman project is coming starting to take ground. I can not say that i understand everything that im writing over from the arkanoid exercise, but hell, as long as it works im happy.
It took me 20 mins to find a missing letter in the code and it almost made me punch the screen. Really jolly.
more confusion friday.
Nothing much
Actually started work properly today, sort of.
I got a updated version of the project from Martin which included the game object class and the player class which inherits from the game object class. With this I was able to add the preliminary variables and functionality to the player class.
We had to send the entire project in a zip file rather than use SourceTree due to issues with committing, our list of commits and branches is a complete mess right now.
Tomorrow […]
Nothing much
Actually started work properly today, sort of.
I got a updated version of the project from Martin which included the game object class and the player class which inherits from the game object class. With this I was able to add the preliminary variables and functionality to the player class.
We had to send the entire project in a zip file rather than use SourceTree due to issues with committing, our list of commits and branches is a complete mess right now.
Tomorrow […]

Game programming I – Week 6
This week, progress has been made on adding in pellets with a functioning collision system. Problem however is that Pac-man eats everything, even walls that we tried to add.
We felt that we met a lot of resistance this week and I personally felt like I wasn’t completely keeping up. We had a lot of LNK errors that were unspecific with their complaints which lead to many hours of frustrated code searching. We also met the classical “IsVisible()” vs “IsVisable()” […]

Game programming I – Week 6
This week, progress has been made on adding in pellets with a functioning collision system. Problem however is that Pac-man eats everything, even walls that we tried to add.
We felt that we met a lot of resistance this week and I personally felt like I wasn’t completely keeping up. We had a lot of LNK errors that were unspecific with their complaints which lead to many hours of frustrated code searching. We also met the classical “IsVisible()” vs “IsVisable()” […]
Implementing XInput
We have now officially started the final assignment of Game Programming 3! In short, it’s to create a simple 3D game using what we learned during the lectures. There are some things that are required (such as GUI, music, and (obviously) a fully functional game), and also various “advanced” features. The advanced features give varying amounts of points, of which you need 30 to receive a VG grade on the assignment as well as the course. We have now officially started the final assignment of Game Programming 3! In short, it’s to create a simple 3D game using what we learned during the lectures. There are some things that are required (such as GUI, music, and (obviously) a fully functional game), and also various “advanced” features. The advanced features give varying amounts of points, of which you need 30 to receive a VG grade on the assignment as well as the course.
I’m working with
Implementing XInput
I’m working with

Advanced Game design II – First Game
The theme for the first week games were “Every finger in the room is pointing at you” and we were asked to make a game based on this theme. We had 20 hours/person for this assignment.
The game we made in my group was a board game inspired by the classic mix & match games, where you have different parts of characters and you try to match them together to create a complete character.
My thoughts about this theme was that either the […]

Advanced Game design II – First Game
The theme for the first week games were “Every finger in the room is pointing at you” and we were asked to make a game based on this theme. We had 20 hours/person for this assignment.
The game we made in my group was a board game inspired by the classic mix & match games, where you have different parts of characters and you try to match them together to create a complete character.
My thoughts about this theme was that either the […]

Advanced Game design II – First Game
The theme for the first week games were “Every finger in the room is pointing at you” and we were asked to make a game based on this theme. We had 20 hours/person for this assignment.
The game we made in my group was a board game inspired by the classic mix & match games, where you have different parts of characters and you try to match them together to create a complete character.
My thoughts about this theme was that either the […]

Advanced Game design II – First Game
The theme for the first week games were “Every finger in the room is pointing at you” and we were asked to make a game based on this theme. We had 20 hours/person for this assignment.
The game we made in my group was a board game inspired by the classic mix & match games, where you have different parts of characters and you try to match them together to create a complete character.
My thoughts about this theme was that either the […]
Game programming – Week six
Week six has passed And this is the current progress made on our project to recreate the original Zelda for the NES. Collision kind of works, drawing and creating sprites for multiple enemies have been made, movement is almost finished and our design document for Zelda is almost finished aswell link to it ->HERE-< . The things to finish are the items on how they work, the minimap and the inventory screen.
The most difficult parts […]
Game programming – Week six
Week six has passed And this is the current progress made on our project to recreate the original Zelda for the NES. Collision kind of works, drawing and creating sprites for multiple enemies have been made, movement is almost finished and our design document for Zelda is almost finished aswell link to it ->HERE-< . The things to finish are the items on how they work, the minimap and the inventory screen.
The most difficult parts […]
Game programming – Week six
Week six has passed And this is the current progress made on our project to recreate the original Zelda for the NES. Collision kind of works, drawing and creating sprites for multiple enemies have been made, movement is almost finished and our design document for Zelda is almost finished aswell link to it ->HERE-< . The things to finish are the items on how they work, the minimap and the inventory screen.
The most difficult parts […]
Game programming – Week six
Week six has passed And this is the current progress made on our project to recreate the original Zelda for the NES. Collision kind of works, drawing and creating sprites for multiple enemies have been made, movement is almost finished and our design document for Zelda is almost finished aswell link to it ->HERE-< . The things to finish are the items on how they work, the minimap and the inventory screen.
The most difficult parts […]

This week I have continued working on the Legend of Zelda clone that I started last week.
I have started to plan on paper out more of how the rooms will work and how the transition from two different rooms will work.
I have also found a spritesheet online that I will be using for the sprites in the game. This is a link to the website that I will be taking the sprites from:
This means that I will not have to […]

This week I have continued working on the Legend of Zelda clone that I started last week.
I have started to plan on paper out more of how the rooms will work and how the transition from two different rooms will work.
I have also found a spritesheet online that I will be using for the sprites in the game. This is a link to the website that I will be taking the sprites from:
This means that I will not have to […]
Programming blog post third party tools and tips:
This week has mainly gone to figuring out how to import 3d models into a DirectX powered application, following an advice from my teacher I chose to use the third party program Assimp, which as it name so humorously describes, imports assets.
However to get the program to import correctly into a DirectX powered program we need to use another tool to aid the importation. Cmake is a program which will as far as I’ve learned translate the conversion process into […]
Programming blog post third party tools and tips:
This week has mainly gone to figuring out how to import 3d models into a DirectX powered application, following an advice from my teacher I chose to use the third party program Assimp, which as it name so humorously describes, imports assets.
However to get the program to import correctly into a DirectX powered program we need to use another tool to aid the importation. Cmake is a program which will as far as I’ve learned translate the conversion process into […]