Monthly Archives: December 2014
Week 6 in game programming (delayed blog post)
This week we went through how to add text into a game. This was done using SDL, and works similar to how you insert images in your code. We also went through advanced collision briefly, for example the different kinds of collision, and how to make circles collide and such. For some weeks now, I’ll be working on my Bomberman project together with Ludvig Storm, so far, we haven’t gotten very far. But we’re agreed on what needs to be […]
Week 6 in game programming (delayed blog post)
This week we went through how to add text into a game. This was done using SDL, and works similar to how you insert images in your code. We also went through advanced collision briefly, for example the different kinds of collision, and how to make circles collide and such. For some weeks now, I’ll be working on my Bomberman project together with Ludvig Storm, so far, we haven’t gotten very far. But we’re agreed on what needs to be […]

X-Mas Time? Art Time!
Christmas Break, and so much to do, even on Christmas Eve! Love it. To be this occupied with something I am especially passionate about is a great feeling. Drawing has always been a part of my life as you already know but never have I been this active in digital drawing before. To be “forced” to draw on order (for assignments in school) was a fact I was abit scared I would not be able to keep.
Most of these half […]

X-Mas Time? Art Time!
Christmas Break, and so much to do, even on Christmas Eve! Love it. To be this occupied with something I am especially passionate about is a great feeling. Drawing has always been a part of my life as you already know but never have I been this active in digital drawing before. To be “forced” to draw on order (for assignments in school) was a fact I was abit scared I would not be able to keep.
Most of these half […]

Idag fick jag hjälp utav Jerry att skriva den koden som gör att jag kan använda tangentbordet för att förflytta mitt egna skepp som spelare.

Idag fick jag hjälp utav Jerry att skriva den koden som gör att jag kan använda tangentbordet för att förflytta mitt egna skepp som spelare.
Idag har jag börjat med att göra en lista över allting som behövs finnas i min Space Invader för att verkligen få med allting och se till att uppfylla de kraven som behövs på denna uppgift. Jag har använt bland annat denna video som referens över vad jag behöver göra.
Förutom det har jag börjat jobba mer i mallen och skriva in, idag blev jag klar med att anpassa skärmen till en storlek som jag finner passande. Jag har också skapat […]
Idag har jag börjat med att göra en lista över allting som behövs finnas i min Space Invader för att verkligen få med allting och se till att uppfylla de kraven som behövs på denna uppgift. Jag har använt bland annat denna video som referens över vad jag behöver göra.
Förutom det har jag börjat jobba mer i mallen och skriva in, idag blev jag klar med att anpassa skärmen till en storlek som jag finner passande. Jag har också skapat […]
Frogger project going forward
Of course I forgot to update when I meant to. The project is going forward. We now have correct background colors and the purple sidewalks are in place. Since we have a sprite sheet, we figured the easiest way to draw the sidewalks was to make a class for the sidewalk tile, and make several instances of that class. The frog can be moved using the arrow keys, but there is no animation. We decided to postpone implementation of all […]
Frogger project going forward
Of course I forgot to update when I meant to. The project is going forward. We now have correct background colors and the purple sidewalks are in place. Since we have a sprite sheet, we figured the easiest way to draw the sidewalks was to make a class for the sidewalk tile, and make several instances of that class. The frog can be moved using the arrow keys, but there is no animation. We decided to postpone implementation of all […]

3D2 Assignment Start of High Poly Update
I have gotten started on the high poly model of my electrical welder but there is still a lot of work to be done. Yesterday I experimented on making screws which finally turned out not so bad after a lot of attempts and starting over.

3D2 Assignment Start of High Poly Update
I have gotten started on the high poly model of my electrical welder but there is still a lot of work to be done. Yesterday I experimented on making screws which finally turned out not so bad after a lot of attempts and starting over.
Frogger project going forward
Of course I forgot to update when I meant to. The project is going forward. We now have correct background colors and the purple sidewalks are in place. Since we have a sprite sheet, we figured the easiest way to draw the sidewalks was to make a class for the sidewalk tile, and make several instances of that class. The frog can be moved using the arrow keys, but there is no animation. We decided to postpone implementation of all […]
Frogger project going forward
Of course I forgot to update when I meant to. The project is going forward. We now have correct background colors and the purple sidewalks are in place. Since we have a sprite sheet, we figured the easiest way to draw the sidewalks was to make a class for the sidewalk tile, and make several instances of that class. The frog can be moved using the arrow keys, but there is no animation. We decided to postpone implementation of all […]
Week 6 | Red Plane1942
I’ve started working on a replica of a game called ”Red Plane 1942”. I’m using the same engine we created in class for the Arkanoid project. What I’ve done this week is to create the basic objects. I made a class called BackgroundObject. It’s basically just a object with a sprite that moves down towards the end of the screen. After it is below the edge it resets above the screen and randomizes a x position. The Player object is […]
Week 6 | Red Plane1942
I’ve started working on a replica of a game called ”Red Plane 1942”. I’m using the same engine we created in class for the Arkanoid project. What I’ve done this week is to create the basic objects. I made a class called BackgroundObject. It’s basically just a object with a sprite that moves down towards the end of the screen. After it is below the edge it resets above the screen and randomizes a x position. The Player object is […]
Week 6 | Red Plane1942
I’ve started working on a replica of a game called ”Red Plane 1942″. I’m using the same engine we created in class for the Arkanoid project. What I’ve done this week is to create the basic objects. I made a class called BackgroundObject. It’s basically just a object with a sprite that moves down towards the end of the screen. After it is below the edge it resets above the screen and randomizes a x position. The Player object is […]
Week 6 | Red Plane1942
I’ve started working on a replica of a game called ”Red Plane 1942″. I’m using the same engine we created in class for the Arkanoid project. What I’ve done this week is to create the basic objects. I made a class called BackgroundObject. It’s basically just a object with a sprite that moves down towards the end of the screen. After it is below the edge it resets above the screen and randomizes a x position. The Player object is […]
Programming Project – FPS
This I’ve been working with creating the playerobject, the playermovement, boundingboxes for collision and the collision. When I tried to add plaermovement the first time I fucked it up completely, I didnt account for the direction the player is facing in anyway so it obviously didn’t work. I blame being tired for it.
Then I got the Idea to just use the movement that the camera already has and then make set the playerobject and boundingbox to the position to the […]
Programming Project – FPS
This I’ve been working with creating the playerobject, the playermovement, boundingboxes for collision and the collision. When I tried to add plaermovement the first time I fucked it up completely, I didnt account for the direction the player is facing in anyway so it obviously didn’t work. I blame being tired for it.
Then I got the Idea to just use the movement that the camera already has and then make set the playerobject and boundingbox to the position to the […]
Programming Project – FPS
This I’ve been working with creating the playerobject, the playermovement, boundingboxes for collision and the collision. When I tried to add plaermovement the first time I fucked it up completely, I didnt account for the direction the player is facing in anyway so it obviously didn’t work. I blame being tired for it.
Then I got the Idea to just use the movement that the camera already has and then make set the playerobject and boundingbox to the position to the […]
Programming Project – FPS
This I’ve been working with creating the playerobject, the playermovement, boundingboxes for collision and the collision. When I tried to add plaermovement the first time I fucked it up completely, I didnt account for the direction the player is facing in anyway so it obviously didn’t work. I blame being tired for it.
Then I got the Idea to just use the movement that the camera already has and then make set the playerobject and boundingbox to the position to the […]
Game Programming III – Blog Post 4
I’ll have to apologize for not posting in two weeks. Truthfully I’ve had a bit of a Writer’s Block so to speak, I really haven’t gotten anything really important done in quite some time. Now that I have the entire Christmas weekend at my disposal I should be able to do some work. Anyway, onto the stuff that I’ve actually been doing this week.
So, we started development of the third assignment which is a 3D game. I will have […]
Game Programming III – Blog Post 4
I’ll have to apologize for not posting in two weeks. Truthfully I’ve had a bit of a Writer’s Block so to speak, I really haven’t gotten anything really important done in quite some time. Now that I have the entire Christmas weekend at my disposal I should be able to do some work. Anyway, onto the stuff that I’ve actually been doing this week.
So, we started development of the third assignment which is a 3D game. I will have […]