Daily Archives: November 28, 2014
Week 3: Classes and improvement
This week we have started using Classes. Because the course is moving forward in a high speed I feel like I need more time to do each exercise before I can fully understand them. The exercises that I have done this week is a few basic Programs that uses classes and then I did a Fahrenheit, Celsius Kelvin converter and a program that can calculate the time in seconds since midnight here you can also add or remove time. Now […]
Week 3: Classes and improvement
This week we have started using Classes. Because the course is moving forward in a high speed I feel like I need more time to do each exercise before I can fully understand them. The exercises that I have done this week is a few basic Programs that uses classes and then I did a Fahrenheit, Celsius Kelvin converter and a program that can calculate the time in seconds since midnight here you can also add or remove time. Now […]

Game programming I – Week 3
This week we have discussed and learned about classes, while the course is getting increasingly tough, this felt like a rather easy concept as we had already worked with concepts that were quite alike this when working with Pong during week two.
In general I am starting to feel as if I am falling behind as I find myself having a harder time grasping the exercises and especially as I spent two weeks on a single exercise from week two […]

Game programming I – Week 3
This week we have discussed and learned about classes, while the course is getting increasingly tough, this felt like a rather easy concept as we had already worked with concepts that were quite alike this when working with Pong during week two.
In general I am starting to feel as if I am falling behind as I find myself having a harder time grasping the exercises and especially as I spent two weeks on a single exercise from week two […]

From thumbnail to turnaround
This week’s assignment in 2D graphics was to chose one of the thumbnails we made two weeks ago and make a full character out of it! The thumbnail I chose is the one to the upper left. First we had to create a background and a personality for out character, so this is my princess Bella:
Name: Princess Bella
Gender: Female
Physical health/handicaps: Good mental and physical health, fairly strong, quick and agile for her age. No handicaps.
Personality: Very bubbly and […]

From thumbnail to turnaround
This week’s assignment in 2D graphics was to chose one of the thumbnails we made two weeks ago and make a full character out of it! The thumbnail I chose is the one to the upper left. First we had to create a background and a personality for out character, so this is my princess Bella:
Name: Princess Bella
Gender: Female
Physical health/handicaps: Good mental and physical health, fairly strong, quick and agile for her age. No handicaps.
Personality: Very bubbly and […]

Game programming I – Week 3
This week we have discussed and learned about classes, while the course is getting increasingly tough, this felt like a rather easy concept as we had already worked with concepts that were quite alike this when working with Pong during week two.
In general I am starting to feel as if I am falling behind as I find myself having a harder time grasping the exercises and especially as I spent two weeks on a single exercise from week two […]

Game programming I – Week 3
This week we have discussed and learned about classes, while the course is getting increasingly tough, this felt like a rather easy concept as we had already worked with concepts that were quite alike this when working with Pong during week two.
In general I am starting to feel as if I am falling behind as I find myself having a harder time grasping the exercises and especially as I spent two weeks on a single exercise from week two […]
Programming: Week 3
Week 3 is all about classes. Again, this is totally new to me but it is doable.
Just one exercise this time, more on classes to come.
Define a “Person” class. Within the class, define private variables (member variables/data members) to hold the age (an int
) and the name (an std::string
). Define public methods to assign values to the private variables and access the values in the private variables.
Use the class in a program so that the main()
function calls the methods […]
Programming: Week 3
Week 3 is all about classes. Again, this is totally new to me but it is doable.
Just one exercise this time, more on classes to come.
Define a “Person” class. Within the class, define private variables (member variables/data members) to hold the age (an int
) and the name (an std::string
). Define public methods to assign values to the private variables and access the values in the private variables.
Use the class in a program so that the main()
function calls the methods […]