Daily Archives: November 16, 2014
Back to programming!
So I’ve not been programming much the past few months, and this Monday we got a wake-up call with a sudden contest; we were to make a program that compress an image and then decompress it to it’s original state. I came to the same conclusion as the others within a few minutes after looking at the image, break it down into blocks of identical pixels, check the next pixel with the previous to see if they match. Then count […]
Back to programming!
So I’ve not been programming much the past few months, and this Monday we got a wake-up call with a sudden contest; we were to make a program that compress an image and then decompress it to it’s original state. I came to the same conclusion as the others within a few minutes after looking at the image, break it down into blocks of identical pixels, check the next pixel with the previous to see if they match. Then count […]
Starting from the very beginning so far down the road you can’t see where you’re coming from
So last week was the first week of art-class for me and my fellow game design students.
Ours is an eclectic and diverse bunch of people with very varying degrees of skill when it comes to drawing.
Now I feel that I’m a pretty resourceful person with a lot to offer the games industry. I have many marketable capabilities that would be applicable on a development team.
Apart from being a game designer (In a few years time I’ll have a phd to […]
Starting from the very beginning so far down the road you can’t see where you’re coming from
So last week was the first week of art-class for me and my fellow game design students.
Ours is an eclectic and diverse bunch of people with very varying degrees of skill when it comes to drawing.
Now I feel that I’m a pretty resourceful person with a lot to offer the games industry. I have many marketable capabilities that would be applicable on a development team.
Apart from being a game designer (In a few years time I’ll have a phd to […]

Motion Capture for Games, Reflective Blog 01
This is my first report for the Motion Capture for Games course, which details use of motion capture in video games. In this post I’ve chosen to go through the Asssassin’s Creed franchise’s use of mocap for their animations.
Research for this report was difficult as many behind the scenes videos on the series are region blocked on their respective sites, but I have assembled as much general information as I could find.
The game I chose to research for this report […]

Motion Capture for Games, Reflective Blog 01
This is my first report for the Motion Capture for Games course, which details use of motion capture in video games. In this post I’ve chosen to go through the Asssassin’s Creed franchise’s use of mocap for their animations.
Research for this report was difficult as many behind the scenes videos on the series are region blocked on their respective sites, but I have assembled as much general information as I could find.
The game I chose to research for this report […]

Motion Capture for Games, Reflective Blog 01
This is my first report for the Motion Capture for Games course, which details use of motion capture in video games. In this post I’ve chosen to go through the Asssassin’s Creed franchise’s use of mocap for their animations.
Research for this report was difficult as many behind the scenes videos on the series are region blocked on their respective sites, but I have assembled as much general information as I could find.
The game I chose to research for this report […]

Motion Capture for Games, Reflective Blog 01
This is my first report for the Motion Capture for Games course, which details use of motion capture in video games. In this post I’ve chosen to go through the Asssassin’s Creed franchise’s use of mocap for their animations.
Research for this report was difficult as many behind the scenes videos on the series are region blocked on their respective sites, but I have assembled as much general information as I could find.
The game I chose to research for this report […]
Programmering v.1
Lite från denna vecka:
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int tal1 = 0;
while (tal1 < 10)
std::cout<<”Hello World!”<<std::endl;
for (int i; i < 10; i++)
std::cout<<”I know how to program!”<<std::endl;
return 0;
Programmering v.1
Lite från denna vecka:
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int tal1 = 0;
while (tal1 < 10)
std::cout<<”Hello World!”<<std::endl;
for (int i; i < 10; i++)
std::cout<<”I know how to program!”<<std::endl;
return 0;

3D character modeling: Concepts
For assignment 3, we were given the task of finding concept art, or making your own to create a 3D model out of. What we did not know however, was that we would make concept trades when everyone had chosen and written a background on our characters.
This was the concept I found and wanted to create, but traded away to Oscar Mohlin, in the link, you’ll find his work on the concept.
The original creator of the concept is […]

3D character modeling: Concepts
For assignment 3, we were given the task of finding concept art, or making your own to create a 3D model out of. What we did not know however, was that we would make concept trades when everyone had chosen and written a background on our characters.
This was the concept I found and wanted to create, but traded away to Oscar Mohlin, in the link, you’ll find his work on the concept.
The original creator of the concept is […]

3D character modeling: Concepts
For assignment 3, we were given the task of finding concept art, or making your own to create a 3D model out of. What we did not know however, was that we would make concept trades when everyone had chosen and written a background on our characters.
This was the concept I found and wanted to create, but traded away to Oscar Mohlin, in the link, you’ll find his work on the concept.
The original creator of the concept is […]

3D character modeling: Concepts
For assignment 3, we were given the task of finding concept art, or making your own to create a 3D model out of. What we did not know however, was that we would make concept trades when everyone had chosen and written a background on our characters.
This was the concept I found and wanted to create, but traded away to Oscar Mohlin, in the link, you’ll find his work on the concept.
The original creator of the concept is […]

Assignment one Week 2-3
After we had created crates with different genres in mind, which you can read about in this blog post, we had to choose one of the three boxes we had created and optimize them, preparing to make Uwv maps. The optimization was normally done to your models by other colleagues, so that they could look at the models with fresh eyes and hopefully find the problems with them. This however, was not the case for me, since […]

Assignment one Week 2-3
After we had created crates with different genres in mind, which you can read about in this blog post, we had to choose one of the three boxes we had created and optimize them, preparing to make Uwv maps. The optimization was normally done to your models by other colleagues, so that they could look at the models with fresh eyes and hopefully find the problems with them. This however, was not the case for me, since […]

Assignment one Week 2-3
After we had created crates with different genres in mind, which you can read about in this blog post, we had to choose one of the three boxes we had created and optimize them, preparing to make Uwv maps. The optimization was normally done to your models by other colleagues, so that they could look at the models with fresh eyes and hopefully find the problems with them. This however, was not the case for me, since […]

Assignment one Week 2-3
After we had created crates with different genres in mind, which you can read about in this blog post, we had to choose one of the three boxes we had created and optimize them, preparing to make Uwv maps. The optimization was normally done to your models by other colleagues, so that they could look at the models with fresh eyes and hopefully find the problems with them. This however, was not the case for me, since […]

Template and component system
This week we started a new course called Game Programming III and during the lectures this week we learned about templates, linked lists and binary search tree, but the thing I am going to write about today is templates.
Templates are a method for creating generic functions or classes, and what I mean by generic is that they are type independent. You can use them for integers, floating-point numbers, Booleans etcetera, meaning that the function or the class can be reused […]

Template and component system
This week we started a new course called Game Programming III and during the lectures this week we learned about templates, linked lists and binary search tree, but the thing I am going to write about today is templates.
Templates are a method for creating generic functions or classes, and what I mean by generic is that they are type independent. You can use them for integers, floating-point numbers, Booleans etcetera, meaning that the function or the class can be reused […]

Template and component system
This week we started a new course called Game Programming III and during the lectures this week we learned about templates, linked lists and binary search tree, but the thing I am going to write about today is templates.
Templates are a method for creating generic functions or classes, and what I mean by generic is that they are type independent. You can use them for integers, floating-point numbers, Booleans etcetera, meaning that the function or the class can be reused […]

Template and component system
This week we started a new course called Game Programming III and during the lectures this week we learned about templates, linked lists and binary search tree, but the thing I am going to write about today is templates.
Templates are a method for creating generic functions or classes, and what I mean by generic is that they are type independent. You can use them for integers, floating-point numbers, Booleans etcetera, meaning that the function or the class can be reused […]
Game Programming III – Blog Post 1 (For real this time)
Okay, let’s be serious…
This week has been mainly about learning about new concepts such as linked lists, binary trees and templates in C++, and how to use them, so this post is mostly gonna be about what I’ve learned and what holes I need to fill in the future. Oh, and I wrote some code.
The first thing we looked at was templates. Templates are declared as follows:
In this case the template is a class of any type. It […]
Game Programming III – Blog Post 1 (For real this time)
Okay, let’s be serious…
This week has been mainly about learning about new concepts such as linked lists, binary trees and templates in C++, and how to use them, so this post is mostly gonna be about what I’ve learned and what holes I need to fill in the future. Oh, and I wrote some code.
The first thing we looked at was templates. Templates are declared as follows:
In this case the template is a class of any type. It […]