Daily Archives: November 14, 2014

Starting a new programming course!
So I have started this new course called Gameprogramming III. It feels good to start coding after a few months of game design.
We started of the week by creating a BMP compressor in C++ just to get into programming again. We had to compress a bitmap image file to the smallest possible size. I got down to ~10 KB. It was really fun to work with that. I got to work on the binary level which is pretty new for […]

Starting a new programming course!
So I have started this new course called Gameprogramming III. It feels good to start coding after a few months of game design.
We started of the week by creating a BMP compressor in C++ just to get into programming again. We had to compress a bitmap image file to the smallest possible size. I got down to ~10 KB. It was really fun to work with that. I got to work on the binary level which is pretty new for […]

Starting a new programming course!
So I have started this new course called Gameprogramming III. It feels good to start coding after a few months of game design.
We started of the week by creating a BMP compressor in C++ just to get into programming again. We had to compress a bitmap image file to the smallest possible size. I got down to ~10 KB. It was really fun to work with that. I got to work on the binary level which is pretty new for […]

Starting a new programming course!
So I have started this new course called Gameprogramming III. It feels good to start coding after a few months of game design.
We started of the week by creating a BMP compressor in C++ just to get into programming again. We had to compress a bitmap image file to the smallest possible size. I got down to ~10 KB. It was really fun to work with that. I got to work on the binary level which is pretty new for […]

Project Dragon´s Song Concept Art
Dragon’s Song was our last assignment for the course Game Analysis & Game Design. This is how the concept art turned out. I am happy to tell that after the 5 weeks the game concept for our music game Dragon´s Song was a success! 🙂

Project Dragon´s Song Concept Art
Dragon’s Song was our last assignment for the course Game Analysis & Game Design. This is how the concept art turned out. I am happy to tell that after the 5 weeks the game concept for our music game Dragon´s Song was a success! 🙂

Spelprogrammering III – 1st post
So, we’ve started out with a new Game Programming course, called Game programming III. We’ll be focusing on 3D programming this time around.
So, let’s have a little chat about something I’ve studied this week:
I’ve started looking at our first assignment, which is to create a binary search tree using C++. (I’ll be writing this to help me understand how a Binary Search Tree works myself, whilst also hopefully help anyone reading this understand it as well)
What is a binary search […]

Spelprogrammering III – 1st post
So, we’ve started out with a new Game Programming course, called Game programming III. We’ll be focusing on 3D programming this time around.
So, let’s have a little chat about something I’ve studied this week:
I’ve started looking at our first assignment, which is to create a binary search tree using C++. (I’ll be writing this to help me understand how a Binary Search Tree works myself, whilst also hopefully help anyone reading this understand it as well)
What is a binary search […]

Spelprogrammering III – 1st post
So, we’ve started out with a new Game Programming course, called Game programming III. We’ll be focusing on 3D programming this time around.
So, let’s have a little chat about something I’ve studied this week:
I’ve started looking at our first assignment, which is to create a binary search tree using C++. (I’ll be writing this to help me understand how a Binary Search Tree works myself, whilst also hopefully help anyone reading this understand it as well)
What is a binary search […]

Spelprogrammering III – 1st post
So, we’ve started out with a new Game Programming course, called Game programming III. We’ll be focusing on 3D programming this time around.
So, let’s have a little chat about something I’ve studied this week:
I’ve started looking at our first assignment, which is to create a binary search tree using C++. (I’ll be writing this to help me understand how a Binary Search Tree works myself, whilst also hopefully help anyone reading this understand it as well)
What is a binary search […]

Finally started programming!
Hi there!
I just finished my two first courses last week and this week the first programming course started. Just this first week has been fun! Most of what we have went through this first week I already knew, but some thing are new.
The first day, on monday, the teacher shortly introduced himself and told us about what he has done and how he got to be a teacher in programming and game design. Afterwards, everyone in the class shortly introduced […]

Finally started programming!
Hi there!
I just finished my two first courses last week and this week the first programming course started. Just this first week has been fun! Most of what we have went through this first week I already knew, but some thing are new.
The first day, on monday, the teacher shortly introduced himself and told us about what he has done and how he got to be a teacher in programming and game design. Afterwards, everyone in the class shortly introduced […]

First week of programming
So the first week of the programming course has gone by. This week we have gone though the very basics of c++.
I went into the course with little to zero knowledge of programming at all. At first it was very intimidating but after putting some work into the different assignments we got handed out I now feel very capable of writing simple code.
I think now I can make a simple calculator.
Here are some screenshots of the code for the assignments. […]

First week of programming
So the first week of the programming course has gone by. This week we have gone though the very basics of c++.
I went into the course with little to zero knowledge of programming at all. At first it was very intimidating but after putting some work into the different assignments we got handed out I now feel very capable of writing simple code.
I think now I can make a simple calculator.
Here are some screenshots of the code for the assignments. […]
Once again, let the coding begin! – Game Programming I
The game programming course has begun, but first:
So, last week we finished the course ‘Spelanalys och speldesign – introduktion, 7,5hp’, which roughly translates to ‘Introduction to game design and game analysis’. I have hardly written anything related to what I’ve learned or done in the course, so I’ll quickly run through it.
As mention in a previous post, I’ve learned about the MDA framework, which is a tool used to analyze games. We did a workshops where we created a […]
Once again, let the coding begin! – Game Programming I
The game programming course has begun, but first:
So, last week we finished the course ‘Spelanalys och speldesign – introduktion, 7,5hp’, which roughly translates to ‘Introduction to game design and game analysis’. I have hardly written anything related to what I’ve learned or done in the course, so I’ll quickly run through it.
As mention in a previous post, I’ve learned about the MDA framework, which is a tool used to analyze games. We did a workshops where we created a […]
Once again, let the coding begin! – Game Programming I
The game programming course has begun, but first:
So, last week we finished the course ‘Spelanalys och speldesign – introduktion, 7,5hp’, which roughly translates to ‘Introduction to game design and game analysis’. I have hardly written anything related to what I’ve learned or done in the course, so I’ll quickly run through it.
As mention in a previous post, I’ve learned about the MDA framework, which is a tool used to analyze games. We did a workshops where we created a […]
Once again, let the coding begin! – Game Programming I
The game programming course has begun, but first:
So, last week we finished the course ‘Spelanalys och speldesign – introduktion, 7,5hp’, which roughly translates to ‘Introduction to game design and game analysis’. I have hardly written anything related to what I’ve learned or done in the course, so I’ll quickly run through it.
As mention in a previous post, I’ve learned about the MDA framework, which is a tool used to analyze games. We did a workshops where we created a […]
This marks the end of my fist week with programming. Previous to this week I’ve programmed a bit in my spare time, but that was some years ago, and two years ago I took a class in Web development. This helped me get through this week without much problems, even though it took some time to get back into it, especially since I programmed in Visual basic then as opposed to C++ now.
This week we had introduction to programming, and […]
This marks the end of my fist week with programming. Previous to this week I’ve programmed a bit in my spare time, but that was some years ago, and two years ago I took a class in Web development. This helped me get through this week without much problems, even though it took some time to get back into it, especially since I programmed in Visual basic then as opposed to C++ now.
This week we had introduction to programming, and […]
This marks the end of my fist week with programming. Previous to this week I’ve programmed a bit in my spare time, but that was some years ago, and two years ago I took a class in Web development. This helped me get through this week without much problems, even though it took some time to get back into it, especially since I programmed in Visual basic then as opposed to C++ now.
This week we had introduction to programming, and […]
This marks the end of my fist week with programming. Previous to this week I’ve programmed a bit in my spare time, but that was some years ago, and two years ago I took a class in Web development. This helped me get through this week without much problems, even though it took some time to get back into it, especially since I programmed in Visual basic then as opposed to C++ now.
This week we had introduction to programming, and […]
Första veckan med programmering
Nu under första veckan av föreläsningar har vi gått igenom det basiska för programmeringen. Detta inkluderade en kort del med datorers historia. Sedan på onsdagen hade vi ett mattetest för att se alla i klassens matematiska egenskaper. Programmering innehåller en del matte så det är bra att se vilka som kanske behöver lite mer hjälp.
Sedan spenderades lite tid med att lösa uppgifter. Två av uppgifterna var att göra ett program som räknade om Fahrenheit till Celsius. Så jag kombinerade uppgifterna […]
Första veckan med programmering
Nu under första veckan av föreläsningar har vi gått igenom det basiska för programmeringen. Detta inkluderade en kort del med datorers historia. Sedan på onsdagen hade vi ett mattetest för att se alla i klassens matematiska egenskaper. Programmering innehåller en del matte så det är bra att se vilka som kanske behöver lite mer hjälp.
Sedan spenderades lite tid med att lösa uppgifter. Två av uppgifterna var att göra ett program som räknade om Fahrenheit till Celsius. Så jag kombinerade uppgifterna […]