Daily Archives: October 11, 2014

A Font
I have recently finished the baptismal font I was working on. Since a font is usually filled with water during baptisms, I decided to try and use that in the texture. I added algae to bowl and decorations. I figured that the font might have been kept in use for a very long time, even though the font and church in which it belonged had fallen into ruin. Then the font would have remained wet after ceremonies, water would have […]

A Font
I have recently finished the baptismal font I was working on. Since a font is usually filled with water during baptisms, I decided to try and use that in the texture. I added algae to bowl and decorations. I figured that the font might have been kept in use for a very long time, even though the font and church in which it belonged had fallen into ruin. Then the font would have remained wet after ceremonies, water would have […]

Dragons and oscilloscopes
Hello again..
I have realized something during the past four weeks, I forgot to blog. While it’s not my favorite thing, I will try my best to post as frequently as possible.
For the next five weeks I’ll be working on a project with five people on designing a space shooter. In my opinion, it should be the best part of the course. Two words were given to us to determine the theme and we got dragons and oscilloscopes. Yes, this is […]

Dragons and oscilloscopes
Hello again..
I have realized something during the past four weeks, I forgot to blog. While it’s not my favorite thing, I will try my best to post as frequently as possible.
For the next five weeks I’ll be working on a project with five people on designing a space shooter. In my opinion, it should be the best part of the course. Two words were given to us to determine the theme and we got dragons and oscilloscopes. Yes, this is […]

A Font
I have recently finished the baptismal font I was working on. Since a font is usually filled with water during baptisms, I decided to try and use that in the texture. I added algae to bowl and decorations. I figured that the font might have been kept in use for a very long time, even though the font and church in which it belonged had fallen into ruin. Then the font would have remained wet after ceremonies, water would have […]

A Font
I have recently finished the baptismal font I was working on. Since a font is usually filled with water during baptisms, I decided to try and use that in the texture. I added algae to bowl and decorations. I figured that the font might have been kept in use for a very long time, even though the font and church in which it belonged had fallen into ruin. Then the font would have remained wet after ceremonies, water would have […]
Space shooter concept- First meetings
This is my first real blog post ever and it will be short. Hopefully I will write better and more relevant post as I progress and have more to say about my work.
On Wednesday the 8th we had our first group meeting. In this meeting we introduced us to each other and then began to throwing out ideas to see what would stick, to get a sense of what we could do for our project. Our assignment is to make […]
Space shooter concept- First meetings
This is my first real blog post ever and it will be short. Hopefully I will write better and more relevant post as I progress and have more to say about my work.
On Wednesday the 8th we had our first group meeting. In this meeting we introduced us to each other and then began to throwing out ideas to see what would stick, to get a sense of what we could do for our project. Our assignment is to make […]

Reverse engineering workshop: Paper Hero
Two and a half weeks ago we had the Reverse Engineering workshop with Adam Mayes. The main take-aways from this workshop for me were:
– Deconstructing a game.
– Practicing paper prototyping.
As with the Ernest Adams-workshop, this one started out with a presentation about the assignment and the subject in general. We got a short introduction to reverse enginering that amongst other brought up that:
Reverse engineering means breaking down a system to it’s building blocks.
Reverse engineering can be used to model the core […]

Reverse engineering workshop: Paper Hero
Two and a half weeks ago we had the Reverse Engineering workshop with Adam Mayes. The main take-aways from this workshop for me were:
– Deconstructing a game.
– Practicing paper prototyping.
As with the Ernest Adams-workshop, this one started out with a presentation about the assignment and the subject in general. We got a short introduction to reverse enginering that amongst other brought up that:
Reverse engineering means breaking down a system to it’s building blocks.
Reverse engineering can be used to model the core […]
Space shooter concept- First meetings
This is my first real blog post ever and it will be short. Hopefully I will write better and more relevant post as I progress and have more to say about my work.
On Wednesday the 8th we had our first group meeting. In this meeting we introduced us to each other and then began to throwing out ideas to see what would stick, to get a sense of what we could do for our project. Our assignment is to make […]
Space shooter concept- First meetings
This is my first real blog post ever and it will be short. Hopefully I will write better and more relevant post as I progress and have more to say about my work.
On Wednesday the 8th we had our first group meeting. In this meeting we introduced us to each other and then began to throwing out ideas to see what would stick, to get a sense of what we could do for our project. Our assignment is to make […]

Assignment 2
So here we go later than ever, this was almost finished more than a week ago, I really don’t like writing these things.
So for assignment two we were to model an object after a reference from the museum.
So I ended up doing a Vendel era sword the particular piece is a reconstruction of a sword found in Högbro.
The Swedish Vendel era connects the later parts of the migration period with the Viking age of the proper middle ages and is […]

Assignment 2
So here we go later than ever, this was almost finished more than a week ago, I really don’t like writing these things.
So for assignment two we were to model an object after a reference from the museum.
So I ended up doing a Vendel era sword the particular piece is a reconstruction of a sword found in Högbro.
The Swedish Vendel era connects the later parts of the migration period with the Viking age of the proper middle ages and is […]

Assignment 2
So here we go later than ever, this was almost finished more than a week ago, I really don’t like writing these things.
So for assignment two we were to model an object after a reference from the museum.
So I ended up doing a Vendel era sword the particular piece is a reconstruction of a sword found in Högbro.
The Swedish Vendel era connects the later parts of the migration period with the Viking age of the proper middle ages and is […]

Assignment 2
So here we go later than ever, this was almost finished more than a week ago, I really don’t like writing these things.
So for assignment two we were to model an object after a reference from the museum.
So I ended up doing a Vendel era sword the particular piece is a reconstruction of a sword found in Högbro.
The Swedish Vendel era connects the later parts of the migration period with the Viking age of the proper middle ages and is […]
Space Shooter Assignment
Earlier this week we got the five week-project of doing a full concept for a game, putting everything we’ve learned this far to the test. We are to supposed to make a concept document, a pitch, a paper prototype and some other things to learn how to convey our ideas.We’ve been put into groups of six and are to make a “Space shooter” game within a set of rules like that is has to be 2D, the platform has to […]
Space Shooter Assignment
Earlier this week we got the five week-project of doing a full concept for a game, putting everything we’ve learned this far to the test. We are to supposed to make a concept document, a pitch, a paper prototype and some other things to learn how to convey our ideas.We’ve been put into groups of six and are to make a “Space shooter” game within a set of rules like that is has to be 2D, the platform has to […]