Daily Archives: October 4, 2014

3D week 5
Right! It’s been a stressful week after Dreamhack, but I think I’m finally beginning to catch up again! So here we have the final version of the crate with the Diffuse map, Specular map and Normal map included.
And here is the crate without normal map or specular map for comparison!
So what are the main differences with and without normal and specular maps? Well, firstly the normal map adds more depth to certain areas, the […]

3D week 5
Right! It’s been a stressful week after Dreamhack, but I think I’m finally beginning to catch up again! So here we have the final version of the crate with the Diffuse map, Specular map and Normal map included.
And here is the crate without normal map or specular map for comparison!
So what are the main differences with and without normal and specular maps? Well, firstly the normal map adds more depth to certain areas, the […]

3D week 4
For week 4 we have textured the crate that we optimized! This blog post is coming out a little bit later than I had originally hoped since I went to Dreamhack, and in doing so I lost a couple of days worth of 3D practice.
When I was looking at my crate, I felt like I wanted to really distinguish the separate planks really well. The way I decided to go about this was by marking the edges of the planks […]

3D week 4
For week 4 we have textured the crate that we optimized! This blog post is coming out a little bit later than I had originally hoped since I went to Dreamhack, and in doing so I lost a couple of days worth of 3D practice.
When I was looking at my crate, I felt like I wanted to really distinguish the separate planks really well. The way I decided to go about this was by marking the edges of the planks […]

3D week 4
For week 4 we have textured the crate that we optimized! This blog post is coming out a little bit later than I had originally hoped since I went to Dreamhack, and in doing so I lost a couple of days worth of 3D practice.
When I was looking at my crate, I felt like I wanted to really distinguish the separate planks really well. The way I decided to go about this was by marking the edges of the planks […]

3D week 4
For week 4 we have textured the crate that we optimized! This blog post is coming out a little bit later than I had originally hoped since I went to Dreamhack, and in doing so I lost a couple of days worth of 3D practice.
When I was looking at my crate, I felt like I wanted to really distinguish the separate planks really well. The way I decided to go about this was by marking the edges of the planks […]