Monthly Archives: September 2014

An Analysis of Arkham Horror
Me and my group have been playing the board game Arkham Horror this week, and this is my analysis of the game.
Arkham Horror is a co-op ameritrash board game for 1-8 players based on the Cthulhu mythos. Each player plays an investigator and will be walking around Arkham and other worlds searching for clues. The objective of the game is to defeat the Ancient One, or Great Old One, and this can be done […]

An Analysis of Arkham Horror
Me and my group have been playing the board game Arkham Horror this week, and this is my analysis of the game.
Arkham Horror is a co-op ameritrash board game for 1-8 players based on the Cthulhu mythos. Each player plays an investigator and will be walking around Arkham and other worlds searching for clues. The objective of the game is to defeat the Ancient One, or Great Old One, and this can be done […]

Advanced Game Design – Analysing another board game
This is another Analyse of a board game my group and I played during this week. It’s the same assignment as the last one just with a different board game. So for this time we chose a game called Small World Underground which is a simpler strategy based game.
This is what the box looks like.
The game aims for players from eight years and older and can be played by two to five players. It takes from 30 minutes to play […]

Advanced Game Design – Analysing another board game
This is another Analyse of a board game my group and I played during this week. It’s the same assignment as the last one just with a different board game. So for this time we chose a game called Small World Underground which is a simpler strategy based game.
This is what the box looks like.
The game aims for players from eight years and older and can be played by two to five players. It takes from 30 minutes to play […]

Advanced Game Design – Analysing another board game
This is another Analyse of a board game my group and I played during this week. It’s the same assignment as the last one just with a different board game. So for this time we chose a game called Small World Underground which is a simpler strategy based game.
This is what the box looks like.
The game aims for players from eight years and older and can be played by two to five players. It takes from 30 minutes to play […]

Advanced Game Design – Analysing another board game
This is another Analyse of a board game my group and I played during this week. It’s the same assignment as the last one just with a different board game. So for this time we chose a game called Small World Underground which is a simpler strategy based game.
This is what the box looks like.
The game aims for players from eight years and older and can be played by two to five players. It takes from 30 minutes to play […]
Board game analasys: Gears of War
At first I apologise for the lack of imagery, I’m currently at Dreamhack sthlm so the editing on my cell phone is not the greatest but anyways here is my analysis.
What do you get if you flatten Gears of War? No, not space invaders you get Gears of War the board game from the designer Corey Konezcka. To start with I have to say this is one of the finest reverse engineering I have ever seen. From being a third […]
Board game analasys: Gears of War
At first I apologise for the lack of imagery, I’m currently at Dreamhack sthlm so the editing on my cell phone is not the greatest but anyways here is my analysis.
What do you get if you flatten Gears of War? No, not space invaders you get Gears of War the board game from the designer Corey Konezcka. To start with I have to say this is one of the finest reverse engineering I have ever seen. From being a third […]
Board Game Analysis: Super Dungeon Explore!
Hello and welcome to another board game analysis by me. Today we are analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of Super Dungeon Explore!
To get directly to it, here it is!
Best of Super Dungeon Explore
The best thing with Super Dungeon Explore is the Dramatic tension and how it is able to keep the players invested to the very end; even it is going badly for one of the sides. The players are able to get invested quickly, because of the heavy focus […]
Board Game Analysis: Super Dungeon Explore!
Hello and welcome to another board game analysis by me. Today we are analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of Super Dungeon Explore!
To get directly to it, here it is!
Best of Super Dungeon Explore
The best thing with Super Dungeon Explore is the Dramatic tension and how it is able to keep the players invested to the very end; even it is going badly for one of the sides. The players are able to get invested quickly, because of the heavy focus […]

Board Game Analysis – Game 2: Carcassonne
The first assignment in the course was to play three different board games and make an analysis of them. Get an understanding of their components, core systems, properties and player behaviours. The goal with the assignment was to get a basic idea of game analysis overall. But most importantly, to get an understanding of game systems in order to prevent us in the future from designing the same game systems multiple times by mistake.
Game Description
Carcassonne takes […]

Board Game Analysis – Game 2: Carcassonne
The first assignment in the course was to play three different board games and make an analysis of them. Get an understanding of their components, core systems, properties and player behaviours. The goal with the assignment was to get a basic idea of game analysis overall. But most importantly, to get an understanding of game systems in order to prevent us in the future from designing the same game systems multiple times by mistake.
Game Description
Carcassonne takes […]

Post 2 – Gears of War
This time it’s the Gears of War board game. First of all it is a real time shooter on a board game which itself is difficult to even imagine how it would work, at least it was for me.
It is a cooperative game best suitable for four players. You play as one of the characters from the video game Gears of War and you help each other win the levels by planning strategies and/or reviving players that are wounded.
The […]

Post 2 – Gears of War
This time it’s the Gears of War board game. First of all it is a real time shooter on a board game which itself is difficult to even imagine how it would work, at least it was for me.
It is a cooperative game best suitable for four players. You play as one of the characters from the video game Gears of War and you help each other win the levels by planning strategies and/or reviving players that are wounded.
The […]

Post 2 – Gears of War
This time it’s the Gears of War board game. First of all it is a real time shooter on a board game which itself is difficult to even imagine how it would work, at least it was for me.
It is a cooperative game best suitable for four players. You play as one of the characters from the video game Gears of War and you help each other win the levels by planning strategies and/or reviving players that are wounded.
The […]

Post 2 – Gears of War
This time it’s the Gears of War board game. First of all it is a real time shooter on a board game which itself is difficult to even imagine how it would work, at least it was for me.
It is a cooperative game best suitable for four players. You play as one of the characters from the video game Gears of War and you help each other win the levels by planning strategies and/or reviving players that are wounded.
The […]

Drawing, drawing and more drawing!
Tonight I was in a real mood for drawing so I sat down with my Bamboo tablet and started to sketch on a dragon and a “goatus” (a horse/goat/deamon cross). This is what turned out after about 9 hours of just drawing and listening to beautiful and dramatic WoW soundtrack.
Tonight I was in a real mood for drawing so I sat down with my Bamboo tablet and started to sketch on a dragon and a “goatus” (a horse/goat/deamon cross). This is what turned out after about 9 hours of just drawing and listening to beautiful and dramatic WoW soundtrack.
Drawing, drawing and more drawing!
Board Game Analysis 2# – Pandemic
Introduction: This is my second board game analysis for the Advanced Game Design class.
About the game: Pandemic is a co-op board game for 2-4 players, where you play as the member of a medical team that tries to find cures for four different diseases that are spreading around the world. Every player has a different role with their own special ability, and you have to work together to find the cures and prevent the diseases from spreading before it’s too […]
Board Game Analysis 2# – Pandemic
Introduction: This is my second board game analysis for the Advanced Game Design class.
About the game: Pandemic is a co-op board game for 2-4 players, where you play as the member of a medical team that tries to find cures for four different diseases that are spreading around the world. Every player has a different role with their own special ability, and you have to work together to find the cures and prevent the diseases from spreading before it’s too […]
Board Game Analysis 2# – Pandemic
Introduction: This is my second board game analysis for the Advanced Game Design class.
About the game: Pandemic is a co-op board game for 2-4 players, where you play as the member of a medical team that tries to find cures for four different diseases that are spreading around the world. Every player has a different role with their own special ability, and you have to work together to find the cures and prevent the diseases from spreading before it’s too […]
Board Game Analysis 2# – Pandemic
Introduction: This is my second board game analysis for the Advanced Game Design class.
About the game: Pandemic is a co-op board game for 2-4 players, where you play as the member of a medical team that tries to find cures for four different diseases that are spreading around the world. Every player has a different role with their own special ability, and you have to work together to find the cures and prevent the diseases from spreading before it’s too […]
Board Game Analysis – Gears of War
This week we sat down and played Gears of War the board game developed by Fantasy Flight Games and licensed by Epic. Due to certain difficulties with schedule I was unable to play with the rest of my group. Fortunately the game can be played with just one person, but I managed to get a friend along to play as well (thanks Herman). I’d also like to point out that I’ve never played a Gears of War game nor […]
Board Game Analysis – Gears of War
This week we sat down and played Gears of War the board game developed by Fantasy Flight Games and licensed by Epic. Due to certain difficulties with schedule I was unable to play with the rest of my group. Fortunately the game can be played with just one person, but I managed to get a friend along to play as well (thanks Herman). I’d also like to point out that I’ve never played a Gears of War game nor […]