Daily Archives: September 12, 2014
Board game analysis: Citadel
Hello Peons.
This past two weeks we’ve been playing board games. Going back to analyzing systems and to understand the systems.
Me and my group have been playing Citadels, a game where you try to raise the most magnificent citadel with beautiful districts.
Board game
In Citadels, the players take rounds to build and erect a city, in order to do this player’s takes aid from different characters to lend their different abilities. The goal in citadels is to erect the most magnificent city, […]
Board game analysis: Citadel
Hello Peons.
This past two weeks we’ve been playing board games. Going back to analyzing systems and to understand the systems.
Me and my group have been playing Citadels, a game where you try to raise the most magnificent citadel with beautiful districts.
Board game
In Citadels, the players take rounds to build and erect a city, in order to do this player’s takes aid from different characters to lend their different abilities. The goal in citadels is to erect the most magnificent city, […]

This week the task to analyse a Board game of our choice was given. The task was to analyze the core system and the components to get a better understanding of game systems.
The group I’m in ended up with picking the game Drakborgen also known as DungeonQuest. The version we played was not the original from 1985, but the remake from 2002. This game is all about finding the most valuable loot while still making it out alive. This is […]

This week the task to analyse a Board game of our choice was given. The task was to analyze the core system and the components to get a better understanding of game systems.
The group I’m in ended up with picking the game Drakborgen also known as DungeonQuest. The version we played was not the original from 1985, but the remake from 2002. This game is all about finding the most valuable loot while still making it out alive. This is […]

Board Game Analysis #1 – Small World
Introduction to the game
Small World is a turn-based board game, for 2-5 players, where players battle for control over a world which is too small for everybody to live peacefully.
The game box includes:
Several different boards that are used depending on how many players there are.
4 Maps of Small World.
6 Player summary cheat sheets- These explain the different abilities granted by the different races and special powers.
14 Races.
20 special powers.
Tokens for every race.
Plenty of victory coins.
Several special pieces, like Fortresses, Mountains or […]

Board Game Analysis #1 – Small World
Introduction to the game
Small World is a turn-based board game, for 2-5 players, where players battle for control over a world which is too small for everybody to live peacefully.
The game box includes:
Several different boards that are used depending on how many players there are.
4 Maps of Small World.
6 Player summary cheat sheets- These explain the different abilities granted by the different races and special powers.
14 Races.
20 special powers.
Tokens for every race.
Plenty of victory coins.
Several special pieces, like Fortresses, Mountains or […]

Board Game Understanding
In this course we have been divided into groups and given the task to play three different board games. The assignment we have received is to analyze three games by finding its core system. By playing the game at least 3 times, we should get a better understanding how the game system works for each of these games. This week we have been playing Battlestar Galactica (The Board Game).
Battlestar Galactica is a board game where you cooperate with other […]

Board Game Understanding
In this course we have been divided into groups and given the task to play three different board games. The assignment we have received is to analyze three games by finding its core system. By playing the game at least 3 times, we should get a better understanding how the game system works for each of these games. This week we have been playing Battlestar Galactica (The Board Game).
Battlestar Galactica is a board game where you cooperate with other […]

Board Game Understanding
In this course we have been divided into groups and given the task to play three different board games. The assignment we have received is to analyze three games by finding its core system. By playing the game at least 3 times, we should get a better understanding how the game system works for each of these games. This week we have been playing Battlestar Galactica (The Board Game).
Battlestar Galactica is a board game where you cooperate with other […]

Board Game Understanding
In this course we have been divided into groups and given the task to play three different board games. The assignment we have received is to analyze three games by finding its core system. By playing the game at least 3 times, we should get a better understanding how the game system works for each of these games. This week we have been playing Battlestar Galactica (The Board Game).
Battlestar Galactica is a board game where you cooperate with other […]

Board Game Analysis: A Game of Thrones
For the first board game assignment of our game design course, my group decided to play A Game of Thrones: The Board Game, Second Edition.
Game of Thrones is a 3 to 6-player game, the objective of which is to own the most castles on a world map. There are a total of 20 castles laid out over the map, and the first player to own 7, or to own the highest amount of castles by the end of the game’s […]

Board Game Analysis: A Game of Thrones
For the first board game assignment of our game design course, my group decided to play A Game of Thrones: The Board Game, Second Edition.
Game of Thrones is a 3 to 6-player game, the objective of which is to own the most castles on a world map. There are a total of 20 castles laid out over the map, and the first player to own 7, or to own the highest amount of castles by the end of the game’s […]

Small World – Analysis
Last week we were assigned to play and analyze a board game of our choice in the course, Advanced game design. My group chose Small world and here is my personal analysis of the game.
The game
Small world is a turn based strategy game where your goal is to collect coins by conquering and holding areas of a map. You get coins depending on a number of different things like how many provinces you hold and you […]

Small World – Analysis
Last week we were assigned to play and analyze a board game of our choice in the course, Advanced game design. My group chose Small world and here is my personal analysis of the game.
The game
Small world is a turn based strategy game where your goal is to collect coins by conquering and holding areas of a map. You get coins depending on a number of different things like how many provinces you hold and you […]

Board game analysis: KILL DOCTOR LUCKY™
KILL DOCTOR LUCKY™ is a family board game for three to seven players. The goal is to murder a non-player character (NPC) by the name of Doctor Lucky. However you can only murder someone once so the player that gets to Doctor Lucky first is the winner. You cannot just walk up to the doctor and stab him though. There are severe restrictions in place that prevent you from even attempting a murder, and even then the other players have […]

Board game analysis: KILL DOCTOR LUCKY™
KILL DOCTOR LUCKY™ is a family board game for three to seven players. The goal is to murder a non-player character (NPC) by the name of Doctor Lucky. However you can only murder someone once so the player that gets to Doctor Lucky first is the winner. You cannot just walk up to the doctor and stab him though. There are severe restrictions in place that prevent you from even attempting a murder, and even then the other players have […]

Board Game Analysis #1 – Pandemic
Game description
Pandemic is a 2 to 4 player board game where the players work together to save the world from disease. The games goal is to find cures for all 4 diseases. To find a cure you must collect 5 player cards of the same colour (the colour is representing which disease it is) and discard them while standing on a research station.
Each player is assigned a role that has different characteristics that buffs one kind of action. There […]

Board Game Analysis #1 – Pandemic
Game description
Pandemic is a 2 to 4 player board game where the players work together to save the world from disease. The games goal is to find cures for all 4 diseases. To find a cure you must collect 5 player cards of the same colour (the colour is representing which disease it is) and discard them while standing on a research station.
Each player is assigned a role that has different characteristics that buffs one kind of action. There […]

Board Game Analysis #1 – Pandemic
Game description
Pandemic is a 2 to 4 player board game where the players work together to save the world from disease. The games goal is to find cures for all 4 diseases. To find a cure you must collect 5 player cards of the same colour (the colour is representing which disease it is) and discard them while standing on a research station.
Each player is assigned a role that has different characteristics that buffs one kind of action. There […]

Board Game Analysis #1 – Pandemic
Game description
Pandemic is a 2 to 4 player board game where the players work together to save the world from disease. The games goal is to find cures for all 4 diseases. To find a cure you must collect 5 player cards of the same colour (the colour is representing which disease it is) and discard them while standing on a research station.
Each player is assigned a role that has different characteristics that buffs one kind of action. There […]

Board Game Analysis 1
So, long time since last. This time I am not going to write about programming or any digital game. We got a group assignment where we were to pick a board game, play it, and then write an analysis about it.
So, we picked Carcassonne with River expansion. It is a turn based strategy game for two to five players. The players take turn drawing tiles, placing them and followers in order to score as much points as possible by the games […]

Board Game Analysis 1
So, long time since last. This time I am not going to write about programming or any digital game. We got a group assignment where we were to pick a board game, play it, and then write an analysis about it.
So, we picked Carcassonne with River expansion. It is a turn based strategy game for two to five players. The players take turn drawing tiles, placing them and followers in order to score as much points as possible by the games […]
Board game analysis: Citadel
Hello Peons.
This past two weeks we’ve been playing board games. Going back to analyzing systems and to understand the systems.
Me and my group have been playing Citadels, a game where you try to raise the most magnificent citadel with beautiful districts.
Board game
In Citadels, the players take rounds to build and erect a city, in order to do this player’s takes aid from different characters to lend their different abilities. The goal in citadels is to erect the most magnificent city, […]
Board game analysis: Citadel
Hello Peons.
This past two weeks we’ve been playing board games. Going back to analyzing systems and to understand the systems.
Me and my group have been playing Citadels, a game where you try to raise the most magnificent citadel with beautiful districts.
Board game
In Citadels, the players take rounds to build and erect a city, in order to do this player’s takes aid from different characters to lend their different abilities. The goal in citadels is to erect the most magnificent city, […]