Daily Archives: September 12, 2014

Board Game Analysis: “Drakborgen” (Dungeonquest)
‘Drakborgen’ is a two to four player board game were each player controls a character of choice, navigating through a maze. The goal is to scavenge for loot while avoiding traps, fighting monsters and possibly also other players (depending on which rules you play with). Ultimately, the players must try to escape the castle with the highest gold worth of treasure before the time runs out.
The game board consists of 9 x 9 square tiles. Each tile have two hidden cards (except the four far corner […]

Board Game Analysis: “Drakborgen” (Dungeonquest)
‘Drakborgen’ is a two to four player board game were each player controls a character of choice, navigating through a maze. The goal is to scavenge for loot while avoiding traps, fighting monsters and possibly also other players (depending on which rules you play with). Ultimately, the players must try to escape the castle with the highest gold worth of treasure before the time runs out.
The game board consists of 9 x 9 square tiles. Each tile have two hidden cards (except the four far corner […]

Board Game Analysis – first blog post, advanced game design 2014
Munchkin Pathfinder
Munchkin Pathfinder is a card game for a minimum of three players in which the goal is to reach a a certain level first. There are two different sorts of card decks. One is action cards and the other is bonus cards. Every round you draw one new action card from the deck. If there is a monster behind that card you must fight it or try to run away. When you defeat a monster you increase your […]

Board Game Analysis – first blog post, advanced game design 2014
Munchkin Pathfinder
Munchkin Pathfinder is a card game for a minimum of three players in which the goal is to reach a a certain level first. There are two different sorts of card decks. One is action cards and the other is bonus cards. Every round you draw one new action card from the deck. If there is a monster behind that card you must fight it or try to run away. When you defeat a monster you increase your […]
Board Game Analysis – Citadels
This is my analysis of the board game Citadels.
Citadels is a turn based card game for two to eight players. In this game the player hires different characters each round to help them build a city and collect gold. With the games expansion called The Dark City there are a total of 18 different characters numbered from one to nine. In the base game there were only eight characters numbered from one through eight.
The characters have different ability’s and […]
Board Game Analysis – Citadels
This is my analysis of the board game Citadels.
Citadels is a turn based card game for two to eight players. In this game the player hires different characters each round to help them build a city and collect gold. With the games expansion called The Dark City there are a total of 18 different characters numbered from one to nine. In the base game there were only eight characters numbered from one through eight.
The characters have different ability’s and […]

Game System Analysis – Drakborgen
The box of the game, the title roughly translates to “Dragoncastle”. This is the swedish remastered version and the english version is called Dungeonquest.
Drakborgen is a fantasy themed strategy game where the goal is to gather treasures that has the most worth and then escape the castle alive. Two to four players enter the castle but between the play sessions that I’ve had, only one or two players made it out alive.
Core Mechanics
There are multiple smaller systems which […]

Game System Analysis – Drakborgen
The box of the game, the title roughly translates to “Dragoncastle”. This is the swedish remastered version and the english version is called Dungeonquest.
Drakborgen is a fantasy themed strategy game where the goal is to gather treasures that has the most worth and then escape the castle alive. Two to four players enter the castle but between the play sessions that I’ve had, only one or two players made it out alive.
Core Mechanics
There are multiple smaller systems which […]
Citadel a board game analyzes
I and my group have gotten assigned to analyse a Board Game for the course Advanced Game Design.
We had been divided in to play and help each other out with this task.
We got to choose what games to play by either choosing from the schools catalogue of games that were available or we could choose to play a game we had or borrowed from a friend.
We choose the game Citadels and it’s expansion The Dark City.
Citadels with the expansion […]
Citadel a board game analyzes
I and my group have gotten assigned to analyse a Board Game for the course Advanced Game Design.
We had been divided in to play and help each other out with this task.
We got to choose what games to play by either choosing from the schools catalogue of games that were available or we could choose to play a game we had or borrowed from a friend.
We choose the game Citadels and it’s expansion The Dark City.
Citadels with the expansion […]
Citadel a board game analyzes
I and my group have gotten assigned to analyse a Board Game for the course Advanced Game Design.
We had been divided in to play and help each other out with this task.
We got to choose what games to play by either choosing from the schools catalogue of games that were available or we could choose to play a game we had or borrowed from a friend.
We choose the game Citadels and it’s expansion The Dark City.
Citadels with the expansion […]
Citadel a board game analyzes
I and my group have gotten assigned to analyse a Board Game for the course Advanced Game Design.
We had been divided in to play and help each other out with this task.
We got to choose what games to play by either choosing from the schools catalogue of games that were available or we could choose to play a game we had or borrowed from a friend.
We choose the game Citadels and it’s expansion The Dark City.
Citadels with the expansion […]

This week the task to analyse a Board game of our choice was given. The task was to analyze the core system and the components to get a better understanding of game systems.
The group I’m in ended up with picking the game Drakborgen also known as DungeonQuest. The version we played was not the original from 1985, but the remake from 2002. This game is all about finding the most valuable loot while still making it out alive. This is […]

This week the task to analyse a Board game of our choice was given. The task was to analyze the core system and the components to get a better understanding of game systems.
The group I’m in ended up with picking the game Drakborgen also known as DungeonQuest. The version we played was not the original from 1985, but the remake from 2002. This game is all about finding the most valuable loot while still making it out alive. This is […]

Board game analysis
Hello everyone. This week in advanced game design, we have been tasked with analyzing a board game that we got to choose ourselves in each group. Our group chose the card game Munchkin: Pathfinder.
Core system
The game is made for playing with up to six people, where the goal is to gather loot, kill monsters and race to level 10 to win. In the game, there is no kind of game board to place units, characters etc. There are only […]

Board game analysis
Hello everyone. This week in advanced game design, we have been tasked with analyzing a board game that we got to choose ourselves in each group. Our group chose the card game Munchkin: Pathfinder.
Core system
The game is made for playing with up to six people, where the goal is to gather loot, kill monsters and race to level 10 to win. In the game, there is no kind of game board to place units, characters etc. There are only […]

Board Game Analysis – first blog post, advanced game design 2014
Munchkin Pathfinder
Munchkin Pathfinder is a card game for a minimum of three players in which the goal is to reach a a certain level first. There are two different sorts of card decks. One is action cards and the other is bonus cards. Every round you draw one new action card from the deck. If there is a monster behind that card you must fight it or try to run away. When you defeat a monster you increase your […]

Board Game Analysis – first blog post, advanced game design 2014
Munchkin Pathfinder
Munchkin Pathfinder is a card game for a minimum of three players in which the goal is to reach a a certain level first. There are two different sorts of card decks. One is action cards and the other is bonus cards. Every round you draw one new action card from the deck. If there is a monster behind that card you must fight it or try to run away. When you defeat a monster you increase your […]

Board Game Analysis – Citadels
This is my analysis of the board game Citadels.
In this game the player hires different characters each round to help them build a city and collect gold. The characters have different ability’s and they represent different colors and they have a number from one to nine. Each round, every player secretly chooses a character that they think will benefit them. When someone builds their eight district the game ends and the player with the highest score by then wins. […]

Board Game Analysis – Citadels
This is my analysis of the board game Citadels.
In this game the player hires different characters each round to help them build a city and collect gold. The characters have different ability’s and they represent different colors and they have a number from one to nine. Each round, every player secretly chooses a character that they think will benefit them. When someone builds their eight district the game ends and the player with the highest score by then wins. […]

Board Game Analysis: Battlestar Galactica
As an assignment for our advanced game design course we students were divided into groups of 6-7 people to play a board game of our choosing and analyze it as group and later write an individual analysis of that game. My group chose Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game for our analysis.
Battlestar Galactica is a semi-cooperate game for up to 3-6 players. The game is set in an ongoing space battle were you as a human player has the goal […]

Board Game Analysis: Battlestar Galactica
As an assignment for our advanced game design course we students were divided into groups of 6-7 people to play a board game of our choosing and analyze it as group and later write an individual analysis of that game. My group chose Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game for our analysis.
Battlestar Galactica is a semi-cooperate game for up to 3-6 players. The game is set in an ongoing space battle were you as a human player has the goal […]

Game of Thrones: The Board Game Analysis
Game of Thrones: The Boardgame is a strategic, resource-centric experience similar to Risk, but with several elements added to it. You take control over one of the major factions in the setting as you attempt to claim as much power as you dare – through settling or force. While doing this you must also compete with other players in terms of politics, military and subterfuge. This analysis will focus on the game’s strengths and shortcomings, the general overlay and […]

Game of Thrones: The Board Game Analysis
Game of Thrones: The Boardgame is a strategic, resource-centric experience similar to Risk, but with several elements added to it. You take control over one of the major factions in the setting as you attempt to claim as much power as you dare – through settling or force. While doing this you must also compete with other players in terms of politics, military and subterfuge. This analysis will focus on the game’s strengths and shortcomings, the general overlay and […]