Monthly Archives: May 2014

Preparing for Presentation(Week 6)
It’s really difficult to get a good structure on a presentation and that is one of the things I have been working on this week. The power point presentation for GGC is something that is looming on the horizon and I am a bit nervous about it. I have been having some problems with the structure, what to say, what is important to mention and what will sell the game.
It is difficult to know how much you should explain and […]

Preparing for Presentation(Week 6)
It’s really difficult to get a good structure on a presentation and that is one of the things I have been working on this week. The power point presentation for GGC is something that is looming on the horizon and I am a bit nervous about it. I have been having some problems with the structure, what to say, what is important to mention and what will sell the game.
It is difficult to know how much you should explain and […]
Fifth Week!
Not long until GGC now! It dosen’t feel that only five weeks have passed since we started, but i guess in such a short course there bound to be some of these changes.
The game is taking shape more and more by the minute. The two last items are in: Camouflage, which hides the player if he stays still for a long period and distraction bomb, which draws guards attention away from whatever they are guarding. The model for the guard […]
Fifth Week!
Not long until GGC now! It dosen’t feel that only five weeks have passed since we started, but i guess in such a short course there bound to be some of these changes.
The game is taking shape more and more by the minute. The two last items are in: Camouflage, which hides the player if he stays still for a long period and distraction bomb, which draws guards attention away from whatever they are guarding. The model for the guard […]

Pre beta week.
This week has been very stressful mostly due the redesign of level 2, the levels has a complete new level layout and is very dynamic which means that we need a lot of new geometry, modular geometry.
We also need a lot of props to give the environment life, which also calls for a lot of prop modeling. We have focused on our 2nd level this week and its our biggest one, there’s a lot of space to be filled […]

Pre beta week.
This week has been very stressful mostly due the redesign of level 2, the levels has a complete new level layout and is very dynamic which means that we need a lot of new geometry, modular geometry.
We also need a lot of props to give the environment life, which also calls for a lot of prop modeling. We have focused on our 2nd level this week and its our biggest one, there’s a lot of space to be filled […]
Logos and plenty of them!
Wow do I have some catching up to do! I’m sorry for the delay with the posts, I have been postponing blogging, thinking I can update later! My bad! So the artefact of this week is our game logo. It took me roughly two full days with multiple iterations …
Logos and plenty of them!
Wow do I have some catching up to do! I’m sorry for the delay with the posts, I have been postponing blogging, thinking I can update later! My bad! So the artefact of this week is our game logo. It took me roughly two full days with multiple iterations …

BGP Week 6
This week my task was to start implementing the graphical assets we have created. I started first to put together the wind themed level, based on feedback from this weeks “quality time” meeting with the teachers, we decided to make the wind level to be more vertical. Now the new wind level got more height differences in the pillars. The idea was to make the pillar platforms like a city.
some more screenshots of the wind level : This week my task was to start implementing the graphical assets we have created. I started first to put together the wind themed level, based on feedback from this weeks “quality time” meeting with the teachers, we decided to make the wind level to be more vertical. Now the new wind level got more height differences in the pillars. The idea was to make the pillar platforms like a city. some more screenshots of the wind level :
BGP Week 6
Production Week 6: Strong stuff, High town and Attack fixes
This week more iteration of the game has been made. This blog post will go into further detail of some of the changes to the cards as well as explain problems and solutions that the cards have created.
Strong stuff and High town
[Insert Pic of stong stuff and High town]After many iterations of Strong Stuff and High Town these will be the final versions of them.
In the start both cards had a much lower cost to them, witch created a […]
Production Week 6: Strong stuff, High town and Attack fixes
This week more iteration of the game has been made. This blog post will go into further detail of some of the changes to the cards as well as explain problems and solutions that the cards have created.
Strong stuff and High town
[Insert Pic of stong stuff and High town]After many iterations of Strong Stuff and High Town these will be the final versions of them.
In the start both cards had a much lower cost to them, witch created a […]

Preparing for Presentation(Week 6)
It’s really difficult to get a good structure on a presentation and that is one of the things I have been working on this week. The power point presentation for GGC is something that is looming on the horizon and I am a bit nervous about it. I have been having some problems with the structure, what to say, what is important to mention and what will sell the game.
It is difficult to know how much you should explain and […]

Preparing for Presentation(Week 6)
It’s really difficult to get a good structure on a presentation and that is one of the things I have been working on this week. The power point presentation for GGC is something that is looming on the horizon and I am a bit nervous about it. I have been having some problems with the structure, what to say, what is important to mention and what will sell the game.
It is difficult to know how much you should explain and […]

Big Game Project – Week 6
This week we had an internal Beta deadline on Friday, so we wanted to have most of the game complete so we can focus on polishing the last weeks until Gotland Game Conference.
I worked a lot with the world map this week. First I implemented the proper progressing system through levels, and then I continued to work on the world map bonuses. The player gains them for holding an area on the map, and they are random every playthrough. I […]

Big Game Project – Week 6
This week we had an internal Beta deadline on Friday, so we wanted to have most of the game complete so we can focus on polishing the last weeks until Gotland Game Conference.
I worked a lot with the world map this week. First I implemented the proper progressing system through levels, and then I continued to work on the world map bonuses. The player gains them for holding an area on the map, and they are random every playthrough. I […]

Big Game Project – Week 6
This week we had an internal Beta deadline on Friday, so we wanted to have most of the game complete so we can focus on polishing the last weeks until Gotland Game Conference.
I worked a lot with the world map this week. First I implemented the proper progressing system through levels, and then I continued to work on the world map bonuses. The player gains them for holding an area on the map, and they are random every playthrough. I […]

Big Game Project – Week 6
This week we had an internal Beta deadline on Friday, so we wanted to have most of the game complete so we can focus on polishing the last weeks until Gotland Game Conference.
I worked a lot with the world map this week. First I implemented the proper progressing system through levels, and then I continued to work on the world map bonuses. The player gains them for holding an area on the map, and they are random every playthrough. I […]

More Networking! – Big Game Project
So this week, I got a lot of work done. I had trouble with the networking part of our game last week, but after getting some tips on how I should go about solving it, I fixed what I worked on for half a week in just one day instead. There is now a Game object called controller which has a controller script attached to it that handles all the RPCs that are sent to the other players. Instead of […]

More Networking! – Big Game Project
So this week, I got a lot of work done. I had trouble with the networking part of our game last week, but after getting some tips on how I should go about solving it, I fixed what I worked on for half a week in just one day instead. There is now a Game object called controller which has a controller script attached to it that handles all the RPCs that are sent to the other players. Instead of […]

More Networking! – Big Game Project
So this week, I got a lot of work done. I had trouble with the networking part of our game last week, but after getting some tips on how I should go about solving it, I fixed what I worked on for half a week in just one day instead. There is now a Game object called controller which has a controller script attached to it that handles all the RPCs that are sent to the other players. Instead of […]

More Networking! – Big Game Project
So this week, I got a lot of work done. I had trouble with the networking part of our game last week, but after getting some tips on how I should go about solving it, I fixed what I worked on for half a week in just one day instead. There is now a Game object called controller which has a controller script attached to it that handles all the RPCs that are sent to the other players. Instead of […]

Week 5
Week 5
Late post this week.. Last week’s feedback session gave us some things to think about although we already knew most of the things we heard from the playtesters.
This week has been spent on iterating my assets, changing the models and textures aswell as optimizing the normalmaps on the rock and trees. On the previous version we had 2 different Spruce models which I stuck into the ground to make them in different sizes on the terrain. Unfortunately placing assets […]

Week 5
Week 5
Late post this week.. Last week’s feedback session gave us some things to think about although we already knew most of the things we heard from the playtesters.
This week has been spent on iterating my assets, changing the models and textures aswell as optimizing the normalmaps on the rock and trees. On the previous version we had 2 different Spruce models which I stuck into the ground to make them in different sizes on the terrain. Unfortunately placing assets […]