Daily Archives: May 4, 2014
BGP: Week Five
This week have been really slow on my part, before I was frustrated with where the overall development were going and much focus went on trying to puzzle all that together. When we finally had enough groundwork done to put all graphical attention on drawing illustrations for the cards I was excited, this was what seemed appealing when I signed up to this project. Now, unfortunately things haven’t gone as I want and I am getting behind on my work, […]
BGP: Week Five
This week have been really slow on my part, before I was frustrated with where the overall development were going and much focus went on trying to puzzle all that together. When we finally had enough groundwork done to put all graphical attention on drawing illustrations for the cards I was excited, this was what seemed appealing when I signed up to this project. Now, unfortunately things haven’t gone as I want and I am getting behind on my work, […]

Marketing and All That Stuff (Week 5)
This week I have focused a great deal on the marketing part of this project. We plan on having a roll-up for GGC and t-shirts so I have to make sure that we will be able to have it in time for the conference. So I did some research and went to a local company for the t-shirt that we might have on GGC, we made a logo for the game and hopefully it will look nice on the t-shirt. […]

Marketing and All That Stuff (Week 5)
This week I have focused a great deal on the marketing part of this project. We plan on having a roll-up for GGC and t-shirts so I have to make sure that we will be able to have it in time for the conference. So I did some research and went to a local company for the t-shirt that we might have on GGC, we made a logo for the game and hopefully it will look nice on the t-shirt. […]

Marketing and All That Stuff (Week 5)
This week I have focused a great deal on the marketing part of this project. We plan on having a roll-up for GGC and t-shirts so I have to make sure that we will be able to have it in time for the conference. So I did some research and went to a local company for the t-shirt that we might have on GGC, we made a logo for the game and hopefully it will look nice on the t-shirt. […]

Marketing and All That Stuff (Week 5)
This week I have focused a great deal on the marketing part of this project. We plan on having a roll-up for GGC and t-shirts so I have to make sure that we will be able to have it in time for the conference. So I did some research and went to a local company for the t-shirt that we might have on GGC, we made a logo for the game and hopefully it will look nice on the t-shirt. […]

Big Game Project – Week 5
This week I spent most of the time building the menus of the game, as well as a start of the save and load features of the game. We had Alpha playtesting on Friday, so we had a deadline to meet this week. Alpha for us meant that we wanted all our features in the game, even if it meant they might be in their simplest states.
Above is our current world map of the game. It features boxes that […]

Big Game Project – Week 5
This week I spent most of the time building the menus of the game, as well as a start of the save and load features of the game. We had Alpha playtesting on Friday, so we had a deadline to meet this week. Alpha for us meant that we wanted all our features in the game, even if it meant they might be in their simplest states.
Above is our current world map of the game. It features boxes that […]

Big Game Project – Week 5
This week I spent most of the time building the menus of the game, as well as a start of the save and load features of the game. We had Alpha playtesting on Friday, so we had a deadline to meet this week. Alpha for us meant that we wanted all our features in the game, even if it meant they might be in their simplest states.
Above is our current world map of the game. It features boxes that […]

Big Game Project – Week 5
This week I spent most of the time building the menus of the game, as well as a start of the save and load features of the game. We had Alpha playtesting on Friday, so we had a deadline to meet this week. Alpha for us meant that we wanted all our features in the game, even if it meant they might be in their simplest states.
Above is our current world map of the game. It features boxes that […]

Big Game Project (week5)
My focus in big game project this week has been the animations of the enemies for our alpha presentation. I continued on the Pikeman front animation which I started with last week and as I added frames I noticed how blurry the arms, legs and pike became after rotating and moving them, which added extra work since I had to clean up the worst parts.
I made one side at the time and begun with the front and the back. When […]

Big Game Project (week5)
My focus in big game project this week has been the animations of the enemies for our alpha presentation. I continued on the Pikeman front animation which I started with last week and as I added frames I noticed how blurry the arms, legs and pike became after rotating and moving them, which added extra work since I had to clean up the worst parts.
I made one side at the time and begun with the front and the back. When […]

Big Game Project (week5)
My focus in big game project this week has been the animations of the enemies for our alpha presentation. I continued on the Pikeman front animation which I started with last week and as I added frames I noticed how blurry the arms, legs and pike became after rotating and moving them, which added extra work since I had to clean up the worst parts.
I made one side at the time and begun with the front and the back. When […]

Big Game Project (week5)
My focus in big game project this week has been the animations of the enemies for our alpha presentation. I continued on the Pikeman front animation which I started with last week and as I added frames I noticed how blurry the arms, legs and pike became after rotating and moving them, which added extra work since I had to clean up the worst parts.
I made one side at the time and begun with the front and the back. When […]
Fifth week of Big Game project – Alpha
This week we had to crunch to get our alpha up and running. It was exhausting but it felt very rewarding when we finally had a game playable at the end of Friday.
I started the week with working on the experience system. The plan was that everything that you could kill would grant experience. So to do this I created a script that I could attach to every gameobject that could die. The script works as this; it have a […]
Fifth week of Big Game project – Alpha
This week we had to crunch to get our alpha up and running. It was exhausting but it felt very rewarding when we finally had a game playable at the end of Friday.
I started the week with working on the experience system. The plan was that everything that you could kill would grant experience. So to do this I created a script that I could attach to every gameobject that could die. The script works as this; it have a […]
Fifth week of Big Game project – Alpha
This week we had to crunch to get our alpha up and running. It was exhausting but it felt very rewarding when we finally had a game playable at the end of Friday.
I started the week with working on the experience system. The plan was that everything that you could kill would grant experience. So to do this I created a script that I could attach to every gameobject that could die. The script works as this; it have a […]
Fifth week of Big Game project – Alpha
This week we had to crunch to get our alpha up and running. It was exhausting but it felt very rewarding when we finally had a game playable at the end of Friday.
I started the week with working on the experience system. The plan was that everything that you could kill would grant experience. So to do this I created a script that I could attach to every gameobject that could die. The script works as this; it have a […]