Monthly Archives: March 2014

Project Haunted Light 14-03-20
I’ve managed to get a lot done these past few days, and at the same time it feels like a lot of unpredictable, slightly bad things have happened. Due to certain reasons Anita, the only other graphical artist in my group, might not be able to work for a while, which I don’t blame her for. This does however leave me as the only graphical artist left. Luckily we’ve both been working hard and managed to finish […]

Project Haunted Light 14-03-20
I’ve managed to get a lot done these past few days, and at the same time it feels like a lot of unpredictable, slightly bad things have happened. Due to certain reasons Anita, the only other graphical artist in my group, might not be able to work for a while, which I don’t blame her for. This does however leave me as the only graphical artist left. Luckily we’ve both been working hard and managed to finish […]

Artifact post: Win and Lose states.
This week’s artifact is the implementation of a Win state and a Lose State.
Previously the only states we’ve had were the Menu State and the Game State. The menu state was the main menu and inherited from a State class and was handled by out StateManager which keeps the current state updating and drawing. The main menu have three buttons, each with a set function to be activated when the button is clicked. The one relevant to this is the […]

Artifact post: Win and Lose states.
This week’s artifact is the implementation of a Win state and a Lose State.
Previously the only states we’ve had were the Menu State and the Game State. The menu state was the main menu and inherited from a State class and was handled by out StateManager which keeps the current state updating and drawing. The main menu have three buttons, each with a set function to be activated when the button is clicked. The one relevant to this is the […]

Artifact : Energy
This time I’ve been working on the Energy artifact, or rather linking it together with previous artifacts such as the Slider bar and the GUI. This is also not visible until you get to the second stage of the game where you grow up and acquire your fishing rod. Its only drawn with color in the second state where you actually have an energy bar. And as the describing color of the bar is white it will reveal itself as […]

Artifact : Energy
This time I’ve been working on the Energy artifact, or rather linking it together with previous artifacts such as the Slider bar and the GUI. This is also not visible until you get to the second stage of the game where you grow up and acquire your fishing rod. Its only drawn with color in the second state where you actually have an energy bar. And as the describing color of the bar is white it will reveal itself as […]

University Projects: That Bothersome .txt
Hello everyone, today I’m going to talk about more level design and especially polishing of levels. As our editor cannot load already finished text docs, we need to manage all editing of the levels by hand, by going into text files and changing small, small details such as coordinates.
But to find what I need to edit I need to run the level and playtest the game, find where something is wrong and then enter either photoshop or the editor and […]

University Projects: That Bothersome .txt
Hello everyone, today I’m going to talk about more level design and especially polishing of levels. As our editor cannot load already finished text docs, we need to manage all editing of the levels by hand, by going into text files and changing small, small details such as coordinates.
But to find what I need to edit I need to run the level and playtest the game, find where something is wrong and then enter either photoshop or the editor and […]

More sound effects and music
Well this week I have been continuing the work on the sound effects and music, hopefully this week I will be done with the sound in its entirety I have gotten all the sound artefacts that are left except for the music for when the guards are in the alerted state.
I’ve been getting a few different sounds that are atmospheric for the game and good indicators for what is happening, such as the sound for locked doors which is a […]

More sound effects and music
Well this week I have been continuing the work on the sound effects and music, hopefully this week I will be done with the sound in its entirety I have gotten all the sound artefacts that are left except for the music for when the guards are in the alerted state.
I’ve been getting a few different sounds that are atmospheric for the game and good indicators for what is happening, such as the sound for locked doors which is a […]

More sound effects and music
Well this week I have been continuing the work on the sound effects and music, hopefully this week I will be done with the sound in its entirety I have gotten all the sound artefacts that are left except for the music for when the guards are in the alerted state.
I’ve been getting a few different sounds that are atmospheric for the game and good indicators for what is happening, such as the sound for locked doors which is a […]

More sound effects and music
Well this week I have been continuing the work on the sound effects and music, hopefully this week I will be done with the sound in its entirety I have gotten all the sound artefacts that are left except for the music for when the guards are in the alerted state.
I’ve been getting a few different sounds that are atmospheric for the game and good indicators for what is happening, such as the sound for locked doors which is a […]

New Artifact – Option state
That is a sprite I made this week. It’s a lazer and they are supposed to be spawned really close to each other. The reason behind the rounded edges is that there won’t be akward edges when you fire alot of them while rotating quickly.
Our option state was supposed to be able to do following things: switch between different control-types in game (since we want the player to be able to choose between rotating around the middle and completely […]

New Artifact – Option state
That is a sprite I made this week. It’s a lazer and they are supposed to be spawned really close to each other. The reason behind the rounded edges is that there won’t be akward edges when you fire alot of them while rotating quickly.
Our option state was supposed to be able to do following things: switch between different control-types in game (since we want the player to be able to choose between rotating around the middle and completely […]

University Projects: That Bothersome .txt
Hello everyone, today I’m going to talk about more level design and especially polishing of levels. As our editor cannot load already finished text docs, we need to manage all editing of the levels by hand, by going into text files and changing small, small details such as coordinates.
But to find what I need to edit I need to run the level and playtest the game, find where something is wrong and then enter either photoshop or the editor and […]

University Projects: That Bothersome .txt
Hello everyone, today I’m going to talk about more level design and especially polishing of levels. As our editor cannot load already finished text docs, we need to manage all editing of the levels by hand, by going into text files and changing small, small details such as coordinates.
But to find what I need to edit I need to run the level and playtest the game, find where something is wrong and then enter either photoshop or the editor and […]

Post-Beta – Terminal Game
This Week
This week has been all about polishing, balancing, play-testing and implementing the last promised features of our game. The game is shaping up to be exactly what we set out to do, which gives me that fuzzy feeling of accomplishment, and pride for my group’s accomplishments as well.
The group has been hard at work finishing up the small projects (such as GUI graphics, additional content of the level and graphical errors) that was put on hold in favor of […]

Post-Beta – Terminal Game
This Week
This week has been all about polishing, balancing, play-testing and implementing the last promised features of our game. The game is shaping up to be exactly what we set out to do, which gives me that fuzzy feeling of accomplishment, and pride for my group’s accomplishments as well.
The group has been hard at work finishing up the small projects (such as GUI graphics, additional content of the level and graphical errors) that was put on hold in favor of […]

Post-Beta – Terminal Game
This Week
This week has been all about polishing, balancing, play-testing and implementing the last promised features of our game. The game is shaping up to be exactly what we set out to do, which gives me that fuzzy feeling of accomplishment, and pride for my group’s accomplishments as well.
The group has been hard at work finishing up the small projects (such as GUI graphics, additional content of the level and graphical errors) that was put on hold in favor of […]

Post-Beta – Terminal Game
This Week
This week has been all about polishing, balancing, play-testing and implementing the last promised features of our game. The game is shaping up to be exactly what we set out to do, which gives me that fuzzy feeling of accomplishment, and pride for my group’s accomplishments as well.
The group has been hard at work finishing up the small projects (such as GUI graphics, additional content of the level and graphical errors) that was put on hold in favor of […]

2014-03-20 Sixth artifact
This week I have been continuing my work with the menues both graphically and codewise.
Our start menu that I drew all the sprites for, except the moon a bit to the left.
When it comes to the code I focused on the function that would switch from the Start menu to the How to play screen. In theory it would be really simple – when choosing How to play it would only replace the Startmenu-options sprite to the How to […]

2014-03-20 Sixth artifact
This week I have been continuing my work with the menues both graphically and codewise.
Our start menu that I drew all the sprites for, except the moon a bit to the left.
When it comes to the code I focused on the function that would switch from the Start menu to the How to play screen. In theory it would be really simple – when choosing How to play it would only replace the Startmenu-options sprite to the How to […]
New Artifact – Option state
That is a sprite I made this week. It’s a lazer and they are supposed to be spawned really close to each other. The reason behind the rounded edges is that there won’t be akward edges when you fire alot of them while rotating quickly.
Our option state was supposed to be able to do following things: switch between different control-types in game (since we want the player to be able to choose between rotating around the middle and completely […]
New Artifact – Option state
That is a sprite I made this week. It’s a lazer and they are supposed to be spawned really close to each other. The reason behind the rounded edges is that there won’t be akward edges when you fire alot of them while rotating quickly.
Our option state was supposed to be able to do following things: switch between different control-types in game (since we want the player to be able to choose between rotating around the middle and completely […]