Daily Archives: March 20, 2014

Artifact post: Win and Lose states.
This week’s artifact is the implementation of a Win state and a Lose State.
Previously the only states we’ve had were the Menu State and the Game State. The menu state was the main menu and inherited from a State class and was handled by out StateManager which keeps the current state updating and drawing. The main menu have three buttons, each with a set function to be activated when the button is clicked. The one relevant to this is the […]

Artifact post: Win and Lose states.
This week’s artifact is the implementation of a Win state and a Lose State.
Previously the only states we’ve had were the Menu State and the Game State. The menu state was the main menu and inherited from a State class and was handled by out StateManager which keeps the current state updating and drawing. The main menu have three buttons, each with a set function to be activated when the button is clicked. The one relevant to this is the […]

Artifact : Energy
This time I’ve been working on the Energy artifact, or rather linking it together with previous artifacts such as the Slider bar and the GUI. This is also not visible until you get to the second stage of the game where you grow up and acquire your fishing rod. Its only drawn with color in the second state where you actually have an energy bar. And as the describing color of the bar is white it will reveal itself as […]

Artifact : Energy
This time I’ve been working on the Energy artifact, or rather linking it together with previous artifacts such as the Slider bar and the GUI. This is also not visible until you get to the second stage of the game where you grow up and acquire your fishing rod. Its only drawn with color in the second state where you actually have an energy bar. And as the describing color of the bar is white it will reveal itself as […]

Reflektion av veckans arbete: Vecka 6
Såhär på slutet av projektet har jag inte direkt påbörjat något nytt utan mest fixat diverse små saker. Men något som jag har gjort är en game over screen och mockup. Jag fick önskemål och att den döda fisken(alltså sista bilden i dödsanimationen) skulle vara med och att den skulle ha en mörk bakgrund från gruppens lead designer. Jag googlade lite på game over screens och något som verkade vanligt var rött av nått slag vilket jag testade men tyckte […]

Reflektion av veckans arbete: Vecka 6
Såhär på slutet av projektet har jag inte direkt påbörjat något nytt utan mest fixat diverse små saker. Men något som jag har gjort är en game over screen och mockup. Jag fick önskemål och att den döda fisken(alltså sista bilden i dödsanimationen) skulle vara med och att den skulle ha en mörk bakgrund från gruppens lead designer. Jag googlade lite på game over screens och något som verkade vanligt var rött av nått slag vilket jag testade men tyckte […]
Gunilla put on ice until further notice.
This week I have been continuing to work on our games boss, Gunilla. Last week I made rough animations of all her actions, attack, idle, elemental switch and death. During this week, I refined the line art of Gunilla and added colour and shadows. We decided to use the same colour as the main characters mask for the bosses one, making them look similar. Making the shadows was difficult, since I’m not very familiar in making shadows in this style […]
Gunilla put on ice until further notice.
This week I have been continuing to work on our games boss, Gunilla. Last week I made rough animations of all her actions, attack, idle, elemental switch and death. During this week, I refined the line art of Gunilla and added colour and shadows. We decided to use the same colour as the main characters mask for the bosses one, making them look similar. Making the shadows was difficult, since I’m not very familiar in making shadows in this style […]

Guard mock-up among other things
This weeks blog post is the most difficult one to do so far and I couldn’t find any image to properly depict my work, so the picture below is the mock-up of how the guards will patrol the building and it also shows where the objective and exit. The reason behind this week being hard to post about is that alot of what I’ve done has been adding in new sprites and testing them out against our floor and the rest […]

Guard mock-up among other things
This weeks blog post is the most difficult one to do so far and I couldn’t find any image to properly depict my work, so the picture below is the mock-up of how the guards will patrol the building and it also shows where the objective and exit. The reason behind this week being hard to post about is that alot of what I’ve done has been adding in new sprites and testing them out against our floor and the rest […]

Guard mock-up among other things
This weeks blog post is the most difficult one to do so far and I couldn’t find any image to properly depict my work, so the picture below is the mock-up of how the guards will patrol the building and it also shows where the objective and exit. The reason behind this week being hard to post about is that alot of what I’ve done has been adding in new sprites and testing them out against our floor and the rest […]

Guard mock-up among other things
This weeks blog post is the most difficult one to do so far and I couldn’t find any image to properly depict my work, so the picture below is the mock-up of how the guards will patrol the building and it also shows where the objective and exit. The reason behind this week being hard to post about is that alot of what I’ve done has been adding in new sprites and testing them out against our floor and the rest […]

Simple AI
Hello dear readers,
What is a PvE¹ game if there is no AI²? Even if the AI is fairly simple it will still be better than no AI at all, if nothing else there will be a few laughs about the behaviour of the NPC³.
So in our game we have three distinct enemies:
The Water enemy which is aiming directly at you, or slightly forward from your direction
The Fire enemy, which is aiming slightly above you and slightly below you.
The Wood enemy, which […]

Simple AI
Hello dear readers,
What is a PvE¹ game if there is no AI²? Even if the AI is fairly simple it will still be better than no AI at all, if nothing else there will be a few laughs about the behaviour of the NPC³.
So in our game we have three distinct enemies:
The Water enemy which is aiming directly at you, or slightly forward from your direction
The Fire enemy, which is aiming slightly above you and slightly below you.
The Wood enemy, which […]

The week of Gunilla
Hello, this week I worked on the boss for the game. The bosses name is Gunilla. More specifically I worked on the ghostly “fire” part of the boss, my team-mate Alex is working on the mask/face of it.
Here is a picture from it, I don’t have the final mask implemented yet and it the fire part will probably be transparent later. But here is a frame from the idle animation:
The mask is just a rough sketch right now in […]

The week of Gunilla
Hello, this week I worked on the boss for the game. The bosses name is Gunilla. More specifically I worked on the ghostly “fire” part of the boss, my team-mate Alex is working on the mask/face of it.
Here is a picture from it, I don’t have the final mask implemented yet and it the fire part will probably be transparent later. But here is a frame from the idle animation:
The mask is just a rough sketch right now in […]

6th blog post of 10 Week Project – Sounds for the Game
We did not yet have any sound in the game for the beta, and so this was one of our top priorities for the final. The required sounds for the game were all listed in our scrum document’s product backlog.
At first, we were to have different attack sounds and hit sounds for each enemy and the player, but instead we decided to have different attack and hit sounds for each elemental type. For example, the water enemy and the player […]

6th blog post of 10 Week Project – Sounds for the Game
We did not yet have any sound in the game for the beta, and so this was one of our top priorities for the final. The required sounds for the game were all listed in our scrum document’s product backlog.
At first, we were to have different attack sounds and hit sounds for each enemy and the player, but instead we decided to have different attack and hit sounds for each elemental type. For example, the water enemy and the player […]

6th blog post of 10 Week Project – Sounds for the Game
We did not yet have any sound in the game for the beta, and so this was one of our top priorities for the final. The required sounds for the game were all listed in our scrum document’s product backlog.
At first, we were to have different attack sounds and hit sounds for each enemy and the player, but instead we decided to have different attack and hit sounds for each elemental type. For example, the water enemy and the player […]

6th blog post of 10 Week Project – Sounds for the Game
We did not yet have any sound in the game for the beta, and so this was one of our top priorities for the final. The required sounds for the game were all listed in our scrum document’s product backlog.
At first, we were to have different attack sounds and hit sounds for each enemy and the player, but instead we decided to have different attack and hit sounds for each elemental type. For example, the water enemy and the player […]

Project Haunted Light 14-03-20
I’ve managed to get a lot done these past few days, and at the same time it feels like a lot of unpredictable, slightly bad things have happened. Due to certain reasons Anita, the only other graphical artist in my group, might not be able to work for a while, which I don’t blame her for. This does however leave me as the only graphical artist left. Luckily we’ve both been working hard and managed to finish […]

Project Haunted Light 14-03-20
I’ve managed to get a lot done these past few days, and at the same time it feels like a lot of unpredictable, slightly bad things have happened. Due to certain reasons Anita, the only other graphical artist in my group, might not be able to work for a while, which I don’t blame her for. This does however leave me as the only graphical artist left. Luckily we’ve both been working hard and managed to finish […]

Project Haunted Light 14-03-20
I’ve managed to get a lot done these past few days, and at the same time it feels like a lot of unpredictable, slightly bad things have happened. Due to certain reasons Anita, the only other graphical artist in my group, might not be able to work for a while, which I don’t blame her for. This does however leave me as the only graphical artist left. Luckily we’ve both been working hard and managed to finish […]

Project Haunted Light 14-03-20
I’ve managed to get a lot done these past few days, and at the same time it feels like a lot of unpredictable, slightly bad things have happened. Due to certain reasons Anita, the only other graphical artist in my group, might not be able to work for a while, which I don’t blame her for. This does however leave me as the only graphical artist left. Luckily we’ve both been working hard and managed to finish […]