Daily Archives: March 20, 2014

Sixth Artifact: Level-changing
I have been working hard on bug fixing everything this week. A lot of progress has been made. For example, the guards no longer plays lighthouse when the player is nearby, was a minus instead of a plus when calculating the distance that was the reason for that. Anyway, let’s get to this week’s artifact.
So, we are going to have four levels in our game, and we do not want to load all four at the same time. I have […]

Sixth Artifact: Level-changing
I have been working hard on bug fixing everything this week. A lot of progress has been made. For example, the guards no longer plays lighthouse when the player is nearby, was a minus instead of a plus when calculating the distance that was the reason for that. Anyway, let’s get to this week’s artifact.
So, we are going to have four levels in our game, and we do not want to load all four at the same time. I have […]

Menu Background
So far this week I’ve been finishing the main menu background. I think it turned out good, except I didn’t have time to add more playground things like a swing or some scattered toys. I decided to cut that to save time. But I still think the background works just fine.
Here it is without the menu buttons.
I am rather pleased with the result, I didn’t use any strange techniques or anything weird. It’s all done with a couple of […]

Menu Background
So far this week I’ve been finishing the main menu background. I think it turned out good, except I didn’t have time to add more playground things like a swing or some scattered toys. I decided to cut that to save time. But I still think the background works just fine.
Here it is without the menu buttons.
I am rather pleased with the result, I didn’t use any strange techniques or anything weird. It’s all done with a couple of […]

Artifact 6 – AI and stubborn Glowing effects
This week I have done The final AI-state “AttractedState” and I have started wrestling with the mixture of three super intelligent coding chefs in this soup of code. It’s lovely but it’s like fitting a cube inside the point of a needle.
Let’s start out with the attracted state.
This is a hunting state as explained in the previous post HERE but instead of a unit vector pointing from the enemy to the player fish, there is a vector […]

Artifact 6 – AI and stubborn Glowing effects
This week I have done The final AI-state “AttractedState” and I have started wrestling with the mixture of three super intelligent coding chefs in this soup of code. It’s lovely but it’s like fitting a cube inside the point of a needle.
Let’s start out with the attracted state.
This is a hunting state as explained in the previous post HERE but instead of a unit vector pointing from the enemy to the player fish, there is a vector […]

Something different
I did not know I would ever get to say this, but I am actually running low on work. The last few weeks the amount of work I had to do have been getting less and less. I am afraid I will have to dig up something old to write about next week.
Anyway, this week I did something a little bit different, I made the sketch of the background for the options menu. I do not usually do very good […]

Something different
I did not know I would ever get to say this, but I am actually running low on work. The last few weeks the amount of work I had to do have been getting less and less. I am afraid I will have to dig up something old to write about next week.
Anyway, this week I did something a little bit different, I made the sketch of the background for the options menu. I do not usually do very good […]

Project – Week 7
Next week is the last week of the project, and it’s all about finishing and making things work.
This week I’m going to talk about the death animation for the enemy character. I had some major problems with this animation earlier (but for the player character, see the Project – Week 5 post), but since then I’ve been thinking a lot about different ways to tackle the problem.
When I worked on the player death animation I had a huge problem with […]

Project – Week 7
Next week is the last week of the project, and it’s all about finishing and making things work.
This week I’m going to talk about the death animation for the enemy character. I had some major problems with this animation earlier (but for the player character, see the Project – Week 5 post), but since then I’ve been thinking a lot about different ways to tackle the problem.
When I worked on the player death animation I had a huge problem with […]

Project – Week 7
Next week is the last week of the project, and it’s all about finishing and making things work.
This week I’m going to talk about the death animation for the enemy character. I had some major problems with this animation earlier (but for the player character, see the Project – Week 5 post), but since then I’ve been thinking a lot about different ways to tackle the problem.
When I worked on the player death animation I had a huge problem with […]

Project – Week 7
Next week is the last week of the project, and it’s all about finishing and making things work.
This week I’m going to talk about the death animation for the enemy character. I had some major problems with this animation earlier (but for the player character, see the Project – Week 5 post), but since then I’ve been thinking a lot about different ways to tackle the problem.
When I worked on the player death animation I had a huge problem with […]

General Tweaking
Hello. I haven’t done that much this week, wich is quite strange considering that there is only one week remaining of the project. I would have done more but the truth is, I’m not entirely sure what there is left to do (that we still have time to implement and test properly). So, what I’ve actually done this week is: found some memory leaks and fixed them. We store all of our game objects in 2-3 vectors in our gamestate […]

General Tweaking
Hello. I haven’t done that much this week, wich is quite strange considering that there is only one week remaining of the project. I would have done more but the truth is, I’m not entirely sure what there is left to do (that we still have time to implement and test properly). So, what I’ve actually done this week is: found some memory leaks and fixed them. We store all of our game objects in 2-3 vectors in our gamestate […]

Haunted Light 2014-03-20 Pickups and Crack(s)
This week the whole group has been focusing on what is mos important for the game. Per focuses on the AI, Calle on the Options and Credits and I have been working on the pick-ups in the game; The pickaxe and the matches.
I started with writing a PickaxeObject class and I did it mostly like the walls are created in the game. Both walls and pickaxe inherits their core code from game object. Which gives them basic knowledge such as […]

Haunted Light 2014-03-20 Pickups and Crack(s)
This week the whole group has been focusing on what is mos important for the game. Per focuses on the AI, Calle on the Options and Credits and I have been working on the pick-ups in the game; The pickaxe and the matches.
I started with writing a PickaxeObject class and I did it mostly like the walls are created in the game. Both walls and pickaxe inherits their core code from game object. Which gives them basic knowledge such as […]

Project Aurora, post 10, (Blog Assignment 6) Lighting up the dark waters
One of the things I have done this week is adding plants that the player can light up using his fishingrod with the light bulb, like so:
First I thought about adding a special class for these types of plants called interactive objects but since they will differ so little from normal game objects I decided to keep them in the basic game object class for now, the biggest reason being […]

Project Aurora, post 10, (Blog Assignment 6) Lighting up the dark waters
One of the things I have done this week is adding plants that the player can light up using his fishingrod with the light bulb, like so:
First I thought about adding a special class for these types of plants called interactive objects but since they will differ so little from normal game objects I decided to keep them in the basic game object class for now, the biggest reason being […]

Week 9 – Hidden Rooms
This week I have worked with the rooms and I have continued my work of adding details to them. Since I already have gone through this process in an earlier post, I will focus on explaining how I created the hidden rooms and my thoughts about them.
The anticipated idea of the hidden rooms; when the player goes beneath the wall the hidden room will become revealed. In the hidden rooms the player can find treasure chests that contain textiles that […]

Week 9 – Hidden Rooms
This week I have worked with the rooms and I have continued my work of adding details to them. Since I already have gone through this process in an earlier post, I will focus on explaining how I created the hidden rooms and my thoughts about them.
The anticipated idea of the hidden rooms; when the player goes beneath the wall the hidden room will become revealed. In the hidden rooms the player can find treasure chests that contain textiles that […]

Sixth Artifact: Level-changing
I have been working hard on bug fixing everything this week. A lot of progress has been made. For example, the guards no longer plays lighthouse when the player is nearby, was a minus instead of a plus when calculating the distance that was the reason for that. Anyway, let’s get to this week’s artifact.
So, we are going to have four levels in our game, and we do not want to load all four at the same time. I have […]

Sixth Artifact: Level-changing
I have been working hard on bug fixing everything this week. A lot of progress has been made. For example, the guards no longer plays lighthouse when the player is nearby, was a minus instead of a plus when calculating the distance that was the reason for that. Anyway, let’s get to this week’s artifact.
So, we are going to have four levels in our game, and we do not want to load all four at the same time. I have […]

Save the Best for Last
Or just the things that are not as important. This week I indulged myself in some graphical things that needed to be done to make the game bit prettier.
One of the first things I did was the health-bar for the bosses. As of before I made the graphic for it, it was a simple red bar at top of the screen. I simply just made it a more flashy bar. I started with an black silhouette st playing around in […]

Save the Best for Last
Or just the things that are not as important. This week I indulged myself in some graphical things that needed to be done to make the game bit prettier.
One of the first things I did was the health-bar for the bosses. As of before I made the graphic for it, it was a simple red bar at top of the screen. I simply just made it a more flashy bar. I started with an black silhouette st playing around in […]