Daily Archives: March 20, 2014

Denna vecka kommer jag att köra på svenska då jag inte har orken att bibehålla den professionalitet som jag vill ha. Detta är tack vare min grupp som jag arbetar med… Följande stycke kommer att handla om min irritation över gruppen. Sedan så kommer vad jag har arbetat med i veckan.
Veckan började tänkbara vis med att jag sköt upp vårt veckomöte på grund utav en hagel/regnstorm som tog vid på måndagsmorgonen. Jag beslutade då att skjuta upp en timme så […]

Denna vecka kommer jag att köra på svenska då jag inte har orken att bibehålla den professionalitet som jag vill ha. Detta är tack vare min grupp som jag arbetar med… Följande stycke kommer att handla om min irritation över gruppen. Sedan så kommer vad jag har arbetat med i veckan.
Veckan började tänkbara vis med att jag sköt upp vårt veckomöte på grund utav en hagel/regnstorm som tog vid på måndagsmorgonen. Jag beslutade då att skjuta upp en timme så […]

Suit Em’ Up – Just before Final
Hello world!
This week has been all about our boss Grubby McGrub. Grubby is a big, fat caterpillar. She glows in creepy orange and yellow and have a witch-like appearance. Her battle is in whack-a-mole style, she will move around under the floor and smash up through the fabrics trying to head-butt you. If she hit you it’s a one hit kill so you really have to look for the cracks appearing right before she comes up. If you’re fast enough […]

Suit Em’ Up – Just before Final
Hello world!
This week has been all about our boss Grubby McGrub. Grubby is a big, fat caterpillar. She glows in creepy orange and yellow and have a witch-like appearance. Her battle is in whack-a-mole style, she will move around under the floor and smash up through the fabrics trying to head-butt you. If she hit you it’s a one hit kill so you really have to look for the cracks appearing right before she comes up. If you’re fast enough […]

Hello world!
This week has been all about our boss Grubby McGrub. Grubby is a big, fat caterpillar. She glows in creepy orange and yellow and have a witch-like appearance. Her battle is in whack-a-mole style, she will move around under the floor and smash up through the fabrics trying to head-butt you. If she hit you it’s a one hit kill so you really have to look for the cracks appearing right before she comes up. If you’re fast enough […]

Hello world!
This week has been all about our boss Grubby McGrub. Grubby is a big, fat caterpillar. She glows in creepy orange and yellow and have a witch-like appearance. Her battle is in whack-a-mole style, she will move around under the floor and smash up through the fabrics trying to head-butt you. If she hit you it’s a one hit kill so you really have to look for the cracks appearing right before she comes up. If you’re fast enough […]

Week 9 – With Intent
Almost at the release, and that persistent sickness that haunted me last week is now gone, which means my productivity increased as well.
This week I’ve mostly been working with the SoundManager (or more accurately: the SoundEntity and MusicEntity), the version we had was working up ti’ll Beta, but in the final, we need a listener for the sound, otherwise the sound of the guards steps would be heard from anywhere on the map, that would just be…. strange.
Now to the […]

Week 9 – With Intent
Almost at the release, and that persistent sickness that haunted me last week is now gone, which means my productivity increased as well.
This week I’ve mostly been working with the SoundManager (or more accurately: the SoundEntity and MusicEntity), the version we had was working up ti’ll Beta, but in the final, we need a listener for the sound, otherwise the sound of the guards steps would be heard from anywhere on the map, that would just be…. strange.
Now to the […]

Sound and music!
Hello again!
So this week I have been working on getting sound for our game. It is harder than I thought, because if I have too many sounds in the game it just sounds annoying and becomes frustrating to play. What I need to remember is what kind of game it is. Is it important to have sound for footsteps? Or hearing a scream when player gets hit? Things like that you need think about when you implementing sounds. I also […]

Sound and music!
Hello again!
So this week I have been working on getting sound for our game. It is harder than I thought, because if I have too many sounds in the game it just sounds annoying and becomes frustrating to play. What I need to remember is what kind of game it is. Is it important to have sound for footsteps? Or hearing a scream when player gets hit? Things like that you need think about when you implementing sounds. I also […]

Sound and music!
Hello again!
So this week I have been working on getting for our game. It is harder than I thought, because if I have too many sounds in the game it just sounds annoying and becomes frustrating to play. What I need to remember is what kind of game is it? Is it important to have sound for footsteps? Or hearing scream when player gets hit? Things like that you need think about when you implementing sounds. I also have to […]

Sound and music!
Hello again!
So this week I have been working on getting for our game. It is harder than I thought, because if I have too many sounds in the game it just sounds annoying and becomes frustrating to play. What I need to remember is what kind of game is it? Is it important to have sound for footsteps? Or hearing scream when player gets hit? Things like that you need think about when you implementing sounds. I also have to […]

Haunted Light – Text and menu functionality, mostly
Hello. This week I’ve mainly been working on adding the functionalities and text in the options menu as well as making the credits screen. I’ve also been working on AI for one of the enemies in the game, but since I’m not finished with it just yet, I’m only going to cover it using pseudo code and not the code behind it. The AI will hopefully be finished tomorrow.
This is how the Options menu looks now. Not too […]

Haunted Light – Text and menu functionality, mostly
Hello. This week I’ve mainly been working on adding the functionalities and text in the options menu as well as making the credits screen. I’ve also been working on AI for one of the enemies in the game, but since I’m not finished with it just yet, I’m only going to cover it using pseudo code and not the code behind it. The AI will hopefully be finished tomorrow.
This is how the Options menu looks now. Not too […]

Something different
I did not know I would ever get to say this, but I am actually running low on work. The last few weeks the amount of work I had to do have been getting less and less. I am afraid I will have to dig up something old to write about next week.
Anyway, this week I did something a little bit different, I made the sketch of the background for the options menu. I do not usually do very good […]

Something different
I did not know I would ever get to say this, but I am actually running low on work. The last few weeks the amount of work I had to do have been getting less and less. I am afraid I will have to dig up something old to write about next week.
Anyway, this week I did something a little bit different, I made the sketch of the background for the options menu. I do not usually do very good […]

Polish, polish, and more polish
I’m running out of things to write about! Since we’re getting closer and closer to final, there are no “huge new features” that can be written about, and most of the work I currently do is polish behind the scenes, which doesn’t really make for good writing material. However, there are some things that make for good screenshot material, so I guess I’ll combine some artifacts into one post.
Firstly, as a followup to last week’s post, we have implemented some […]

Polish, polish, and more polish
I’m running out of things to write about! Since we’re getting closer and closer to final, there are no “huge new features” that can be written about, and most of the work I currently do is polish behind the scenes, which doesn’t really make for good writing material. However, there are some things that make for good screenshot material, so I guess I’ll combine some artifacts into one post.
Firstly, as a followup to last week’s post, we have implemented some […]
So it is only one week of the project left and there are not much left to do. This week we have discussed what we should lay focus on this last time. So the only animation we do not have made yet is the death animation. We have three ways for the spy and the guard to die: by getting strangled with the garrote, getting hit with a baton or getting shot with a gun. With this we should need […]
So it is only one week of the project left and there are not much left to do. This week we have discussed what we should lay focus on this last time. So the only animation we do not have made yet is the death animation. We have three ways for the spy and the guard to die: by getting strangled with the garrote, getting hit with a baton or getting shot with a gun. With this we should need […]

Artifact of the week: More stars
So last week I wrote about how we used stars as collectibles. Since then we continued to work on that among other things to get our game done for Beta. After being able to spawn stars from dead enemies and pick them up we wanted the to show the player the count as well. The reason behind why we rather show the stars than to hide them is that in the end our game is about high score. There for […]

Artifact of the week: More stars
So last week I wrote about how we used stars as collectibles. Since then we continued to work on that among other things to get our game done for Beta. After being able to spawn stars from dead enemies and pick them up we wanted the to show the player the count as well. The reason behind why we rather show the stars than to hide them is that in the end our game is about high score. There for […]