Daily Archives: March 13, 2014

Game Developement and Coding 13 March 2014 – Entity Manager
The Entity Manager
The entity manager is a class that makes sure all objects (or entities) in the game space are updated and displayed on the screen properly.
The entity manager can be divided into five parts:
-Add pointers to objects and store them in vectors.
-Update all the objects via their pointers.
-Draw all objects via their pointers.
-Make sure all objects are added to the collision check.
-Check the HP of all objects and delete those that have reached zero or lower.
It stores pointers to […]

Game Developement and Coding 13 March 2014 – Entity Manager
The Entity Manager
The entity manager is a class that makes sure all objects (or entities) in the game space are updated and displayed on the screen properly.
The entity manager can be divided into five parts:
-Add pointers to objects and store them in vectors.
-Update all the objects via their pointers.
-Draw all objects via their pointers.
-Make sure all objects are added to the collision check.
-Check the HP of all objects and delete those that have reached zero or lower.
It stores pointers to […]

Haunted Light 2014-03-13 Sounds and things that’s going to be cut
This week (Monday-Thursday) I’ve been implementing all the sounds I have created during the past week. It was a relatively simple to add the sounds. I added them into our system source file by using a sound manager and sfml’s own method “addSoundBuffer”. For the music you do not actually load them in because it would take too long so they are streamed in, by streaming the music we can set it to looping which led me to changing a […]

Haunted Light 2014-03-13 Sounds and things that’s going to be cut
This week (Monday-Thursday) I’ve been implementing all the sounds I have created during the past week. It was a relatively simple to add the sounds. I added them into our system source file by using a sound manager and sfml’s own method “addSoundBuffer”. For the music you do not actually load them in because it would take too long so they are streamed in, by streaming the music we can set it to looping which led me to changing a […]

Explaining the ”Noise maker”
This week I’ve been working on completing our design documents since we got a few comments on our first hand in.
The picture above is the image I made to briefly explain how one of our usable items will work. The Item I’m referring to is the ”Noise maker”. This item is meant to be a none-violent alternative to the rest of the players arsenal. It’s supposed to be a single use item which emits sound circles that will draw […]

Explaining the ”Noise maker”
This week I’ve been working on completing our design documents since we got a few comments on our first hand in.
The picture above is the image I made to briefly explain how one of our usable items will work. The Item I’m referring to is the ”Noise maker”. This item is meant to be a none-violent alternative to the rest of the players arsenal. It’s supposed to be a single use item which emits sound circles that will draw […]

Explaining the ”Noise maker”
This week I’ve been working on completing our design documents since we got a few comments on our first hand in.
The picture above is the image I made to briefly explain how one of our usable items will work. The Item I’m referring to is the ”Noise maker”. This item is meant to be a none-violent alternative to the rest of the players arsenal. It’s supposed to be a single use item which emits sound circles that will draw […]

Explaining the ”Noise maker”
This week I’ve been working on completing our design documents since we got a few comments on our first hand in.
The picture above is the image I made to briefly explain how one of our usable items will work. The Item I’m referring to is the ”Noise maker”. This item is meant to be a none-violent alternative to the rest of the players arsenal. It’s supposed to be a single use item which emits sound circles that will draw […]

Making a Game Part 5 – The Options Screen
This week I made the options-screen for our game, something that I thought would be pretty straight forward but actually turned out to be pretty difficult.
After creating the state using the framework from the other states I made the button in the Main Menu-state lead into the Options and then started working on some sliders for volume-control, the sliders image was skilfully made by yours truly and is really a pure work of art:
In reality though, it looks awful […]

Making a Game Part 5 – The Options Screen
This week I made the options-screen for our game, something that I thought would be pretty straight forward but actually turned out to be pretty difficult.
After creating the state using the framework from the other states I made the button in the Main Menu-state lead into the Options and then started working on some sliders for volume-control, the sliders image was skilfully made by yours truly and is really a pure work of art:
In reality though, it looks awful […]
Guard running and alerted animation
This week I have continued on the animations. One of the animations I have made this week was a run animation for the guard. This run animation is going to be in the chase state when the guard has detected the spy.
So I started by modifying the walk animation to see how it might look. I did this by removing some frames, but that made it look like the guard was walking really fast. I mixed around a bit with […]
Guard running and alerted animation
This week I have continued on the animations. One of the animations I have made this week was a run animation for the guard. This run animation is going to be in the chase state when the guard has detected the spy.
So I started by modifying the walk animation to see how it might look. I did this by removing some frames, but that made it look like the guard was walking really fast. I mixed around a bit with […]

Upcoming Changes – Results of the playtesting
As we’re closing in on the beta stage of production, a small playtesting session was held, to receive feedback from one another as well as get a feeling of what stage every group is at.
For this session, we had three computers running the game, and two computers where people could fill out feedback in a questionnaire, hosted on Google Docs. Despite this, it tended to clog up, either at the game computers, or at the feedback computers, which meant that […]

Upcoming Changes – Results of the playtesting
As we’re closing in on the beta stage of production, a small playtesting session was held, to receive feedback from one another as well as get a feeling of what stage every group is at.
For this session, we had three computers running the game, and two computers where people could fill out feedback in a questionnaire, hosted on Google Docs. Despite this, it tended to clog up, either at the game computers, or at the feedback computers, which meant that […]

Addressing Feedback
Apologies for the slight delay and relatively sparse content of this post, I’ve spent most of this week focusing on preparing for the Beta presentation, as well as fixing up my group’s design document for the second hand-in.
Nevertheless, it’s Thursday, so it’s time for another blog post. Thankfully not all of my time this week has been spent writing documents and practicing speeches, as I had some time to address some feedback we got during our playtesting. A recurring theme […]

Addressing Feedback
Apologies for the slight delay and relatively sparse content of this post, I’ve spent most of this week focusing on preparing for the Beta presentation, as well as fixing up my group’s design document for the second hand-in.
Nevertheless, it’s Thursday, so it’s time for another blog post. Thankfully not all of my time this week has been spent writing documents and practicing speeches, as I had some time to address some feedback we got during our playtesting. A recurring theme […]

Upcoming Changes – Results of the playtesting
As we’re closing in on the beta stage of production, a small playtesting session was held, to receive feedback from one another as well as get a feeling of what stage every group is at.
For this session, we had three computers running the game, and two computers where people could fill out feedback in a questionnaire, hosted on Google Docs. Despite this, it tended to clog up, either at the game computers, or at the feedback computers, which meant that […]

Upcoming Changes – Results of the playtesting
As we’re closing in on the beta stage of production, a small playtesting session was held, to receive feedback from one another as well as get a feeling of what stage every group is at.
For this session, we had three computers running the game, and two computers where people could fill out feedback in a questionnaire, hosted on Google Docs. Despite this, it tended to clog up, either at the game computers, or at the feedback computers, which meant that […]

Reflektion av veckans arbete: Vecka 5
Denna vecka har jag mest fortsatt på redan påbörjade saker, tillexempel animerat enemy:n från förra veckan. Gjort en game over screen mockup, fortsatt att bygga på options till en in game version och så vidare. Något jag också gjort är tutorial buttons. Vi hade tänkt oss att knapparna man ska använda ska dyka upp på skärmen och sedan försvinna när de används, i en steg för steg guide. Alltså så kommer knapparna som kontrollerar avataren upp först, sedan hur man […]

Reflektion av veckans arbete: Vecka 5
Denna vecka har jag mest fortsatt på redan påbörjade saker, tillexempel animerat enemy:n från förra veckan. Gjort en game over screen mockup, fortsatt att bygga på options till en in game version och så vidare. Något jag också gjort är tutorial buttons. Vi hade tänkt oss att knapparna man ska använda ska dyka upp på skärmen och sedan försvinna när de används, i en steg för steg guide. Alltså så kommer knapparna som kontrollerar avataren upp först, sedan hur man […]

Tying up loose ends
This week I’ve mostly been working on getting the final editing done to all of the sounds that we are going to use in our game. To ensure an even level of volume I had to apply either one of these tools – Audio normalization or Compression.
Audio Normalization Audio normalization is the process of adding a constant amount of gain to an audio recording to bring the average or peak amplitude to a target level. What this means is that you change […]

Tying up loose ends
This week I’ve mostly been working on getting the final editing done to all of the sounds that we are going to use in our game. To ensure an even level of volume I had to apply either one of these tools – Audio normalization or Compression.
Audio Normalization Audio normalization is the process of adding a constant amount of gain to an audio recording to bring the average or peak amplitude to a target level. What this means is that you change […]

First impressions; designing a themed main menu
The very first thing a player sees when he/she starts up a game is, in most cases, the main menu. And since, as we all know, first impressions matter, it matters greatly to set the theme and feel for the game! We had previously decided to have the player play as a tailors ”little helper” (think of the mice in Disney’s ”Cinderella”), and so we wanted to use the main menu to make that connection. As such we concluded that […]

First impressions; designing a themed main menu
The very first thing a player sees when he/she starts up a game is, in most cases, the main menu. And since, as we all know, first impressions matter, it matters greatly to set the theme and feel for the game! We had previously decided to have the player play as a tailors ”little helper” (think of the mice in Disney’s ”Cinderella”), and so we wanted to use the main menu to make that connection. As such we concluded that […]