Daily Archives: March 13, 2014

BETA Presentation
Tomorrow is another big day for our game. Tomorrow is the BETA presentation.
In game development there are two major targets to a project. These are the ALPHA release and the BETA release. The Alpha is where you show of the core of the game and what the player will play with. This is the first critical point in a project as it sets the foundation of the game. The second goal is the BETA. This is where you show all […]

BETA Presentation
Tomorrow is another big day for our game. Tomorrow is the BETA presentation.
In game development there are two major targets to a project. These are the ALPHA release and the BETA release. The Alpha is where you show of the core of the game and what the player will play with. This is the first critical point in a project as it sets the foundation of the game. The second goal is the BETA. This is where you show all […]
Soon BETA!
Our game is soon entering the beta phase. This means that all of the core mechanics of the game should be here and working. We should also begin implementing the less important features of the game now. I’ve test played our game and I must say that i’m quite satisfied. The only thing that is missing is to refine the stealth system and finish up our backlog. I am very impressed with the rest of my team. It’s very fun […]
Soon BETA!
Our game is soon entering the beta phase. This means that all of the core mechanics of the game should be here and working. We should also begin implementing the less important features of the game now. I’ve test played our game and I must say that i’m quite satisfied. The only thing that is missing is to refine the stealth system and finish up our backlog. I am very impressed with the rest of my team. It’s very fun […]

Equip and collision
During this week I have worked on making a collision found and then removed. This process entailed me making a lot of things and finding out that some codes are not as easy as they sound.
Why I have done a collision is pretty obvious you have to be able to take a vector and rectangle, get the data and use it like loading the current weapon and then equip said item and ”removing” said item from the ground. I pretty […]

Equip and collision
During this week I have worked on making a collision found and then removed. This process entailed me making a lot of things and finding out that some codes are not as easy as they sound.
Why I have done a collision is pretty obvious you have to be able to take a vector and rectangle, get the data and use it like loading the current weapon and then equip said item and ”removing” said item from the ground. I pretty […]

Polishing week 2
Hello again! It is time again for a new post for the blog! This is week has been rather slow for me, I have not worked that much and effective because my motivation has been rather low because we done with most of the art and it sounds on our lead programmer that we will probably not have enough time to add anything new as I brought up in the last post. But what I have done is keep […]

Polishing week 2
Hello again! It is time again for a new post for the blog! This is week has been rather slow for me, I have not worked that much and effective because my motivation has been rather low because we done with most of the art and it sounds on our lead programmer that we will probably not have enough time to add anything new as I brought up in the last post. But what I have done is keep […]

Polishing week 2
Hello again! It is time again for a new post for the blog! This is week has been rather slow for me, I have not worked that much and effective because my motivation has been rather low because we done with most of the art and it sounds on our lead programmer that we will probably not have enough time to add anything new as I brought up in the last post. But what I have done is keep […]

Polishing week 2
Hello again! It is time again for a new post for the blog! This is week has been rather slow for me, I have not worked that much and effective because my motivation has been rather low because we done with most of the art and it sounds on our lead programmer that we will probably not have enough time to add anything new as I brought up in the last post. But what I have done is keep […]

Haunted Light – Buttons and Menus!
Hello readers! This week I’ve been working on getting buttons into the menus and assign what they are going to do. After creating the button class it felt natural for me to take the task of putting them into the game and it’s menus, since I was the one that, probably and hopefully, knew the most about how they were made and how they work. If you don’t know how the buttons work, I’ll cover it shortly but I recommend […]

Haunted Light – Buttons and Menus!
Hello readers! This week I’ve been working on getting buttons into the menus and assign what they are going to do. After creating the button class it felt natural for me to take the task of putting them into the game and it’s menus, since I was the one that, probably and hopefully, knew the most about how they were made and how they work. If you don’t know how the buttons work, I’ll cover it shortly but I recommend […]

Project “Haunted Light” 2014-03-13 Beta presentation script & Intro sequence
Week 7 of our game development project “Haunted light” is coming to an end and I have to say this week has been the one of the most turbulent ones since we started with this project. We in group 5 had to make the devastating decision to cut our regenerating levels because one member was sick for two whole weeks. Not much progress was done on the AI-front for our monsters which this member was in charge of during that […]

Project “Haunted Light” 2014-03-13 Beta presentation script & Intro sequence
Week 7 of our game development project “Haunted light” is coming to an end and I have to say this week has been the one of the most turbulent ones since we started with this project. We in group 5 had to make the devastating decision to cut our regenerating levels because one member was sick for two whole weeks. Not much progress was done on the AI-front for our monsters which this member was in charge of during that […]

This Monday we had a play testing where we got very much and good feedback. But one thing we have been discussing in the group is the downtime in our game – the time where there isn’t much to do in the game. For example when you have killed a boss and have to run all the way back to the beginning and you probably have killed all the enemies on your way to the boss already. Or if you […]

This Monday we had a play testing where we got very much and good feedback. But one thing we have been discussing in the group is the downtime in our game – the time where there isn’t much to do in the game. For example when you have killed a boss and have to run all the way back to the beginning and you probably have killed all the enemies on your way to the boss already. Or if you […]

Code files and assistance
In the previous blog post I promised that I would update on what I did last week with the coding part, so I will get into that a bit further now. Note that I will write and do write about the last week’s work, and not the current one. Anyway as I’ve said I tried to code some sort of highscore list, but before doing that you’ll need to implement a way to write from file and read to file. […]

Code files and assistance
In the previous blog post I promised that I would update on what I did last week with the coding part, so I will get into that a bit further now. Note that I will write and do write about the last week’s work, and not the current one. Anyway as I’ve said I tried to code some sort of highscore list, but before doing that you’ll need to implement a way to write from file and read to file. […]

Artifact : Level with Layers
The artifact of this week is the Level, or more specifically the Load function of the level. It is based on the platformer code with some small modifications around layers and colliders, creating possiblilities to choose if these should be active or not.
The Level is used for easily drawing out the game level from a txt file, and therefore allows you to work with the level inside an Excel document. This makes it much easier to create the level, rather […]

Artifact : Level with Layers
The artifact of this week is the Level, or more specifically the Load function of the level. It is based on the platformer code with some small modifications around layers and colliders, creating possiblilities to choose if these should be active or not.
The Level is used for easily drawing out the game level from a txt file, and therefore allows you to work with the level inside an Excel document. This makes it much easier to create the level, rather […]

Let’s Talk About Something Else
At last I am free from making sprites. For now at least. Last week I made every version of the main character sprite, nine in total. If you are not sure what I mean it is as follows: In our game we have a main character. You can upgrade her clothes and weapon independently, with three levels each. This means that I had to create sprites of the main character with a first level suit and weapons one, two and […]

Let’s Talk About Something Else
At last I am free from making sprites. For now at least. Last week I made every version of the main character sprite, nine in total. If you are not sure what I mean it is as follows: In our game we have a main character. You can upgrade her clothes and weapon independently, with three levels each. This means that I had to create sprites of the main character with a first level suit and weapons one, two and […]

Dirt sprites, UI and menu background.
This week I’ve been working on some dirt sprites, the UI and the main menu background.
The dirt sprites are very simple transparent layers with some dirt and mud added. The game will then just lay that over the sprites when you get muddy to illustrate that you actually are. I just used some preset brushes in Photoshop to make the dirt, nothing fancy, only took about one hour to make all the sprites. I made three different dirt levels in […]

Dirt sprites, UI and menu background.
This week I’ve been working on some dirt sprites, the UI and the main menu background.
The dirt sprites are very simple transparent layers with some dirt and mud added. The game will then just lay that over the sprites when you get muddy to illustrate that you actually are. I just used some preset brushes in Photoshop to make the dirt, nothing fancy, only took about one hour to make all the sprites. I made three different dirt levels in […]