Daily Archives: March 6, 2014

Time to Polish!
Hello again! It’s time for another blog post!
We got done with all the art that was needed in the game last week so this week has been focused on polishing art that we already have, and add things that we put off because we were unsure if we would be able to make it due to the time we had on the project.
We wanted to fine tune our animations that we had, so I started with going through the melee […]

Time to Polish!
Hello again! It’s time for another blog post!
We got done with all the art that was needed in the game last week so this week has been focused on polishing art that we already have, and add things that we put off because we were unsure if we would be able to make it due to the time we had on the project.
We wanted to fine tune our animations that we had, so I started with going through the melee […]
Time to Polish!
Hello again! It’s time for another blog post!
We got done with all the art that was needed in the game last week so this week has been focused on polishing art that we already have, and add things that we put off because we were unsure if we would be able to make it due to the time we had on the project.
We wanted to fine tune our animations that we had, so I started with going through the melee […]
Time to Polish!
Hello again! It’s time for another blog post!
We got done with all the art that was needed in the game last week so this week has been focused on polishing art that we already have, and add things that we put off because we were unsure if we would be able to make it due to the time we had on the project.
We wanted to fine tune our animations that we had, so I started with going through the melee […]

Sound effects and music
This week I’ve been working on making sound effects and finding some music fitting the theme of the game.
The sound effects take awhile to make since I’ve had to cut down the length of the sound while making sure it doesn’t sound choppy and at the same time making sure the sound effect blends in with the theme, the action that happens and the other sounds and or music.
I’ve been using audacity to work on the sound files it’s […]

Sound effects and music
This week I’ve been working on making sound effects and finding some music fitting the theme of the game.
The sound effects take awhile to make since I’ve had to cut down the length of the sound while making sure it doesn’t sound choppy and at the same time making sure the sound effect blends in with the theme, the action that happens and the other sounds and or music.
I’ve been using audacity to work on the sound files it’s […]

Sound effects and music
This week I’ve been working on making sound effects and finding some music fitting the theme of the game.
The sound effects take awhile to make since I’ve had to cut down the length of the sound while making sure it doesn’t sound choppy and at the same time making sure the sound effect blends in with the theme, the action that happens and the other sounds and or music.
I’ve been using audacity to work on the sound files it’s […]

Sound effects and music
This week I’ve been working on making sound effects and finding some music fitting the theme of the game.
The sound effects take awhile to make since I’ve had to cut down the length of the sound while making sure it doesn’t sound choppy and at the same time making sure the sound effect blends in with the theme, the action that happens and the other sounds and or music.
I’ve been using audacity to work on the sound files it’s […]

Level design and Experience
Hello Minions
This week I’ve been focusing on the design for the game, that includes design document, level design and experience curve.
I want to start talking a bit about the experience curve and numbers. There have been a lot of numbers, and then I mean a lot. Experience curve is something that the player will never notice if it’s done properly, done wrong and the game will do a lot of damage.
So, with no experience (game design wise) about curves and […]

Level design and Experience
Hello Minions
This week I’ve been focusing on the design for the game, that includes design document, level design and experience curve.
I want to start talking a bit about the experience curve and numbers. There have been a lot of numbers, and then I mean a lot. Experience curve is something that the player will never notice if it’s done properly, done wrong and the game will do a lot of damage.
So, with no experience (game design wise) about curves and […]

Main Character – Death Animation
As expected, another animation! Another Death animation even, this time for the main character of our project.
Hmm, three out of four posts related to animation contain death.. A bit of a fixation perhaps?
Nah, not really. They just happened to be my latest finished artefacts of the project. But unless I’ve just finished the death animation for the boss next time, that post should be about something slightly different.
So, what can i say about this one that hasn’t already been […]

Main Character – Death Animation
As expected, another animation! Another Death animation even, this time for the main character of our project.
Hmm, three out of four posts related to animation contain death.. A bit of a fixation perhaps?
Nah, not really. They just happened to be my latest finished artefacts of the project. But unless I’ve just finished the death animation for the boss next time, that post should be about something slightly different.
So, what can i say about this one that hasn’t already been […]

Week 7
This week I am going to present my work on the animations for the power ups of the game, or rather the effect of an activated power up. In the game “Aggressive Bystander” there will be two different kinds of power ups, one that increases the player’s speed of movement, which is called “blue cow”. And another one called “happy pill”, which drastically decreases the pump-meter, now for those of you who are unfamiliar with the game design the pump-meter […]

Week 7
This week I am going to present my work on the animations for the power ups of the game, or rather the effect of an activated power up. In the game “Aggressive Bystander” there will be two different kinds of power ups, one that increases the player’s speed of movement, which is called “blue cow”. And another one called “happy pill”, which drastically decreases the pump-meter, now for those of you who are unfamiliar with the game design the pump-meter […]

Bosses implemented
This week I have finally implemented the AI for all our three bosses, and tried to balance them somewhat. I will explain some of the balancing in this post, for the bosses’ different AI take a look at my previous post from last week.
I started with our boss Grubby McGrub (the whack-a-mole boss). When he shoots up from the ground he will shoot some slime at you. I started with one, aimed at the player, and then added four more shooting […]

Bosses implemented
This week I have finally implemented the AI for all our three bosses, and tried to balance them somewhat. I will explain some of the balancing in this post, for the bosses’ different AI take a look at my previous post from last week.
I started with our boss Grubby McGrub (the whack-a-mole boss). When he shoots up from the ground he will shoot some slime at you. I started with one, aimed at the player, and then added four more shooting […]
So this week I’ve made animations. I’ve made guard walk and idle animation and spy walk, idle and sneak animation. I was pleasantly surprised when I realized that it wasn’t as hard and time consuming as I thought. In the beginning of the week I learned how to make the animations into sprite sheets. I think it was so easy because we are doing everything in 64 times 64 squares.
The one I thought was the most fun animation to make […]
So this week I’ve made animations. I’ve made guard walk and idle animation and spy walk, idle and sneak animation. I was pleasantly surprised when I realized that it wasn’t as hard and time consuming as I thought. In the beginning of the week I learned how to make the animations into sprite sheets. I think it was so easy because we are doing everything in 64 times 64 squares.
The one I thought was the most fun animation to make […]

ARTIFACT BLOG #4 Second Enemy, again
Hi. This post will refer quite a lot to Box2D, you can check out my first post for the course to see more about what we’re using it for, or go to http://box2d.org to read more on your own.
This week we have.. worked more on the second enemy. Last week we felt somewhat done with the behaviour of it, but implementing it in the real project proved to be quite hard. Due to github not working for us, we’ve all worked […]

ARTIFACT BLOG #4 Second Enemy, again
Hi. This post will refer quite a lot to Box2D, you can check out my first post for the course to see more about what we’re using it for, or go to http://box2d.org to read more on your own.
This week we have.. worked more on the second enemy. Last week we felt somewhat done with the behaviour of it, but implementing it in the real project proved to be quite hard. Due to github not working for us, we’ve all worked […]
ARTIFACT BLOG #4 Second Enemy, again
Hi. This post will refer quite a lot to Box2D, you can check out my first post for the course to see more about what we’re using it for, or go to http://box2d.org to read more on your own.
This week we have.. worked more on the second enemy. Last week we felt somewhat done with the behaviour of it, but implementing it in the real project proved to be quite hard. Due to github not working for us, we’ve all worked […]
ARTIFACT BLOG #4 Second Enemy, again
Hi. This post will refer quite a lot to Box2D, you can check out my first post for the course to see more about what we’re using it for, or go to http://box2d.org to read more on your own.
This week we have.. worked more on the second enemy. Last week we felt somewhat done with the behaviour of it, but implementing it in the real project proved to be quite hard. Due to github not working for us, we’ve all worked […]

Suit Em Up, various stuff and some other stuff including particles
Once again I haven’t worked on one artifact enough this week to justify writing a whole blogpost about it, so because I have to write something I’ll write a bit about what I’ve done this week. I’ve been touching up some small things and added a few new smaller features.
First off, I had some troubles with adding a non-repeating sound effect that plays when you are hovering over a button. First I did the stupid thing and was trying to […]

Suit Em Up, various stuff and some other stuff including particles
Once again I haven’t worked on one artifact enough this week to justify writing a whole blogpost about it, so because I have to write something I’ll write a bit about what I’ve done this week. I’ve been touching up some small things and added a few new smaller features.
First off, I had some troubles with adding a non-repeating sound effect that plays when you are hovering over a button. First I did the stupid thing and was trying to […]