Daily Archives: March 6, 2014

Game Developement and Coding 6 March 2014 – Rubbish Bin Class
Rubbish Bin Class.
Might not sound all too exciting, but rubbish bins in our game space play an important role for the game play. They can be knocked over by the player and when this is done a power up might spawn by the bin. Otherwise there will only be trash coming out of it.
The basics of the class were simple enough to code. I simply made a new class type with its own sprite, collider (for checking collisions) and variables, […]

Game Developement and Coding 6 March 2014 – Rubbish Bin Class
Rubbish Bin Class.
Might not sound all too exciting, but rubbish bins in our game space play an important role for the game play. They can be knocked over by the player and when this is done a power up might spawn by the bin. Otherwise there will only be trash coming out of it.
The basics of the class were simple enough to code. I simply made a new class type with its own sprite, collider (for checking collisions) and variables, […]

Reflektion av veckans arbete: Vecka 4
Denna vecka har jag jobbat med ett nytt enemy koncept för spelets lite mörkare delar. Det ska vara mer djupvattenfiskar som i min åsikt är rätt fula, men kul att teckna. Jag samlade lite inspiration genom att googla deep water fish innan jag började. Det finns diverse olika fula fiskar i havet tydligen men jag fann inspiration ifrån http://seavenger.info/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/hatchet11.jpg men jag trappade ner det fula en del, och detaljer för att det skulle funka mer med vår grafiska bit. […]

Reflektion av veckans arbete: Vecka 4
Denna vecka har jag jobbat med ett nytt enemy koncept för spelets lite mörkare delar. Det ska vara mer djupvattenfiskar som i min åsikt är rätt fula, men kul att teckna. Jag samlade lite inspiration genom att googla deep water fish innan jag började. Det finns diverse olika fula fiskar i havet tydligen men jag fann inspiration ifrån http://seavenger.info/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/hatchet11.jpg men jag trappade ner det fula en del, och detaljer för att det skulle funka mer med vår grafiska bit. […]

Level design and Experience
Hello Minions
This week I’ve been focusing on the design for the game, that includes design document, level design and experience curve.
I want to start talking a bit about the experience curve and numbers. There have been a lot of numbers, and then I mean a lot. Experience curve is something that the player will never notice if it’s done properly, done wrong and the game will do a lot of damage.
So, with no experience (game design wise) about curves and […]

Level design and Experience
Hello Minions
This week I’ve been focusing on the design for the game, that includes design document, level design and experience curve.
I want to start talking a bit about the experience curve and numbers. There have been a lot of numbers, and then I mean a lot. Experience curve is something that the player will never notice if it’s done properly, done wrong and the game will do a lot of damage.
So, with no experience (game design wise) about curves and […]

Bosses implemented
This week I have finally implemented the AI for all our three bosses, and tried to balance them somewhat. I will explain some of the balancing in this post, for the bosses’ different AI take a look at my previous post from last week.
I started with our boss Grubby McGrub (the whack-a-mole boss). When he shoots up from the ground he will shoot some slime at you. I started with one, aimed at the player, and then added four more shooting […]

Bosses implemented
This week I have finally implemented the AI for all our three bosses, and tried to balance them somewhat. I will explain some of the balancing in this post, for the bosses’ different AI take a look at my previous post from last week.
I started with our boss Grubby McGrub (the whack-a-mole boss). When he shoots up from the ground he will shoot some slime at you. I started with one, aimed at the player, and then added four more shooting […]

So this week I’ve made animations. I’ve made guard walk and idle animation and spy walk, idle and sneak animation. I was pleasantly surprised when I realized that it wasn’t as hard and time consuming as I thought. In the beginning of the week I learned how to make the animations into sprite sheets. I think it was so easy because we are doing everything in 64 times 64 squares.
The one I thought was the most fun animation to make […]

So this week I’ve made animations. I’ve made guard walk and idle animation and spy walk, idle and sneak animation. I was pleasantly surprised when I realized that it wasn’t as hard and time consuming as I thought. In the beginning of the week I learned how to make the animations into sprite sheets. I think it was so easy because we are doing everything in 64 times 64 squares.
The one I thought was the most fun animation to make […]

Game Project Week 7 – Textures
So it’s week 7 of our game project and it’s time for another blog post, this week I have continued my work on the graphics for the rooms. We decided to go for another texture for the walls because its resolution was too low and some of the details on the texture were a bit blurry, due to that I started this week by making a new texture. You can see a comparison of the old and new texture further down on the page.
I started by adding the different lines on to the main texture, on one […]

Game Project Week 7 – Textures
So it’s week 7 of our game project and it’s time for another blog post, this week I have continued my work on the graphics for the rooms. We decided to go for another texture for the walls because its resolution was too low and some of the details on the texture were a bit blurry, due to that I started this week by making a new texture. You can see a comparison of the old and new texture further down on the page.
I started by adding the different lines on to the main texture, on one […]

Suit Em Up, various stuff and some other stuff including particles
Once again I haven’t worked on one artifact enough this week to justify writing a whole blogpost about it, so because I have to write something I’ll write a bit about what I’ve done this week. I’ve been touching up some small things and added a few new smaller features.
First off, I had some troubles with adding a non-repeating sound effect that plays when you are hovering over a button. First I did the stupid thing and was trying to […]

Suit Em Up, various stuff and some other stuff including particles
Once again I haven’t worked on one artifact enough this week to justify writing a whole blogpost about it, so because I have to write something I’ll write a bit about what I’ve done this week. I’ve been touching up some small things and added a few new smaller features.
First off, I had some troubles with adding a non-repeating sound effect that plays when you are hovering over a button. First I did the stupid thing and was trying to […]

Aggressive Bystander – Voice-Overs
This week I’ve been focused on getting some voice-overs done for our game, voice-overs are essentially all of the sounds that can’t be produced using sound effects and digital tools in a DAW (digital audio workstation)
The sounds we were going to try and produce was the sounds of our various characters getting hit by various blunt objects or getting shot, there was also the matter of producing the sound of a crowd chanting various non-propaganda like chants which was […]

Aggressive Bystander – Voice-Overs
This week I’ve been focused on getting some voice-overs done for our game, voice-overs are essentially all of the sounds that can’t be produced using sound effects and digital tools in a DAW (digital audio workstation)
The sounds we were going to try and produce was the sounds of our various characters getting hit by various blunt objects or getting shot, there was also the matter of producing the sound of a crowd chanting various non-propaganda like chants which was […]

Aggressive Bystander – Voice-Overs
This week I’ve been focused on getting some voice-overs done for our game, voice-overs are essentially all of the sounds that can’t be produced using sound effects and digital tools in a DAW (digital audio workstation)
The sounds we were going to try and produce was the sounds of our various characters getting hit by various blunt objects or getting shot, there was also the matter of producing the sound of a crowd chanting various non-propaganda like chants which was […]

Aggressive Bystander – Voice-Overs
This week I’ve been focused on getting some voice-overs done for our game, voice-overs are essentially all of the sounds that can’t be produced using sound effects and digital tools in a DAW (digital audio workstation)
The sounds we were going to try and produce was the sounds of our various characters getting hit by various blunt objects or getting shot, there was also the matter of producing the sound of a crowd chanting various non-propaganda like chants which was […]

Artifact : SoundManager
The soundmanager is an essential part of the game. and required to play both sound effect and music. It allows for in the code easily use the soundmanager and call its play function with the given path parameter. if such a sound has already been played it will simply play the sound. otherwise it will add the sound before playing it. more details on this in the next section with how it was made.
The SoundManager I’ve created is done by […]

Artifact : SoundManager
The soundmanager is an essential part of the game. and required to play both sound effect and music. It allows for in the code easily use the soundmanager and call its play function with the given path parameter. if such a sound has already been played it will simply play the sound. otherwise it will add the sound before playing it. more details on this in the next section with how it was made.
The SoundManager I’ve created is done by […]

Escape – Group 4 – Week 7 – Level Editing
After a few delays, the lead programmer gave the “ok” to start using his level editor for the project. As per the SCRUM-meeting for the week, I took on the task of using the editor to build all planned levels. Little did I know what lied in wait for me.
Using the editor and building the levels (or “sectors”, as we call them for this project), goes like this:
A mockup of the level done by the graphics designers is loaded as […]

Escape – Group 4 – Week 7 – Level Editing
After a few delays, the lead programmer gave the “ok” to start using his level editor for the project. As per the SCRUM-meeting for the week, I took on the task of using the editor to build all planned levels. Little did I know what lied in wait for me.
Using the editor and building the levels (or “sectors”, as we call them for this project), goes like this:
A mockup of the level done by the graphics designers is loaded as […]

2014-03-06 Fourth Artifact
This week I have been working on creating and implementing a working enemy movement pattern and a way for waves of enemies to spawn. I will try to do an explanation of how I created the enemy waves in this blog post.
I started off with creating a class called EnemyWaves. This class would keep track on the player movement distance and then alarm the enemies that they will spawn when the player had moved a certain distance. Therefore I included […]

2014-03-06 Fourth Artifact
This week I have been working on creating and implementing a working enemy movement pattern and a way for waves of enemies to spawn. I will try to do an explanation of how I created the enemy waves in this blog post.
I started off with creating a class called EnemyWaves. This class would keep track on the player movement distance and then alarm the enemies that they will spawn when the player had moved a certain distance. Therefore I included […]