Daily Archives: March 6, 2014

Haunted Light – Button class
This time I’ll be talking about a simple Button-class that I created this weak and the planning involved around it.
When I was thinking this through and listing everything I needed for the class to do what we want it to do, I planned it to be unnecessarily complicated. How I planned it was that it would be very similar to SFML’s own Sprite class. By creating 4 points, or verticies, they dictate the buttons size and then we could […]

Haunted Light – Button class
This time I’ll be talking about a simple Button-class that I created this weak and the planning involved around it.
When I was thinking this through and listing everything I needed for the class to do what we want it to do, I planned it to be unnecessarily complicated. How I planned it was that it would be very similar to SFML’s own Sprite class. By creating 4 points, or verticies, they dictate the buttons size and then we could […]

Terminal: Fly City
After the Alpha we felt that we really wanted to have a main menu for the Beta presentation and moved it up on our priority list. I started right away with doing some really fast sketches, trying to explore different ideas and layouts. Some ideas that we had did not fit the game we are creating, for instance, we had an idea of the interrogation room where the game starts, with a flickering lamp. This put on paper looked […]

Terminal: Fly City
After the Alpha we felt that we really wanted to have a main menu for the Beta presentation and moved it up on our priority list. I started right away with doing some really fast sketches, trying to explore different ideas and layouts. Some ideas that we had did not fit the game we are creating, for instance, we had an idea of the interrogation room where the game starts, with a flickering lamp. This put on paper looked […]

Week 7 – With Intent
There isn’t much I can write about this week, since I got a sudden call this Tuesday. I’ll be taking the ferry back to the mainland tomorrow afternoon, I’ll earn some money from it and the traveling expenses is being paid, I couldn’t really pass up on that now could I?
During the last weekend and into Monday, I’ve been working on the Collision Manager, Unlike the first version of the collision manager that took 2 arguments (position and radius), the […]

Week 7 – With Intent
There isn’t much I can write about this week, since I got a sudden call this Tuesday. I’ll be taking the ferry back to the mainland tomorrow afternoon, I’ll earn some money from it and the traveling expenses is being paid, I couldn’t really pass up on that now could I?
During the last weekend and into Monday, I’ve been working on the Collision Manager, Unlike the first version of the collision manager that took 2 arguments (position and radius), the […]

University Projects: Level 1 Design
Hello everyone!
This week, I’ve been working on finalizing the first level in our game. This was interesting because I got to work from the ground up, starting out with the basic design, getting started on environmental design, finishing it, designing the puzzles intended for the map and then finishing the details of it all.
So Level 1s design is based around a library. The reason for using a library was both that it was easy to design multiple encounters all in […]

University Projects: Level 1 Design
Hello everyone!
This week, I’ve been working on finalizing the first level in our game. This was interesting because I got to work from the ground up, starting out with the basic design, getting started on environmental design, finishing it, designing the puzzles intended for the map and then finishing the details of it all.
So Level 1s design is based around a library. The reason for using a library was both that it was easy to design multiple encounters all in […]

Game configurations
Today I am going to talk about game configurations and how they were implemented in the project. A configuration file is just a ordinary text file with game information that is loaded into the game. But I am not doing this the ordinary way, I am using something much better.We start of this post by asking ourselves a question.
Why do we need configurations?Every game needs some sort of configuration to make it easier to change things on demand and making it […]

Game configurations
Today I am going to talk about game configurations and how they were implemented in the project. A configuration file is just a ordinary text file with game information that is loaded into the game. But I am not doing this the ordinary way, I am using something much better.We start of this post by asking ourselves a question.
Why do we need configurations?Every game needs some sort of configuration to make it easier to change things on demand and making it […]
Animations and life
To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. – Oscar Wilde
What is life without motion? What is motion without joy? What is joy without soul?
In the beginning of development to our game (http://lindermeister.wordpress.com/2014/02/01/week-2-of-game-development/) we didn’t lay so much emphasize on animation. Me personally thought that as it was a top down shooter, animation would come in fourth place as it isn’t very detailed animations you can do. We don’t have those […]
Animations and life
To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. – Oscar Wilde
What is life without motion? What is motion without joy? What is joy without soul?
In the beginning of development to our game (http://lindermeister.wordpress.com/2014/02/01/week-2-of-game-development/) we didn’t lay so much emphasize on animation. Me personally thought that as it was a top down shooter, animation would come in fourth place as it isn’t very detailed animations you can do. We don’t have those […]

Reflektion av veckans arbete: Vecka 4
Denna vecka har jag jobbat med ett nytt enemy koncept för spelets lite mörkare delar. Det ska vara mer djupvattenfiskar som i min åsikt är rätt fula, men kul att teckna. Jag samlade lite inspiration genom att googla deep water fish innan jag började. Det finns diverse olika fula fiskar i havet tydligen men jag fann inspiration ifrån http://seavenger.info/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/hatchet11.jpg men jag trappade ner det fula en del, och detaljer för att det skulle funka mer med vår grafiska bit. […]

Reflektion av veckans arbete: Vecka 4
Denna vecka har jag jobbat med ett nytt enemy koncept för spelets lite mörkare delar. Det ska vara mer djupvattenfiskar som i min åsikt är rätt fula, men kul att teckna. Jag samlade lite inspiration genom att googla deep water fish innan jag började. Det finns diverse olika fula fiskar i havet tydligen men jag fann inspiration ifrån http://seavenger.info/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/hatchet11.jpg men jag trappade ner det fula en del, och detaljer för att det skulle funka mer med vår grafiska bit. […]

Loading screen; presenting with style
I’m starting to feel, that I’m running out of things to write about, since most of the assets I create are very similar, and I feel that such posts would benefit noone.
At this point in the project, we’ve come to a place where we don’t have much to do, graphically. It’s mostly just finishing up and refining what we have and adding extras. One of those extras, we realized, was a loading/splash screen. Looking at our usual style-guide (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBgghnQF6E4), we […]

Loading screen; presenting with style
I’m starting to feel, that I’m running out of things to write about, since most of the assets I create are very similar, and I feel that such posts would benefit noone.
At this point in the project, we’ve come to a place where we don’t have much to do, graphically. It’s mostly just finishing up and refining what we have and adding extras. One of those extras, we realized, was a loading/splash screen. Looking at our usual style-guide (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBgghnQF6E4), we […]

Problem solved! Next Mission: WeaponManager and EquipManager
This week I will start with some good professional work:
During this past week I have gotten the WeaponManager to correctly work.
In order to make the std::map in my favor I needed the pointer* in the class I wanted to use weapon to make a new weapon and a new weaponManager.
Like this bellow as you can see I have added a Weapon* pointer in order to even find the data I thought was there to begin with.
You hit and miss sometimes […]

Problem solved! Next Mission: WeaponManager and EquipManager
This week I will start with some good professional work:
During this past week I have gotten the WeaponManager to correctly work.
In order to make the std::map in my favor I needed the pointer* in the class I wanted to use weapon to make a new weapon and a new weaponManager.
Like this bellow as you can see I have added a Weapon* pointer in order to even find the data I thought was there to begin with.
You hit and miss sometimes […]

Game Project Week 7 – Textures
So it’s week 7 of our game project and it’s time for another blog post, this week I have continued my work on the graphics for the rooms. We decided to go for another texture for the walls because its resolution was too low and some of the details on the texture were a bit blurry, due to that I started this week by making a new texture. You can see a comparison of the old and new texture further down on the page.
I started by adding the different lines on to the main texture, on one […]

Game Project Week 7 – Textures
So it’s week 7 of our game project and it’s time for another blog post, this week I have continued my work on the graphics for the rooms. We decided to go for another texture for the walls because its resolution was too low and some of the details on the texture were a bit blurry, due to that I started this week by making a new texture. You can see a comparison of the old and new texture further down on the page.
I started by adding the different lines on to the main texture, on one […]

Project – Week 5
It’s getting closer to the second playtesting session and the Beta, and I’ve continued working on character animation this week. It’s been a bit tougher this week though, especially with the task I’m currently working on: the main character’s death animation.
In the game you can be shot down by guards if you’re spotted while sneaking around, and the player doesn’t have any HP so being shot equals death and game over.
So the animation has to show (clearly) that the player […]

Project – Week 5
It’s getting closer to the second playtesting session and the Beta, and I’ve continued working on character animation this week. It’s been a bit tougher this week though, especially with the task I’m currently working on: the main character’s death animation.
In the game you can be shot down by guards if you’re spotted while sneaking around, and the player doesn’t have any HP so being shot equals death and game over.
So the animation has to show (clearly) that the player […]

Project – Week 5
It’s getting closer to the second playtesting session and the Beta, and I’ve continued working on character animation this week. It’s been a bit tougher this week though, especially with the task I’m currently working on: the main character’s death animation.
In the game you can be shot down by guards if you’re spotted while sneaking around, and the player doesn’t have any HP so being shot equals death and game over.
So the animation has to show (clearly) that the player […]

Project – Week 5
It’s getting closer to the second playtesting session and the Beta, and I’ve continued working on character animation this week. It’s been a bit tougher this week though, especially with the task I’m currently working on: the main character’s death animation.
In the game you can be shot down by guards if you’re spotted while sneaking around, and the player doesn’t have any HP so being shot equals death and game over.
So the animation has to show (clearly) that the player […]