Monthly Archives: February 2014

Arianas Travels

Since the 19th me and five others have been working parallel to another Game Programming II course is a course named Introduction to Game Development.
From now on I will be blogging about how my position as lead designer have taken it’s toll and what have been going to my mind during the choices we’ve taken.
The development went through picking a finished game design document, had a brainstorm about what the group was able to do and specifically me had to […]

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Program: Programming

Arianas Travels

Since the 19th me and five others have been working parallel to another Game Programming II course is a course named Introduction to Game Development.
From now on I will be blogging about how my position as lead designer have taken it’s toll and what have been going to my mind during the choices we’ve taken.
The development went through picking a finished game design document, had a brainstorm about what the group was able to do and specifically me had to […]

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Program: Programming

Arianas Travels

Since the 19th me and five others have been working parallel to another Game Programming II course is a course named Introduction to Game Development.
From now on I will be blogging about how my position as lead designer have taken it’s toll and what have been going to my mind during the choices we’ve taken.
The development went through picking a finished game design document, had a brainstorm about what the group was able to do and specifically me had to […]

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Program: Programming

Arianas Travels

Since the 19th me and five others have been working parallel to another Game Programming II course is a course named Introduction to Game Development.
From now on I will be blogging about how my position as lead designer have taken it’s toll and what have been going to my mind during the choices we’ve taken.
The development went through picking a finished game design document, had a brainstorm about what the group was able to do and specifically me had to […]

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Program: Programming


This week I started with the animations for our game, currently named Project Terminal, the actual drawing of the walkcycle took me about 11 hours, I had estimated it to take about 10 hours so I got pretty close. I did spend some additional time on work related to it, like taking reference photos to see how a walkcycle looks from above. The reference pictures were really helpful and I used them at first as a guide as to where […]

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Program: Graphics


This week I started with the animations for our game, currently named Project Terminal, the actual drawing of the walkcycle took me about 11 hours, I had estimated it to take about 10 hours so I got pretty close. I did spend some additional time on work related to it, like taking reference photos to see how a walkcycle looks from above. The reference pictures were really helpful and I used them at first as a guide as to where […]

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Program: Graphics

more collisions

2014 02 06
I’ve been doing the collisions again.. The circle works fine, sort of. I have Three circles drawn. Two of them collide like they are supposed to. The third circle will not collide with any of the two colliding circles.
I also have Three rectangles. Same thing there, only two of the rectangles will collide.
I Think this has something to do with how I check for collisions. I now have two different std::vectors containing colliders, one for rectangle colliders and […]

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Program: Programming

more collisions

2014 02 06
I’ve been doing the collisions again.. The circle works fine, sort of. I have Three circles drawn. Two of them collide like they are supposed to. The third circle will not collide with any of the two colliding circles.
I also have Three rectangles. Same thing there, only two of the rectangles will collide.
I Think this has something to do with how I check for collisions. I now have two different std::vectors containing colliders, one for rectangle colliders and […]

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Program: Programming

So yeah… I’ve forgot about this blog for a while. So many other strange new places you have to write and commit. I get crazy by all this. However I’ve been programming more than ever lately. Now that the spritemanager and game object manager(which I kind of made) for our game was completed I really felt as if I could do something for the group, So I did! Been sitting at school until early in the morning the last few […]

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Program: Programming

So yeah… I’ve forgot about this blog for a while. So many other strange new places you have to write and commit. I get crazy by all this. However I’ve been programming more than ever lately. Now that the spritemanager and game object manager(which I kind of made) for our game was completed I really felt as if I could do something for the group, So I did! Been sitting at school until early in the morning the last few […]

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Program: Programming

Unnamed Fish Game BloggPost 3

Today I ran into some issues while trying to modify the code from the Platformer project we got during last course. The problem occured as the old code used SDL, and the new project is using SFML.
The issues I ran into here was that the Sprite works differently in these libraries, as of the SFML has one included and in SDL we created our own, This made several of the parameters for the function in need for change. as of […]

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Program: Programming

Unnamed Fish Game BloggPost 3

Today I ran into some issues while trying to modify the code from the Platformer project we got during last course. The problem occured as the old code used SDL, and the new project is using SFML.
The issues I ran into here was that the Sprite works differently in these libraries, as of the SFML has one included and in SDL we created our own, This made several of the parameters for the function in need for change. as of […]

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Program: Programming


Hello world, 
Today I have been creating a so called paralax by making the clouds move slightly depeding on in what direction the camera would move. I have attached the paralax to the camera rather than the player since there is a “safe area” where the player can move without having the field of view following (this is a side-scrolling 2d game).
I also put in a darker copy of the gameplay area (which has a silhuette of houses in the horizon) […]

/ Comments Off on 2012-02-06
Program: Programming


Hello world, 
Today I have been creating a so called paralax by making the clouds move slightly depeding on in what direction the camera would move. I have attached the paralax to the camera rather than the player since there is a “safe area” where the player can move without having the field of view following (this is a side-scrolling 2d game).
I also put in a darker copy of the gameplay area (which has a silhuette of houses in the horizon) […]

/ Comments Off on 2012-02-06
Program: Programming

Game dev – Milestone, playable game

The game is playable. It is a very simple version without almost all collision since that is not implemented yet. All code that makes the game playable is located within the engine but it will be broken up into the different states and managers as they start getting added.
I made a temporary collision code, as it was needed for collision between projectiles and enemies. It looks like this:

fDistanceX = fabs(m_xEnemies[k]->GetPos().x – m_xProjectiles[i]->GetPos().x);
fDistanceY = fabs(m_xEnemies[k]->GetPos().y – m_xProjectiles[i]->GetPos().y);
fDistanceTotal = sqrtf(fDistanceX*fDistanceX + fDistanceY*fDistanceY);
if(fDistanceTotal […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev – Milestone, playable game

The game is playable. It is a very simple version without almost all collision since that is not implemented yet. All code that makes the game playable is located within the engine but it will be broken up into the different states and managers as they start getting added.
I made a temporary collision code, as it was needed for collision between projectiles and enemies. It looks like this:

fDistanceX = fabs(m_xEnemies[k]->GetPos().x – m_xProjectiles[i]->GetPos().x);
fDistanceY = fabs(m_xEnemies[k]->GetPos().y – m_xProjectiles[i]->GetPos().y);
fDistanceTotal = sqrtf(fDistanceX*fDistanceX + fDistanceY*fDistanceY);
if(fDistanceTotal […]

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Program: Programming


Hello world, 
Today I have been creating a so called paralax by making the clouds move slightly depeding on in what direction the camera would move. I have attached the paralax to the camera rather than the player since there is a “safe area” where the player can move without having the field of view following (this is a side-scrolling 2d game).
I also put in a darker copy of the gameplay area (which has a silhuette of houses in the horizon) […]

/ Comments Off on 2012-02-06
Program: Programming


Hello world, 
Today I have been creating a so called paralax by making the clouds move slightly depeding on in what direction the camera would move. I have attached the paralax to the camera rather than the player since there is a “safe area” where the player can move without having the field of view following (this is a side-scrolling 2d game).
I also put in a darker copy of the gameplay area (which has a silhuette of houses in the horizon) […]

/ Comments Off on 2012-02-06
Program: Programming

Slow but good day

Today i continued work on my sprint, i now have player movement, sneaking and almost a working rotation by mouse. It was a slow day, i definetley think i could have worked better. 
I was delayed by having to re install Visual studio 2013 as my previous version was just a trial version. Wierd. 
Also there were only three of us in school today, and only one giving a reason for absence. We’re gonna have to talk abut this tomorrow.

February 06, 2014 / Comments Off on Slow but good day
Program: Programming

Slow but good day

Today i continued work on my sprint, i now have player movement, sneaking and almost a working rotation by mouse. It was a slow day, i definetley think i could have worked better. 
I was delayed by having to re install Visual studio 2013 as my previous version was just a trial version. Wierd. 
Also there were only three of us in school today, and only one giving a reason for absence. We’re gonna have to talk abut this tomorrow.

February 06, 2014 / Comments Off on Slow but good day
Program: Programming

Sprites, Animations and the Manager for them

So, what have I been doing since last update?
Well, I have been pretty sick for a while now so have not had the strength to code much but I have been working on our Sprite Manager and Animated Sprite. It think I got it working as I want J
The Sprite Manager loads and stores Textures. It also creates pointers to Sprites and Animated Sprites which other managers need. When an object asks for a Sprite or Animated Sprite the Sprite […]

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Program: Programming

Sprites, Animations and the Manager for them

So, what have I been doing since last update?
Well, I have been pretty sick for a while now so have not had the strength to code much but I have been working on our Sprite Manager and Animated Sprite. It think I got it working as I want J
The Sprite Manager loads and stores Textures. It also creates pointers to Sprites and Animated Sprites which other managers need. When an object asks for a Sprite or Animated Sprite the Sprite […]

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Program: Programming

Meeting, meeting, metting.

So it’s been a long time ago since wrote in this blog. So from Monday to Wednesday we have had four meetings. Monday we had a meeting with Finn Engström, we talked about how to better work in a group together. Not criticizes people based on no facts. Tell them what you think they are doing what you do not like. We should discuss in the group about how the dynamic is and what should change to make it better.
Tuesday […]

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Program: Programming

Meeting, meeting, metting.

So it’s been a long time ago since wrote in this blog. So from Monday to Wednesday we have had four meetings. Monday we had a meeting with Finn Engström, we talked about how to better work in a group together. Not criticizes people based on no facts. Tell them what you think they are doing what you do not like. We should discuss in the group about how the dynamic is and what should change to make it better.
Tuesday […]

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Program: Programming